What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

And personally, I think that’s okay. I think a massive problem with games is that it’s meant to be for everyone to jump in and out. If you don’t have all day to do things, then it’s okay to have a story fleshed out in front of you over the course of multiple weeks to maybe even months. It means that you’ll have a different experience each time you log in, all the while watching your character grow and become strong.

Who cares? Honestly. Why does it affect me what others like? Even if they’re making dissenting comments towards what I like, I don’t really care, nor do I see a reason why others should either. Their opinions upon it aren’t going to magically shut down retail version.

Nothing? I just enjoy BFA.

If noone had an opinion there wouldn’t be a need for a forum.

I reached endgame on the first a kazillion times, and doing the same crap over and over is just not fun. It’s not like this game, where the world is bigger and you have tons of choices on how to start.

Thank you. I mean jesus i remember the days of hey guys let’s all get some pizza or taco bell and screw it, make a lan party and play halo 2 from 8 pm until 3 am haha. God how many of us would come over to my house, all had laptops, let’s do some bg’s in burning crusade and AV until 3 am!

Even on my days off from work, Friday i grab my check, knock out some bills, pick up my son from school at 230. Ok let’s get our allergy shots, ok then hey new godzilla came out! See that at 4 pm, 2 hour film, plus previews, done at 630. Hey need to stop at walmart get some cat food, laundry soap, let’s grab dinner.

Home by 730? Oh yeah Saturday morning i need to be up for work at 6am. That’s an average Friday. Have tuesdays off, i mean who knows, car needs oil change, gotta mow the yard, it’s been raining for 3 weeks lmao. Gotta do some jogging today, hey new game of thrones came out, can’t miss that.

This is the most i’ve played in about 3 years lol and only because I just had surgery. That’s why our raid nights are sat sun from 9-11. I mean i could hop on at 5 pm when i get home, but you know, gotta shower, vacuum etc.

Monkenpoo, what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? You seem like a nice person, but you seem to be on some crusade against streamers. You have made a number of threads in the Classic forums recently with what seems to be the intent of turning as much of the player base against them as you can.

Seriously, what is your end goal here? What are you hoping to accomplish? What are you trying to accomplish? It seems that your goal is to stir up hate towards a group of people that you obviously have issues with.

You have been in the Classic forums stirring up the nest, now you come here trying to do the same. No matter if you like it, or if I like it, streamers are more than likely here to stay and how exactly are they bothering you personally? Because they got in a beta and you didn’t? Because they somehow could get in the game when none of us could that first stress test? You know what, I was a bit annoyed that first stress test also. But here’s the thing, you are directing your hate in the wrong place.

It’s just too much in my opinion. It’s like these guys have had to take all the flack because how dare they play a game before some of us get to. They take flack from people like you. It may sound like I’m defending the streamers, I’m not. I could care less if it’s a streamer or a person I meet in a game, to direct hate and try to bring others along with you just isn’t cool when these people aren’t doing a single thing to you personally.

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I do agree that blindly following some idiot streamer isn’t a great way to judge a game. When ever I watch a streamer it’s usually just to chill or if It’s a game I’m interested in I watch the actual game play and not the streamer.

The problem with loot boxes is that the developers always make sure that if you want to earn it, you have to pretty much go through a rough experience. You can farm for what was it? 40-80 hours to unlock vader or something like that? Or, you could just pay me 80 bucks. I can never really agree with systems like that. They’re not even DLC. Companies expect me and many others to not only buy their game, but spend additional money on things that should be unlocked through gameplay.

For instances like the game I currently play, Monster Hunter: World, the upcoming pack that they’re adding is called Iceborne gives me several new zones, new monsters to fight, new mechanics to my weapons, new armor and weapons ect. ect. Which I can accept. They gave me a quality product and are making a more to add on to the game? I open up my wallet. At least that’s my philosophy when picking up games.

But back to WoW, Vanilla is almost polar opposite of what BFA is. In pretty much every aspect. For me to go over everything would be a massive post that might as well be a thread on its own. But I think of BFA as a game that’s worried way too much about the destination. While Vanilla was more concerned about the journey.

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Also hi Haavi! I see you typing there ^.^

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and it is a hard balance of work/life and raiding. Also having a guild that we’re all casual but very good players. But asking most people to raid 4 nights a week is a lot. Considering most of us are 2 nights we’re doing fantastic imo.

But also my point was, in all fairness how like, well dumb the average person is lol. Like these heroic bod fights are NOT hard, and again after doing last sunday 10 failed pugs in a row who can’t get a specter on grong and pick up an orb, i mean wtf?

The thing better about console games is when i get home, if i have 10 mins or an hour i can pop in red dead 2 and just play. I’m not worrying about time or gear score or looking up fights.

But i also don’t have to rely on 15 other people to not be idiots.

People tend to forget in classic wow. Raids were 40 man! I can’t get 12 people to kill a dam ape

Honestly speaking, if that is their opinion and that is their medium then and it’s allowed within the ToS that they are bound under then all is fair.

They don’t have to speak well about BfA if they think something is handled better in Classic.
It all depends on their opinion and how they want to express it. People like Crendor have been favourable to Classic whilst still saying “I enjoy playing BfA, but this is what I think of Classic”

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I raid 2 nights 8 hrs a week, my work life is about to change but I don’t see an issue finding another guild if need be to still clear end game content.

There are incompetent players in my guild also but if that’s an issue it sounds more like bad leadership holding onto players that aren’t carrying their own weight or not enough of a bench or effort in recruiting so you have reliable people available.

Played both games lol yeah right there barely people playing those vs WoW.

yeah i forgot the exact time for vader. but i bought the game day 1, i bought him within a week lol and i wasn’t playing 5 hours a day. But also it becomes like wow. Ok we have a shooter. Within the first 3 weeks i unlocked every chaarcter, every skin, every map.

I’m bored. I mean for me it took months to unlock every character and i was fine with that and i wasn’t playing daily. It’s dam sure a weird scale. I mean if YOU want to spend 100 bucks and unlock the cast, you can. I won’t.

and i just beat MHW because i love the witcher, awesome seeing geralt in mh. But even mh, that game is vastly different than a year ago. I will be fine with jumping into their new dlc.

But in the sense the game was very limited. Very few zones, the weapons were similar and grinding the same bosses over and over again for cosmetic gear. I love my dragoon set, but i felt the same as playing wow for the most part.

Overall what i see different in classic for now is just time. Classic or bfa. One is 60, one is 120. You still need to hit cap and gear up and do it with a guild. Classic didn’t have WQ, it was WAY harder to make gold in classic lol and god pvp was very awful.

It’s why i still hate rogues to this day as someone who mained a warlock

Hello friend :smiley:

Yeah over the years I’ve learned that depending on other people is a bad choice and usually overcompensate to try and fill in the gap but that’s not really possible. If you want to clear end game content you need to have a group of people that can carry their own weight at minimum.

That’s why there’s usually an average pull # per boss but nobodies the same when it comes to learning. Some/most may need more pulls to fully understand a fight.

Then don’t play with them.

Problem solved. Why the need to constantly be making this a much bigger issue than it really is?

i mean i don’t think 4 hours is too bad, depending on schedule. My bad players just comes down to pugging the nights we don’t raid. We have a very solid group and keep adding new people.

But it is hard balance new players this late into the expansion and being strict. Myself or my gm knows life happens and some nights we have 15 on, some nights we need to pug 3 or 4.

At this point i love the guild for the social aspect. Very good down to earth people who don’t have an elitist mentality

it is a VERY hard balance. But i guess i was just saying the average player claims they burn out of the content but their still in Normal gear and have no heroic runs done. Not all but a lot.

I would love to kill mythic jaina, but then i know i would probably need to join people a lot more hardcore then i want to be right now.