We're not making enough noise about layering

I guess time will tell. They’d still be better off just not using it entirely. It’s pointless. The game will probably have more people on Phase 3 than Phase 1 as people who quit a long time ago slowly get back into it and new players hear from word of mouth.

I like how my legitimate point falls into obscurity because you all didn’t like it.


The problem is the lack of communication on what they will do if the population doesn’t drop. Especially on high pop servers or those with streamers (I don’t plan to roll on one of these) they will almost certainly be way over the realm cap for months. Layering will either overstay its welcome or they will follow their promise and there will be extreme que times weeks/months into the game followed by realm population instabilitiy that would be worse than having launched with no layering.


How is it hyperbole if that’s exactly what’s going to happen? Ten thousand+ players on a single server with multiple layers constantly juggling people around means you’ll more often than not never see a random guy you interacted with ever again. It’s basically exactly like retail.


and if your “strong feelings” are always negative-based, you’ll approach it with doom and gloom for two whole months for no good reason.
why do that to yourself?

Oh they listen to their customers. Listening to feedback and slowly implementing things over the years is exaclty how the game evolved to where it is today. They just didn’t listen to whatever particular ideas you have for the game.

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You’re the one with 63 replies in this thread even though you presumably don’t care about this topic

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i’m pretty sure he was on the sauce yesterday.
that’s why :wink:

you also don’t know what melodrama means, the more you talk the more i understand why you have such a skewed opinion. And i never said i don’t care, i said i don’t think it’s as big a problem as you do, but nobody is allowed to have that opinion without being labled a shill white knight in your tiny mind.


Have you been paying attention? The things people predicted who were spotting potential issues with layering are being confirmed to be real issues as we speak. And that’s not nearly all yet.

Did you not see any of the videos popping up about it?
Maybe you wanna wait for layering to make it into live to see the rest of the issues, shortterm and longterm, to be confirmed as well, but i really don’t.
And i’d hope most people looking to play Classic wouldn’t want to find out like this either.

But please, don’t let me stop you as you’re willingly ignoring the issues at hand and falsely labeling those who pay attention to them and bring them up, just because it doesn’t work for your narrative of ignoring obvious issues with layering.
All so you can get the game you want for yourself, even if it’s detrimental for the games success as a whole.

If layering was such a wonderful deal, and it’s cleary the best approach that deserves to be supported this much by you, then why don’t you trust Blizzard to decide to just ignore us bringing up issues with layering, as they are oh so irrational and absurd? (meanwhile actual videos proving what we’re saying is gonna happen are popping up left and right, …upsie)

Or are you implying you don’t trust Blizzard to go with layering for some reason, and therefore try to take away the credibilty of those who could sway their opinions? What’s there to worry about, if it’s so obviously better than anything else …:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


At this point I almost think you’re a troll. You’re level 12 and race is a troll. Lol… how did I miss it.

If they keep layering the way it is I think they will lose a lot of people, yes. People will try it and hate it and not feel connected to the world and likely quit.


Or they’ll be like me and just not start to begin with. From the first time I read about sharding being in Classic it was my line in the sand on whether I play or not.


Layering must be defeated


Phase 1 might last for 3 months.

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That’s… not how it works. On the stress tests they’re actively tweaking how the layering thresholds work. That’s why it SEEMS like people are phasing in and out more often (Disregarding the people actually grouping with friends.)

When the system is steadily in place there will be a lot less juggling. And this ARMY of FACELESS people won’t be an issue. Besides, if you interacted with someone and enjoyed it, add them. If you didn’t like it enough to add them, what’s it matter if you see them again or not?

The problem with the “NO LAYERING” crowd is that they assume the absolute worst at all times. Like you and your best friend start playing, but layering is going to rip them away from you, and you’ll never see them again! It’s just not the case. If it ends up being that way somehow, Necro this post and call me out. Til then, relax a little on going ham about how bad layering is DURING TESTING PHASES.

This describes you guys as well, you know. Except you’re ignoring the issues that would exist without layering :3 No one WANTS layering. But we understand that it’s a necessary temporary resolution to mitigate long-term problems. And no, it won’t be staying forever, even if populations don’t lower. They will make new servers and offer free transfers off the congested worlds like they always have in the past.

It will. In a few weeks after launch, when either it’s removed due to settled populations, or exchanged in favor of more servers. Problem solved.

Please quit bumping this bs. Is layering gonna really ruin ur life so bad? Jesus. Roll with the punches. Geyblades.

If people who don’t want layering are ignoring the issues as you accuse them of doing, then why are there multiple alternative solutions suggested by those same people to help Blizzard address their concerns, just without the part of sacrificing the authenticity of the game?

Do tell.


Hallo Blizzard,

first of all i want to say a big thanks to making the Classic Dream come true. This Thanks is to all employes of Blizzard making this happen :slight_smile:

I am from Germany, so dont take grammatik issues to srsly please.

I cant wait for the release. Every free minute i watch People which stream the Beta and prepare myself for the launch.

This wont be undermined due the fact, that i cant understand the following thing: LAYERING

Everyone hates Long Que’s to Play and sticking to the starting area for a whole day isnt that fun either and there for we can understand your point of view about Layering.

I played on every 3 Beta-Stress-Tests that been so far and i tested a lot of Layering. The Negative Things from Layering will overshadow the positive one, which is: no big Ques and a faster Levelingstart.

I will start with the Downsides you already know, but i will link a YouTube video to demonstrate it better.

From my Testingexperience about layering over explizit testing over day’s;

  1. This will be abused to the hell and back, there are multiple techniques to switch a Layer; Relogging, getting invited, or randomly faced.
    U can farm Mine-, Herbs- and rares just as an example endlessly, this will destroy the economy in Classic, not only for the period layering will happen, indeed months later aswell.
  2. U get randomly saperated from Group and General Chats, like there is nobody there, but in requesting Guildmember in the same area, they say they couldnt saw my Posting in General Chat, even we are on the same Layer and same Server.
  3. You can avoid Open World PvP and PvE Situations that may be to dangerous.
  4. Even if u dont want to Change a layer, when one is Fading, all Players will swap the layer which results in some strange Moments where u Fighting a OpenWorld Elite and he’s close to die, u will get randomly layerd and this elite fades and a new one with 100% will destroy you.

=> The realy bad About all this is, that many People will abuse it, but only few get penalized.

And most People just dont talk About it, because they dont understand this Thing and doesnt even saw the shadow About layering.

Actualy there are a lot of ideas from the community to Change Layering in a positive way, so there cant be anything abused that would have a Impact that will destroy classic wow.

For example: make layering only for 1-10 Areas for example or even just the startingzones. Make obsticles like nodes stick to your Charakter and will not be fadeable with Layering.

Just dont ignore all the Feedback About layering please, now is the time to Change this Thing, u will be unaible to repair the Damage that layering will let behind.

The Youtube Video for a short Demonstration:

I hope Blizzard, you will respond to all the loud Voices that actualy understand what will happen, if layering happen as it is Right now.

Thanks and Regards,

Thomas from Germany



  1. not sharding
  2. you dont have to play
  3. nice getting to know ya.

Side note: To all these pserver saviors that are so eager and excited to play, why are we now seeing. . I won’t play or I will wait, as the mantra?

I want to play MINUTE one!! I assumed others did too.