What an in-game LGBT pride event could look like

It’s been some time since I was in sex-ed. If I remember right it was more about procreation and sexually transmitted diseases. Far less about the act of sex itself. Even then parents complain.

Victim play is so unbecoming.

Then that is your choice, not something that was told for you to do.

I love it when people use science and facts to argue their point while disregarding science and facts


Go on, what was disregarded.

OP has been doing it for the last year with this toon and his orc hunter

To give a more serious response to you. Yes Heterosexual relationships are “taught” it’s not just ‘biology and instinct’. While that also does probably play a factor. Parents do teach their kiddos Heterosexual relations.


why? science and facts explain straight attraction as well as gay attraction. Or do you live in a glass house and believe that it only applies to one of them?


I’m going to make it very clear before I say this, I won’t stop what people feel, and if they feel they are not Heterosexual, that’s entirely up to them and their lives is for them; Maybe they should teach the future generation they have the capability of being what ever sex and attraction they choose, but at the cost of natural reproduction, but that is off topic and I will have to digress.

Above response applies to your point.

Natural reprodruction still does happen even between LGBT+ relationships. An LGBT+ relationship isn’t going to destroy that. ^

No it will not, but asking for special attention for the sake of that community is disproportionate to the rest of non LGTBQ etc whatever you guys acronym now.

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That’s a bit extreme, of course it won’t destroy our natural instincts.

“Everybody is out to get mee” victim mentality. Some people have that issue some don’t. It’s quite sad to see.

That’s great!

or they could do it now I dunno /shrug

It’s all about survival, isn’t it?

I know I’m being coy but I just can’t bring myself to take this argument seriously.

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LGBT+, LGBTQIA+ The LGBT, LGBTQ. Any offset of that works.
I mostly use LGBT+ it’s just simple that way.
I don’t think have an ingame pride event to celebates the gays, the theys, and every other subset would really do much harm. I understand though on both sides of the argument of how this event could also be negative as well.

Should be advocating for a Humanity pride, that’s true equality.

Why Pride when there is no oppression?

This is the problem, there is no homophobia in WoW, to bring Pride in is breaking the story. There are plenty who have their own events which don’t interfere with the story.

If you care, run your own, or join one that is existing, it’s really that easy. But expecting something because of your chosen gender in a game just for the sake of it is silly.

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I think community driven pride events would be stronger, healthier and more successful overall than any mandated holiday system Blizzard would put in the game themselves.

But that’s just my opinion


And they are!

Been to a few and they are all about the love!

But some people want to push it too far, and really it’s sad for the communities that actually do it well.

I suppose this statement is true. But at the same time it’d be nice to see. _o.o_/

And then it never stops, every group wants something.

So your selfishness precludes common sense? Not trying to be short here, but that’s what you are saying.