What does general think of Streamer's promoting classic while trashing BFA? :(

Sounds good.

Crap…i just realized something, when ever someone would say “OH MAN X IS GONNA BE A WOW KILLER” it never was, and the thing we would always say was that, "the only thing that will kill wow is itself.

Well here we are with classic, inb4 wow kills itself by players flooding to classic and leaving retail in the dust.

Eh, they’ll return. They always return.

We’ll have to see but I personally hope that it doesn’t kill retail. I’ve already been through these stories in the past. I want to see Blizzard wake up and actually make decisions based on fun instead of looking at a chart and trying to create a metric for “fun”.

But if they’re incapable of doing that then so be it. I’ll be in Classic.

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If anything what this is going to HOPEFULLY DO, is spur a lot of people to be more vocal about bringing back old mechanics that did not need to be changed and really added depth to the game.

Mostly i would like to see prof. come back in the way they used to be, I would like to see the difficulty of dungeons return, the gearing for classic return, the stats return where you actually had to manage your character like a DND character not just oh its plate toss it on.

This has been said already, but even if every streamer on Twitch–literally every one–trashed BFA it couldn’t be worse than what Blizzard did to BFA.

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I want gear to actually matter again as well, not have it like now where blues and purples are handed out like candy. I want to do high level content for those pieces and have them actually mean something


100% with you. Classic is going to be decision of where the future of WoW goes. It may even be bigger than that and affect how games are looked at all together. Because it seems that many companies are only out for greed right now and have forgotten how to make good games. Each time a remake from past successful games are made it’s a massive success.

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with you there i miss the days when BiS was not always going to be a purple. Lest we forget the might lufa that was one of the best pvp trinkets in the game for the loggest time.

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to be fair though each piece of azerite gear does have traits that in certain situations can be nice. Like you could in theory have a set for dungeons then one for raiding and one for doing wq and even expeditions.

Also with scrapping the mats help out in a ton of professions. I just got inscription up.

Who cares about the streamers, watch the game content and decide for your self. I personally think the majority of the player base will hate classic if they’ve already experienced live.
The slow game play, no instant gratification, waiting months for loot/upgrades, quality of life improvements/enhancements that had been introduced over the years “being able to track quests instead of relying on reading the actual quest or using a 3rd party site which most of you lets be honest don’t know how to do since you still ask in trade chat”.

People that got into beta test it that never experienced vanilla already complained about how slow the game play was and a bunch of things they thought were bugs but weren’t. Can look up that blue post from like a month ago.

Personally I’m looking forward to classic just to hear all the people that are hyping it up to fall flat on their face excluding the old timers that were there for vanilla and the hardcore raiders planning on clearing naxx and such.

But most of all I look forward to making peoples experience of leveling a nightmare as I didn’t get to experience much of the roguecraft days back in vanilla but I will this time around. Hope you work on your cardio as you’ll need it to run back from the spirit healer for hours on end.

uesfullness of the gear is not really the point, its the frequency at which epic is handed out.

This I miss the most Artrin, gear/mounts/achieves used to matter and people would notice if you were decked out or on the end game raid mount etc.

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Same, back when if you saw someone in grand marshal or hell if you saw someone in full D2 set you were like…damn son…nice.

That’s debatable, if you’re talking about like super great games like red dead redemption or something of the like then yes it was a great game to begin with. Vanilla wasn’t a great game to begin with, it was one of the better options for mmos when it came out yes but it was by no means a great game until bc.
It was only great because you were experiencing everything for the first time and it’s all nostalgia.

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yeah but to get certain azerite traits you can spend some time on. Not to mention getting 6k residium for that certain piece takes some time. You cant just buy 415 gear in a week. Then the lesser ones are 415 but the traits are random.

I doubt it’ll kill live, I’m sure it’ll be more like a 50/50 or 80/20 time investment for most. There’s going to be outliers obviously, old timers that were there for vanilla that plan on clearing naxx or what have you. Also the people that say it’s going to be amazing but never experienced it in vanilla.

i would agree with you. I mean i left ff11 for wow so it was way better lol but all the Vanilla issues, try being a ret paladin or you had to be a holy paladin wearing cloth gear since no plate had int on it.

it wasn’t all bad by any means but people take for granted a lot of things they added each expansion

Are most of the gaming companies out for greed debatable? Right now I don’t think so. But the thing is what gaming has become from what it was is night and day. They’re trying hard to focus on getting as much money out of their consumers instead of trying to create a quality experience.

I personally have the belief that Vanilla was a great game. Because if it wasn’t, people would say that it was trash and replaying it on Beta would only confirm that for them. Even Venruki who was pretty hellbent on Classic not being good a good experience overall changed his tune about it.

At the end of the day people play good games. If Vanilla wasn’t good, then people wouldn’t even be interested in playing it to begin with.

These are all good things.

Ask yourself what purpose do items serve in retail? Armor is mostly cosmetic and upgrades are, well, handed out like candy and have no real felt impact. The fast-paced nature of retail is a bad thing–an explosion of white and yellow numbers along with particles everywhere are just a mess, and absolute mess. What, exactly, is your character doing?