We're screwed

That council only seems to care about raiding and cosmetics. Who gives a flying F about more mounts, cosmetics and achievements. The game is already SATURATED with all that nonsense.

mounts and cosmetics are insanely good at forcing participation from people who wouldn’t play otherwise which is basically the only way you’re gonna get more than the 20,000 hopeless addicts still qing arena to play


I’m back. What’d I miss?

Agreed. In fact this game kinda revolves around transmog/mounts. These need to be leveraged to the max to entice people into PvP. They also have the account-wide/character specific requirements backwards. Currencies and stuff to gear characters should be across the account and prestigious cosmetics like Glad mounts should be character specific. Help players get access to the content, but entice them participate in it beyond entry level for the coveted rewards.

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Dueling stopped in Legion because the Leggo’s broke Worldpvp no pun intended. Back when the Rogue leggo gave 100% chance to crit out of stealth… it wasn’t fun lol

The healing one for rogue was even worse :slight_smile:

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agree 100%

class specific sets will help encourage alts
but only up to 1900

enchants/tabards/mounts would have a big effect on the entire ladder / population

honestly at this point half the game for me is collecting
I don’t find any of the content they put out enjoyable, the story isn’t enjoyable, and half the time the meta isn’t fun enough that I wanna spam q


Please revert the prot paladin nerfs they gutted the spec at the end of the season

Sorry my guy kinda justified if you ask me probs should have been sooner no one spec for a class should do all (Healer,Dps,CC)


This is good.

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Not sure why the general consensus is on me wanting tank buffs?

People assume every tank player wants tank buffs lol

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Ive only ever asked for bug fixes for my spec LOL and balance across the board

Just do your best and try to do essentially what you said. I have a feeling that you are going to be chastised anyway since it’s human nature to make assumptions and simply be toxic when it comes to world of warcraft balance. (And to be fair Blizzard deserves it.)

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I feel like lots of people get ignored posting good feedback so im trying to stay responsive


Bro they picked an 1800 brewmaster rbg player they were spot on I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw who got picked.

that thing i dont do represented HOW DARE THEY

2590 this expansion just btw

friendly reminder blizzard doesnt care :slight_smile:

Well Tanks need massive Buffs some of them aren’t even viable in PvP.

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i mean typing 2590 this xpac btw doesn’t exactly matter when they are saying ur an 1800 player in arenas

bc u r

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