What an in-game LGBT pride event could look like

That’s because it is. He posts this exact same thread like once a week now. IDK how he hasn’t been banned yet.


Just a very good troll.

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There are plenty of English spoken words that you can’t use on these forums or directed at an individual.

You know as well as anyone else on these forums that homophobe is not always used correctly, often used simply when someone disagrees. In that case it would be a slang of a sort used for attacking someone.

You really did, I may have not been perfect with my definition but I made it clear that in that case the use of phobia means something else.

The issue still stands, can the manner in which homophobe and it’s variation is used to call out someone be considered harassment?

Yeah not sure how promoting a pride event in-game is making anyone hate on the lgbt community. If that’s true, those people were already hateful to begin with and nothing would have changed that.

idk i swing both ways and never thought about having a pride event in a video game. or even been to one. and we aren’t penguins most of us wont have life partners hahahaah. as much as people talk about this stuff we seem pretty free? hahaha

opens thread

ignored content

ahhhh…life is good

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You already made it clear that there is no homophobia in the WoW universe there for no need for a pride event.

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How about no.


You think gay people should be banned for using the most common term to refer to haters of gay people?! I think the homophobes are a much bigger problem!

You sir and your use of the term are a good example of it being used as an attack. Just about everyone that disagrees with you is a homophobe some how, even if it’s someone from the LGBTQ community.

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Why is there straight couples in the game? Yes. More LGBT+.


Phobia’s are not just a ‘mental health’ issue. They can be perfectly normal irrational fears, though Phobias do tie into things such as Anxiety, they are not just ‘tied’ together so to speak. Calling someone a Homophobe when they try to attack the LGBT+is not ‘harassment’. This was kind of a bad take in retrospect.

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Now that does not tie together. But yes, I am aware the mental health issues are not always present.

Was I specific about when someone attacks the LGBTQ? May want to reread it, I was more specific on the abuse of the word when people simply disagree. How the term is used as an attack, like name calling, not simply in the defense of being attacked.

I was meaning to say that Phobias have been ‘normalized’ so to speak. I worded it a bit wrong on that behalf.

I’ve never once seen someone use the term ‘homophobia/homophobic’ used against people who just disagree. Generally saying people who tend to disagree with the LGBT+ and the likes end up hating and or discriminating the LGBT+. Therefore rightfully they are called a homophobe.

Either way it still basically name calling. It has a negative tone to it if it’s justified or not.

Well it happens. Happens probably more times then it can be proven an accurate use of the term.

Still no one seems to want to truly just answer the question. If you misuse the word homophobe to attack someone is it harassment?

I use it a lot because there are a lot of homophobes, and many different types of homophobic opinions!

One example is when people think that while heterosexual relationships in media are acceptable to show to people of all ages, homosexual relationships should only be shown in content intended for adults. A lot of people think that, and it absolutely is a homophobic opinion held only by homophobic people!

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Or when people will teach Heterosexual relationships to children, but get upset if a Homosexual relationship is also explained to children. With the age-old argument of.

“They’re too young to know that!”


Progress don’t happen over night, or sometimes even in a life time. Name calling will probably not speed it up any.

They don’t teach them, its biology and instinct; how do you think this race survived for 300,000 years before written language, 5 Million if you count what this race was before.

edit: had to correct the age of the human race.

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I guess it’s not in my my biology and instinct to reproduce then because I started gay, and I plan on ending the saga gay too.

Aw. Anyways.

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