What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

You can’t take streamers for their word, of course anyone that was there for vanilla will think it’s amazing playing it for a few days. Nostalgia and something different than what they’ve been experiencing in this downward slope that live has been.
Hell I’ll probably think it’s great at first but I literally can’t remember anything other than zg/za and the stv zones being enjoyable at least for me. But I’m pretty sure after a few weeks or few months that’ll all wear off.

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well gaming becomes an age old debate of quality or money. Same as franchises like say the MCU. When Vanilla came out it had issues, but was miles better than anything else out there and since then other games have copied a ton from Wow.

I also think when it comes to Wow or say Star wars you also hit the level of no matter what you put out everyone complains. Like seriously for every 5 fans that are happy with 1 change, you have 5 fans that hate it.

So who do you please? It’s like last jedi, for every comment i read how awful it was i read how great it was.

This right here though is current wows biggest issue, is that they cant admit when another game does something better then them. Like i would love if wow would just copy FF or ESO for their player housing already, or better yet copy FF crafting system.

I agree that how loot worked back then was better than how it is now but if you’re spoiled/entitled kid that started playing wow later than vanilla and never really experienced it you’re going to hate not getting loot for months.

That system made getting loot actually meaningful, being an end game raider everyone would notice your full set of gear/mounts/achieves etc. But most of the quality of life/improvements over the years will be gone and as far as the majority of the community that never get into mythic raiding. Well this is one of them.

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Yeah I agree, to me blizzard has catered too much to the casual. It needs to be scaled back to how it was or just tweak/tune it.
I’d get rid of lfr, titanforging, warforging isn’t as big an issue although killing heroic garrosh 65 x to see your weapon warforge once the last week before the next expansion sucks.
The free basically effortless loot you get just for logging in like that post I just posted above. The casual player base has it great but they want end game loot for doing casual meaningless content like that guy and his world quests.

I really do agree if you’re a casual player and the only content you do is normal and heroic raids you don’t deserve getting mythic ilvl gear. If you want to acquire that gear then get good, find a guild or a raid group of competent players to work together to acquire it. You don’t deserve 425 pieces for doing anything below mythic raids in my book.
I don’t mind how the mythic + system turned out but If they really want another option other than raiding then they should scale gear higher but you’d have to be doing like +20-25 keys to have a chance at a mythic ilvl piece in my opinion.
I did over 1600 mythic + dungeons the first 6 months of legion, we did mythic nighthold. The only upgrades I got from that raid were trinkets/tier. That shouldn’t happen.

Also if they were to keep titanforging a simple change that would be meaningful is to cap it. Lfr caps at normal base, normal to heroic base and heroic to mythic base but anything below mythic can’t titanforge or warforge past the next base ilvl.

thing is though armor does have it’s azerite traits which affect your performance as a dps healer or tank. So you may have an upgrade item level wise, but if you’re missing the trait you want then you still are looking for a better piece.

The difference for me when it comes to Star Wars is I take it to the games. All EA had to do to make a successful Battlefront game was introduce the exact same systems with some added flair from Battlefront 2 on Playstation. Have amazing space battles that players saw in the movies and be able to reenact with their favorite ships and be a part of their favorite battles.

What did they do?

Add a ton of monetization with loot boxes with no space combat. Something nobody asked for.

You could also look at another game that was originally going off the deep end with how much they changed the original reason people picked up their game. That being Resident Evil. They started adding in more action to the game rather than trying to create a scary experience of what it would be like to fight against hordes of zombies.

But when they released Resident Evil 7 and returned to form, the game blew up. And people loved it again.

The point I’m making is when people decide to get “cute” and want to try and change things up drastically that alter the original core ideology of what brought people to it to begin with, you begin to lose people.

AAA companies have been losing people due to their own greed. Which now there’s even a bill talking about banning loot boxes in games meant to be played by minors seeing that it’s pretty much gambling. And other companies that drift away from what made their franchise great are also losing people.

Am I saying that games can never evolve and change? Hell no. Not my stance at all. But when you ignore “why” people played your game to begin with when making a new installment, you just lose people.

i honestly don’t know enough about 14 or ESO to know if you’re right. I know 14 is beautiful but i can’t get into another mmo lol. I tried eso on xbox and felt bored honestly.

I play black desert casually but because the combat is awesome, but the game can get stale very fast.

I played the battlefront beta, I forgot about the game entirely after that.

ESO has a bigger store to nickel and dime everyone. Did you forget how they cheated people out of that expac content…something to do with the orcs…?

Oh by no means do i think FF is a saint, but i do acknowledge when they do something better, their crafting system and player home system i think is far better then what we have in wow.

I felt like the crazy old man sitting on the porch trying to warn my friends about Battlefront 2. Nobody believed me!

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I literally haven’t found another decent game to play in a hella long time. I wish I had another fps game to play when I needed a break, used to be really into the modern warfares of cod but ever since they went into black ops I can’t stand it.
When they revamped cod4 mw it got boring quick because with very few exceptions I can’t stand playing a game I’ve already beaten I guess you can say.
Dark souls/demon souls/red dead redemption/metal gear and a few others I can and have replayed many times over.

Right there with you.

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The only other game that I can play outside of wow, is the division (1). The reasons I don’t have the second one is I won’t pay $60 or more freaking dollars on a game, secondly…I’ve seen that it’s filled with toxic kids. Some of the pvp videos are cringe.

i dunno. The casual vs hardcore debate has been around for years. It’s like i get you don’t want someone to be say 425 like you if you’re doing mythic jaina but also when wow hit 15 years ago, at 22 my life was VERY different then now at 37.

I’m honestly only typing this because I’m off from work for a few weeks. I no longer have the time for a Wow day of sitting down for 8-10 hours leveling or raiding.

We raid each sat and sun from 9-11. Before i was in guilds that would raid like 3-4 nights for 3-4 hours. I don’t have it in me now raid as a part time job. But also like wtf my mistweaver alt is 390. I am TRYING to get to 400. Last Sunday i was literally in 10 different pugs for Heroic Bod. TEN!

Never made it past Grong. Like the average person can’t even do simple effing mechanics! Lol. And compared to older expansions,this is watered down! I joined a pug tomb of sarg run for transmog because i like the Xeun monk set.

How many pugs at 410 still can’t make it past maiden? MAIDEN!!! lol. But the average person i see bashing BGA and it’s content I’m like well besides 400 or 410 how many Heroic Jaina kills do you have? Crucible?

Have you cleared mythic jadefire or grong? Because a friend of mine not too long ago was breaking down the stats on mythic for legion then so far in bfa, the majority of the gamers paying for this game are not clearing that content lol.

My DH just hit 410 and I’m still trying to get aotc lol

2 is VERY fun, with a ton of content. But yeah you need to join a 4 man squad because solo it’s very boring

This, you see this crap right here, this is going to be the biggest shock to most people who think classic is going to be so amazing and its gonna be just like the good old days.

I have been saying it ever since it was announced. I loved classic, i played the crap outta classic, it was amazing. But the thing was, it came out when i was in highschool, when i could afford to devote 6+ hours a day to playing the game because i had no other responsibilities. Im an adult now, im 28, i dont have 6 hours a day to play this video game anymore. This is gonna be the real shocker for most people, is that they arnt kids anymore, they are adults with responsibilities.

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Yeah were currently working on jaina, I can also understand that you have a life/work and such but if you can’t put in the time/effort to find either a decent raiding group or guild then I still don’t think you deserve getting the same rewards to those that do.

It’s not hard to gear, legion for example I was fully mythic geared on my main. I ended up making a warrior alt cause they were hella op and fun to play. I played it for a maximum of a month, it surpassed my mains gear in 3 weeks and it was already out dpsing it also prior to outgearing it.

I was trying to think of a way to compare it to a console game where you’re only good enough to do the easy/normal difficulties but you want to get awarded for the hard difficulty. Well either get good or put more time into it like those that have.

The gear and casual/hardcore debate relates to a lot of things in life when you think about it. Take a look at the pay gap myth debate between men and women for example.

Well to be honest Bf2 did have a rough start i won’t debate that. However loot boxes never bothered me considering everything in the game could be earned. I still play bf 2 once a week. I love heroes and villains, the new maps, adding obi wan and grevious and the space battles can be a ton of fun.

Some maps like jakku look right out of episode 8 and it’s visually awesome in 4k. Re 7 was good and bad because people got used to 3rd, not 1st person, but i did like it.

The loot box thing, i mean if it’s cosmetic, that doesn’t bother me, If you want to spend an extra 10 bucks for a new skin, i can’t stop you. It’s your money even if i find it weird lol.

But wow classic or bfa or bc or wotlk. It’s still essentially the same mmo. You play a warr and tank or heal as a priest. You level cap then starting joining raids or join a guild.

Once you’re best in slot or have your tier set, you level an alt or just wait for a new expansion. I’ve seen in every expansion, some guilds eat the content in 2-3 months, then come back 6 months later.

A lot of people also play wow daily and hell i take breaks lol. This is why i have an xbox and beating halo wars 2