We're not making enough noise about layering

I am not trying to be funny. What alternative solutions? All I have seen is negative post about how evil layering is opened and no one giving alternatives.

Beside… Ques…

And no.
No ques.

read my post 2 minutes before yours. There you got some alternative Solutions.

Authenticity vs Playability

Which one actually matters? Here are the two situations:

(Layering): The initial play of the game will be mostly unaffected. You will be split off into populated starting zones, either fighting for mobs or grouping to make the quests easier to complete. (In both cases, either you’ll never be separated from your group member, or the one fighting your mobs is taken away from your layer and you have more mobs to clear for your quests). Continue on to… we’ll say lv 10-15 or so. You will come across people that may toss you a buff or help you with a quest. If you like them, group/add them and continue playing together. If it wasn’t enough to spark that response, does it matter if you see them again? Fast forward to endgame (Which will be limited in time due to the removal of Layering being imminent). You’ve got a couple folks out there attempting to layer hop for nodes/rares. To which they have to compete with the players already in said layer for the nodes. Chances are, it won’t be as excessive as we’ve seen in the beta due to populations.

(No Layering): Day one queues likely to range into multiple hours. Day two queues likely to remain in multiple hours. Players getting into the game have massive headstarts over other players, slingshotting them to the top of the game before most folks will even get on. Players will attempt every trick to avoid being logged off, thus continuing the queues far longer than needed and maintaining online status. Rather than multiple players fighting over node areas, these few(Compared to the overall anticipated population) will be able to acquire the higher level materials alone, without competition at all, and corner markets. All the while, most players haven’t even seen char select.

(Notes: This was hastily written, and doneso while multitasking. Sue me for poor grammar or structure. I don’t expect to be perfect, or have future sight, but I do base my opinions off of many MMOs launch days (expansions and day 1s). These sorts of actions have been consistent over the last decade or so.)

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Ok. one thing, out of the wall of negative.

For which is something we have all agreed could be a good thing too.

So yes, you mentioned something. However, the signal to noise ratio is a little off.

It’s not going away.

Better off investing time trying to pitch ideas that minimize the damage done than shoot for a complete removal.

By all means keep bashing your heads against the wall though.

you know, as much as i dont like layering , there are reasons for it to be happening.

i played the stress test on realm 15 in the undead starting area. each and every mob was being camped by multiple people. i mean EVERY SINGLE MOB.

now i know they were messing with the settings and layering on different servers and it could just be that they were not doing layering at all on that server for the starting zone.

i doubt it though.

fact is even if they went to a server queue system , the demand for classic will be outstanding. we would be talking 6 hour queues to keep the starting zones halfway playable.

i was in the camp of queues and all that but if they can pull off a smooth launch and only have layering for a few weeks or just phase 1 i am fine with the trade off albeit saddened that we have to make the trade at all.

think about it before you go crazy on me.

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You obviously have not played vanilla and have no idea what you are trading.

I don’t think anyone who’s actually played Vanilla is nostalgic about the day 1 queues and crashes… And anyone who actually cares for a Vanilla-like experience that Classic will bring is generally okay with trading a few weeks of ‘authenticity’ to be able to have a smooth launch.

I daresay you are the one who hasn’t played Vanilla.

ahh but then you would be wrong.

i am fully aware of what i am trading. i could miss out on meeting someone that im still friends with 18 years later among other stuff.

i know that i would miss out on a few other things as well.

its going to happen though. they arent going to change mid stream.

Your seeing this through the lens of launch which is only 3-4 days of game time but this has huge effects past that and where it solves 1 problem it creates a number of problems that are multiplying daily.


Day 1 queues? month 2 queues and crashes. Vanilla launch was poor enough that if another mmo had that launch even 7 years ago they would be DoA… Today the backlash from a launch like vanilla’s might even kill the company.

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I have played enough to easy make 1k gold a day this system is in.

Vyox is totaly Right. we are saying: let layering happen due the reason of lunchissues, BUT ONLY in startingareas or like 1-15 zones, this cant get abused that hard, that would have like no Impact, but if layering stays for 2-3 weeks, even if it is just 1 week, this will have massive Problems for not just 1-2 weeks, instead for the next few months and this will result in massive People leaving wow classic

I am willing to use the layering system for a few weeks as Blizzard has stated its duration, and think it needs some tweaks.

However, just hypothetically speaking, If some don’t want layering, and they had the option, they could play through the overpopulated conditions on a realm with no layering but with the SAME capacity. Yep I mean 9k or whatever.

The cohesive world as it was in Vanilla. I know the launch is different in terms of numbers. I would be willing in fact to take the brunt of server 15 without layers so even worse. I bet others might too if it meant that the world was whole.

Not be for the feint of heart but could be done. In fact it would be glorious to me. That is where I would play.

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No. Simply no. But I’ll explain why. Launch ripples for many weeks. Go up to my novel of a post a few minutes ago(Sorry, I suck at keeping posts short) and look at what the no layering launch shows. And that’s not considering some of the more worst-case senarios. Launch will affect the early race to the top, as well as the initial numbers of players. If you have massive numbers unable to play at all, they’ll not bother to come back. Or come back at inopportune times, suffer terrible gameplay(Due to being so far behind) and once more leave.

The problems layering gives are lesser than what a poor launch does. People exploiting layer hopping? Pennies compared to someone who’s got days ahead in playtime and doesn’t have to compete with ANYONE for the top tier market items. Just as one example.

Player retention is also important. And having as many people playing early as possible at the beginning is important. Many of them will leave, sure. But having a fraction of what would remain is much more detrimental.


That’s… not hard. Someone who’s never played could do the same after watching a few videos posted about “MAKE EASY GOLD WITH THIS FARMING STRAT” on youtube. Gold =/= skill and/or experience.

This nullifies everything you have said.

K. I’ll let you think you know what’s going on. Back to the people attempting discussion~

You understand that you dont have the requisite knowledge to have the opinions on the matter. I hope you can identify these sorts of things before they make you look more foolish in the future.

Bricklethumb!! Do you not remember my reply to you just very recently about this?

and no one giving alternatives.

What about the “working as a family”!? :cry: Don’t do me like this pls!
I actually got inspired by your attitude. Not kidding!

Also, i remember the things you said about generalizations. And i can see everywhere how much they get you and how you don’t like those. So pls, don’t generalize on me, i’m trying to not generalize for you too! It’s hard but i’m doing what i can :+1:

I’ll list a couple more to show alternatives are being posted and issues acknowledged, but i quite frankly cba to find every sinlge one of them because there’s quite a few of them now, so if you really wanna know also search yourself mkay:



People clearly are trying to offer alternative approaches, some better than others of course.
But let’s not say that people who don’t want layering aren’t trying to help Blizzard find a way to get the game out without layering, while still addressing their concerns, when they are clearly trying!


You were implying that you knowing how to “make 1k gold an hour” matters in the discussion taking place. Try to understand what you’re even talking about before trying to sound smart LOL

Edit: Typos are hard T_T