We're saved

Bro, the frost changes are so good, literally and actually perfect boys, the fight is over. Im literally speechless


ill hold my final judgment until Ive actually experienced 10.0.7 first hand
but from what I can tell these new updates fix a lot of problems. Its amazing the dev team has been actively listening to issues the player base has been having. My hopes are set to maximum hype!


Same, hope restored 100%

But believe me, this is not being overhyped. These are very design intricate changes and are much deeper than surface level % buffs to buttons

For example, killing machine being able to double stack does 2 things

1 Prevents dps loss from getting a proc while you already had a proc

2 Allows you to store killing machine procs during downtime, for example youre kiting a player during pillar and you can now pre stack 2 killing machines for when you reconnect, or you get a mechanic on a boss in PvE and while you do the mechanic you pre stack 2 killing machines

Soulreaper will aid your rotation in keeping the enemy below 35% rather than hinder your damage

No more excess talent waste just for existing as a 2h player

More talent points to afford more damage increases


As soon as these changes go through along with fixing Bonegrinder and minor issues here and there (CBR being sucky and GA working with Icecap, Enduring Strength, etc.)

I will level up this guy as soon as that patch drops.


These are amazing changes. It’s almost as if Blizzard agreed that there were significant changes that need to take place to bring frost into the modern game.

I am very please with these changes, at least on paper. Storing a KM proc, no more wasted talents, many many abilities that were once talents are now tied to the spec, soul reaper actually being a valid capstone
the list goes on.

For once, I am optimistic about Frost and the 2H playstyle.

Thank you Blizzard for the QOL changes and the general focus on the mechanics of the spec instead of simple damage buffs. I think this is going to go a long way to answering a lot of problems that frost has been faced with.

Such excite.


These changes are live

We did it, we are no longer neglected! These changes blew out my expectations. Every single change was amazing. We win.


exactly my own thoughts, its literally all the core things it needed, numbers should be an easier thing to deal with now that we have a more proper spec overall

Edit we should still consider the possibility of a rebalance on where our damage comes from, Oblit might reach to large of proportions and we may need a slight spread out of damage/modifiers into basekit

The change to soul reaper is not quite as good as people think. Early TC is showing SR will not be worth taking, because you are risking not getting the rune you spent on SR back leading to rune starvation and not being able to press Obliterate during your pillar. These changes are a step in the right direction, but will not be enough alone to fix the massive imbalance between breath and oblit right now. Infinite breath needs to be addressed if oblit will have a fighting chance to see equal play in raid.


It likely has more merits in PvP for those that want the execute over the extra grip from Limb, but yeah for PvE it’s pretty bad still.

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Not all of them, still have to spec into 2h with the changes we won’t.

Its not even a great execute, its a delayed execute.

I dont see why you would take it in either PvE or PvP over Abombs Limb, or even Empower Rune Weapon.

ERW has synergy in giving resources and haste, Abombs Limb gives out damage and Rime procs which makes HB free not eating into resources, and SR does some damage and eats resources. Then there are disarms which people have been talking about.

Im still absolutely baffled of why they even bothered with the Frostscythe buff when they just increased the Cleaving Strikes target number.


Imma still fight for better defensives, especially against physical, but yeah changes are great.

But i get the feeling blizz are happy for fost dk to be about big burst and having to kite physical damage dealers like warr and windwalkers with chains and DA/WW.

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Yes, now people can go back to what this forum is intended for.

Arguing about whether or not we should get frostmourne and red/green eyes.


I thought the same thing. Read the frostscythe buff, okay, cool. Then i saw the cleaving strikes buff, and I couldn’t help but be confused by the prior.

I just hope the changes don’t get to over hyped by the rest of the player base and we take a PvP nerf after the first week of 10.0.7.

But man it feels like so much weight just fell off. Like the struggle might actually be over haha.

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Scythe still exists in the tree & is entirely directionless, Imp. Rime still exists, it’s still 3 talents to make RW good, Inexorable still exists, BoS is still infinite, and CBR & IF need to be replaced with good talents so getting Oblit/BoS doesn’t feel so bad.

They’re fantastic changes overall but it’s a little premature to say the fight’s over when there’s still a decent amount of work that needs to be done for the tree. Hopefully they’re looking to address those in future builds.


I am really happy now I can switch between blood and 2H frost now

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A couple more of the following changes would be nice:

  • Icecap working with Glacial Advance.
  • Enduring Strength working with Frost Strike and Glacial Advance.
  • A RP Synergy with Pillar of Frost whenever you spend global on it. (The italicized text is important so BoS don’t go haywire)
  • Tuning Pillar, Enduring and Icecap accordingly for Frostscythe just like the good ol’ 8.3 days.
  • Merging Imp. Rime with Rime.
  • If RI is still problematic for 2H, make RW apply RI for them.
  • MotFW also includes FScy.
  • Fix Bonegrinder
  • Make CBR and IF not dud. Or make BoS and Obliteration not cost effectively 5 points.
  • Prerequisites of Pillar Nodes are kind of dud. I mean it’s fine as long as you allocate Imp. Frost Strike. Runic Command is still dud.

 And I can’t think of anything else about Frost DK tree that needs fixing.


yes, just redesign it to serve a rotational purpose, add a cooldown and add some sort of effect like procing killing machine rather than consuming it as an example

Indeed it does, i dont disagree that things like that shouldnt be in the tree at all but i dont see that talent point having a significant impact on our viability as the other issues were having, I would expect to end up having to wait until some major major patch before seeing our talent tree redesigned to not have silly nodes in it

you get 1 on the path to rime, and can almost universally play 2 in all situations, its still a general improvement on remorseless overall damage since you can build that way easier

it is quite a boring talent with low contribution, it shouldnt have stacks in my opinion it should just be a small frost damage component on every obliterate like it is now

increase its damage scaling per target, lower its damage on fewer targets, increase runic power consumption, lower cooldown slightly. BoS isnt to hard to fix

Cold blooded rage is a good talent, they just scuffed the number tuning on it by making it a low chance within a low chance. It synergizes with obliteration literally perfectly but its just WAY to rng to proc. If it was a 100% proc on froststrike crits itd be a different story. Frost doesnt even stack crit as high as it stacks haste mastery and vers so idk why they made a 20% chance within a 10-20% chance

Invigorating freeze i agree is just a pve throwaway talent point, very bland and boring with minor contribution

In reality the fight never ends, you can make 1000 changes to a class in the right direction and still even after that you could go and find more, When i said the fight is over what i really meant was the biggest flaws in our specs design got fixed at once, ya sure theres more but the most predominant ones seemed to have been addressed

KM overlaps will become increasingly more rare, damage wont be lost anymore, and downtime will hurt less bad

Soulreaper is a legit capstone talent now for execute phases that might need the damage, and in pvp its actually playable literally at all now

Weapon playstyle is no longer punished via talent points

Idk ive been playing frost since late cata early mop these have been the most direct proper and correct buffs for frost ive seen in any patch, Every time before this has been just raw % bandaid fixes on buttons to make them hit harder. Never anything to address the actual design and flow of the spec