What an in-game LGBT pride event could look like

why would that be bad?

Teaching now is the future generation, duh.

It has already happened. As a father of 4 my 2 youngest are LGBTQ. I was an open parent, I talked to them but I did not influence them one way or another. Other then what they may witness from me, sad to say not much to witness. Yet they both at the very least played around with LGBTQ. My guess is peer pressure and social media, not sure what one has more influence now a days but that’s my take.

Generations now and future have all they need to be informed. It’s clear most younger people it’s just normal life. A few more decades and there will be little to no reason to have these discussions. That is a very short time for human change.

Is it selfish to want to be represented? I agreed with your statement, and was responding coordially in a way of “It’d be a nice dream to be represented in WoW.” regardless if Homophobia or not exists.

I don’t understand the passive aggressiveness on the subject.

Were you here for BLM? They wanted fundraising, that’s a big one from recently.

Then you get every cause every month. People pushing for an item because they are X. You’ve been to the forums yeah? Even putting out a charity pet is wrong here. So when you make in game stuff for Pride, you now risk as a company being called out for not supporting say Alzheimer’s month.

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I’m straight and I’m not asking for anything special in the game. Nor would I get anything.
Neither should you.

Equality is a nasty thing, isn’t?

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Tell me again how in a video game where this is no homophobia, where pride fits?

I feel like I have “T” alked to you before about this specifically. How do you know people’s orientations in life? In the game same question. We meet thousands of NPCs, most who ask you to complete a task, how do you know they are not LGBT?

Like in life, not everyone needs a back story, and if your sexual preference/gender choice is the only notable thing about you, I am legitimately sad for you.


I guess start feeling sad because my only personality trait is being gay and happy. Woes as me.

I’m straight and white. So I’m sure that makes me a bad guy of some sort.

Well maybe it’s time for blizzard to expand and make more in game holidays. I wouldn’t mind seeing a new holiday more frequently. Plus they bring the community together and are usually filled with fun activities. You are only thinking of worse case scenarios and negative thoughts. Be positive! Good things can come from this!

Nope. I respect you for being straight. Nobody should be hated for liking who they like.


Indeed. They absolutely never should. <3 my old boomer heart.

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yea, i’m good, thanks

Listen when you decided to say that adding homophobia was a good idea earlier, you pretty much lost the right to talk…

Unless you want to address that elephant in the room, here I’ll bring you back:

So, again, how does it fit? Unless they add hate, which makes zero sense to anyone but you. Only you matter, it’s abundantly clear.

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I think that’s an automatic homophobe on these forums.


No? You’re not a homophobe for being white or straight. Unless you yourself are hating on LGBT+ people. You’re not a homophobe.


I’ve already told you my views and I’m not going to sit here going in a circle with you. You already labeled me a troll, so no matter what I say, you’re not going to accept it, so why bother? I get the feeling you enjoy arguing with others.

People love to make it about themselves though. It’s their psychology at place.

Accuse everyone of playing victim while doing exactly that. I just wish more people had the capacity to self reflect more often.


It is the WoW forums, not sure it matters what anyone thinks.

So how about this scenario: I hate it when LGBTQ want in game events specifically for LGBTQ. In real life I support LGBTQ. What am I?

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No you didn’t you replied with nothing burgers. I understand it’s tough for you to remember all the post you put up there here were your non answers:

That was your reply which didn’t address the thing you supported which was this:

That right there is asking for homophobia to be added so Pride would fit.

That was your reply. So either you lack reading comprehension, or you are willfully ignoring what this person actually asked for when you replied back:

When I called this out, instead of reading the actual post you cosigned it saying hey you are right… then pleaded ignorance.

Bad faith again. I often wonder how you conveniently forget everything you type when it’s so easy to quote you.

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I think it was more interesting that Tuullnn said homophobia obviously wouldn’t exist in game. Yet he wants a pride event, but what purpose would there be without the homophobia? He won’t answer that question, cuz either he has to admit no reason for a pride event or that he want’s homophobia added to the game so there can be a pride event.

If he responds it will be some generic response like: I think a pride event would be positive for the community and offer inclusion and representation.