Who would you like to see from the PvP community get on the Council

In the case of your example, yes it is.
The 1600 player who cannot progress because of boosters and carries is hopeless because he knows he is not going to be able to progress anymore in his chosen content. The unrated player facing gladiators in randoms is going to feel hopeless because he knows that is not able to progress anymore in his chosen content. They’re the same thing. You don’t get to say that one person is 50% hopeless while the other is 90% hopeless lmao.

That said, it doesn’t need to be shared equally anyway. The points, topics, suggestions, and improvements are going to be the same either way. What is the difference between a rated or unrated player saying that we should remove rating restrictions from gear upgrades? The suggestion and the resulting changes are the exact same regardless of who said it.
This council is not some therapy session for players to treat like a diary. The council is to get feedback and suggestions for changes and improvements to the game. Feeling 90% hopeless or 50% hopeless is irrelevant in this context. Players need to be able to provide feedback related to or otherwise aimed at potential improvements. And a player whose experience is limited to a small portion of a particular subject, such as PvP, cannot offer the same kind of progressive feedback as someone who has push multiple areas of said subject.
This does not mean being high-rated. If your stance against me was that players who only do rated content and do not also play randoms then maybe I would even be able to agree on that. But that is not my stance. My stance is for people who play both rated and unrated as opposed to a player who only plays unrated.

So something that pretty much anyone else can already do. You do not need to be unrated to say “remove rating restrictions”. Most rated players that I have played with feel exactly the same on that. It’s a stupid and incompetent system.

Yeah and it was stupid for Blizzard to do that. We know. Everyone knows. Rated and unrated players know. That part would be Blizzards fault. They had people telling them that it was a bad idea and did it anyway.
What’s not Blizzards fault is the players refusal to participate. We all have access to the same game. I log in and I play the same game that you do. If I choose to ignore or otherwise avoid a particular content then that is my fault.

No. The PvE equivalent would be telling people who peak in LFR that the bosses are now going to randomly have higher HP and hit harder and that if they want to be better at LFR then they need to start doing real raids.

However, a lot of them do start out that way. Hell, our own Bobby Kotick of Activision was a small business owner whom dropped out of college and took it from there. Sheer hard work.

Usually the silver platter syndrome you talked about comes from folks whom were handed their positions hereditarily from older generations.

award for worst post today

its gigo like this that brought us to shadowlands


Sure chump, whatever helps you sleep at night :yawning_face:

This forum would be better with popcorn. Vote for candy for council president !!


if you think having a community council is for player feedback, and not so blizzards bad decision making can be pinned on them, you’re straight up delusional.

blizzard has had all the feedback they have needed every single expansion, and they ignore it, check the twitter thread below, which goes in depth about the previous community council:


and go look at that community council video on youtube, it wasn’t even uploaded by the main WoW channel, it was uploaded by a burner that had less than 100 subscribers. sorry to ruin the copium huffing, but its best to not get your hopes up with this company.


Dalaran, Trill

These guys play literally every class in pvp.

Not a bad idea, high rated players, battle master, high key M+ and completing mythic raids should be a prerequisite.

Did herc put his hand up to be on the council? Because that seems a key difference.

I’ll stick to R1 arena players that are well adjusted and understand the game from a PvP perspective better than a random “epic” bg player any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

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Battlemaster has my vote.

I gotta agree here.

Anyway I hope there is a good percentage of BG players instead of just arena players on the council . For far too long Arena has been favored .

Edit:- I know this was put forward earlier but I am not in favor of templates . Instead they shd make gearing possible via unrated over time . Give the hamster the cheese in front so that you make him run on the wheel .

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they already did this for SL’s design and that’s why the game is in the poor state it currently is, indicating that was in fact the wrong thing to do. designing the game around the top 1% leaves the other 99% out in the cold, and that rejection by the devs is why many are playing FF atm roleplaying cat girls in player housing. players wanted more social casual stuff to do while locked up at home, and blizz gave them more esports and segregation from friends.


They had a community council for SL made up of rank 1 players? That’s a direct question.

that’s not a direct question, you are leading the conversation flow to your desired outcome instead of asking honestly.

they didn’t have a council for SL, but the design is unquestionably elitist, working mainly for top end players only. you also have to remember that they already hired a bunch of high end players, they are working on torghast abilities and did some work on dk and rogue.

they have enough R1 knowledge to last a lifetime, but none of that helped SL. they need what they lack, which is casual perspective.


Unfortunately, going by at least some of the posters here, the problem is compounded by the human nature element of as you mentioned elitism. (And in some cases, it’s questionable, considering some of the rated opinions here are from “average” rated quality players)

It seems like having a variety of opinions / possibilities for some is trumped by their overwhelming desire to look down on anyone who doesn’t fit their vision even if having multiple perspectives would probably be great for PVP overall.

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The devs have got it into their heads that ppl shd do rated . So they have made it easier and easier to get upgrades via rated . They can’t seem to understand that a large chunk of their players ( probably the majority ) don’t want to do rated . They just want to have fun in unrated content


No, what you said was intentionally misleading. So basically, you just made that part up? And yes, it was a direct question. Unfortunately for you it was one you dare not answer.

How is this “elitist”? If anything it was done out of greed by Blizzard. High end arena players didn’t ask for this change.

At the end of the day, it’s an MMORPG, gearing is part of it and I don’t want to be cheated out of character building because people are too lazy to gear their characters.

Some people just want to do random bgs. That’s what they enjoy in WoW. They’re not interested in rated PvP or PvE.

They were able to gear up fine in previous expansions. Then, Blizzard made unfortunate PvP design choices in the most recent expansions.


So? Random bgs are my favorite thing too at times. You can go in to random bgs and get curbstomped because you feel like playing 12 characters or you can get enough gear on a couple of them to be useful. The choice is yours.