What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

Over in the classic forums, a debate over streamers has been raging as to how they will affect the classic experience. Head over and join us if you wish :slight_smile:

What does general chat think of Streamer’s like Asmongold and others trashing BFA while promoting classic? Instead of simply promoting classic, they are trying to tear down retail as well. They are constantly talking about how Blizzard ruined WoW, BFA is garbage, etc. It is a bit baffling. Blizzard has chosen these people to market classic by streaming the beta, yet these people are trashing Blizzard’s other part of WOW- Retail. You usually don’t see this, as in ever, from someone given privileges to market a company’s product. It seems to be incredibly detrimental to the perception of BFA. Since Blizzard is hoping people will try out both. BFA players give classic a whirl and some classic return players give BFA a whirl, I am puzzled by the streamer privilege here. Also puzzled as to why they can’t simply leave BFA alone and hype up classic. I am all for classic, but there’s no reason to trash on retail, I have fun flying around on a 110 rogue built for speed.

I am planning on playing classic, and I have played a bit of retail, but I don’t think there needs to be a war from either side. If people enjoy one, they can enjoy that without trashing the other side.

What do you guys think of this and the general streamer attitudes?


I really don’t care what streamers have to say about WoW. I’ve been having fun in BfA and that’s all that matters.


Can anymore damage really be done to BfA from what it already is? I’m sure Blizzard doesn’t care that they trash retail, they are selling and advertising classic for free, which brings in the same money as a BfA sub will.


They’re 100% within their right to give their feedback on the expansion. They don’t work for Blizzard, they just play the game. The only people that do are the ones that host the esports tournaments.

If they want to trash on it, then they have every right to do so if they think it’s a faulty product.


Who cares? People are allowed their opinions whether you agree with them or not. If you make a decision based simply on what they say without doing your own research then thats on you.


Streamers trash talking BFA is akin to walking past a man on fire and screaming “By jove there’s a man on fire!” Everyone already knows, you’re certainly not contributing but you’re not making things any worse either.


It’s their job to try and influence, we will have to see how much they adore it once its out.


Couldn’t care less who is/isn’t. :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


I’ve trashed BfA myself. I, however, am not on-board with the Classic Hype Train, so I don’t really care. I don’t watch streamers. The two games are a package-deal so it’s not as if one is going to be stealing subs from the other.


It’s good because they’ll drag all the idiots over to Classic with them and we won’t have to play with them in retail.


hahaha so true

So if you play Classic you’re an idiot? That’s a bad stance to make.


Did I say that? They’re going to ruin Classic for a lot of folks.


How so?

/10 char

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Streamers don’t mean a thing in the grand scheme of things.


I said this to a good friend of mine recently and i feel like it’s relevant here.

Classic being so popular is a referendum on retail and ther terrible design decisions they have made over the years. I wanna play an MMORPG again and BFA just isnt that. From ther removal of server and guild community to the removal of quirky flare classes and professions used to have. Its ok if you have to work for gear. It’s a good thing to not have everything handed to you with 0 effort. That is something retail had lost and Classic has.

I am glad streamers are trashing retail. Maybe ther devs will listen and give us an MMORPG to play again.


Toxic streamers attract toxic followers.


I don’t see how that’s any different from toxic players that make toxic guilds.

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bfa deserves to be trashed.

this is the worst gameplay of any expansion so far.

wod might have not had much to do, but at least classes felt good to play.


Is that what the streamers are looking for, though?

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