We're not making enough noise about layering

I’m saying due to me knowing where spawn nodes in the world are, the drop percentages of mobs and their abiities I know the prefered classes for these farming spots and the required professions to max gold profits for these spots because I’ve taken several classes to 60 and done this many times. Watching a youtube video doesn’t mean you know anything…

furthermore it means I will exploit layering if it is in and so will everyone in the high end.

And ALL of this knowledge is available to someone who doesn’t even play the game. That’s the bit you don’t understand. Node/Rare spawn maps. Drop percentages from database sites. Preferred classes for farming designated areas/mobs/professions. You don’t ever need to log into the game to find information on these things. Nice try though. You almost had me.

Blizzard! We found one already!! :stuck_out_tongue:

On the real though, I appreciate the discussion. So if I’m wrong, feel free to try to correct me again. (Edit: Since this bit is kind off topic to the overall thread, feel free to make a new thread about how your gold making techniques mean you know the game and tag me in it. Better to discuss it there than dilute the Layering discussion going on. Apologies, friends.)

I agree. I mean when they originally said layering/sharding or whatever would just be in the starting zones I didn’t mind at all. It’s only when they advanced it to being for the entire game for all of phase 1 that it become problematic for me and I think many other players.

Kill the company? Server queues? I doubt it. Also it’s much cheaper for them to host servers these days, they should just make more servers and merge any that get too low of a pop.

Do you really think most people will be 60 in a week?

lol…and pservers did stuff to compensate for players, and guess what, some had layering, some had dynamic re-spawns when they launched fresh servers. Layering wont be a problem. But we know it will be removed for phase 2. We also know it will only be for awhile. Honestly think it’s fine, I find it better then dynamic respawning. A lot of streamers have talked about this. And some are pleased, some aren’t, can’t please everyone.

Server queues, and extended maintenance, surprise maintenance. Want to log in? Yeah you wont be doing that if you’re on x server for half the week.

If you really think vanilla launch was just queues then you obviously weren’t around. I wasn’t playing right at launch and when I started it was still a clown fiesta. The servers weren’t operating “smoothly” until 5+ months into the games life. Even then they had issues quite often.

I haven’t seen an mmo launch as bad as og WoW and I wasn’t even there on opening day.

Edit: Blizzard won’t do server merges. They have never done them and won’t ever do them.

Thanks for this video. I don’t hate layering as much now. It clarified things.

Agreed layering is for retail not this.
Layering is bad.

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Same for me. Although i was really suspicious the moment i heard sharding and WoW Classic in the same sentence, i would have taken sharded northshire valleys, valley of trials etc. for the first couple days max. like i heard them saying at Blizzcon.

Personally, i think Barrens or Elwynn Forest etc would be too much sharding already. Even if it’s just the first days.
They went from just the starting area, to proposing sharding past those initial areas. I didn’t even know about that because i thought it was still only the starting areas during that time, as i’ve been busy with other stuff and didn’t follow what was going on.
Naive of me to think this would go down smoothly…

Because now, we get the entire continent sharded. For weeks or months. What the hell? Blizzard, stop please! :no_entry: What have you been drinking?! #nochanges , remember? :disappointed_relieved:

This is just not acceptable. This is not a faithful recreation of the game anymore if you go down this road!
And we just want that game, yes, even the ugly sides of it, from the start to the end! That’s what the community has been asking for all these years!
Don’t put your layer of concern on this game, i know you think right now you need to, but you don’t!!

There are alternatives that can help alleviate typical issues without sacrificing the game, like they are looking to do with layering by having it change the game into some other version of retail, but outdated.
There’s still time to decide, and i hope they will take a very good, sober #nochanges look at the game and see if it’s still the game they wanna give their fans to on the 27th August.

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Maybe not enough noise is made because not enough people care enough to make noise.

You feel that the majority is against it. Well, from the looks of it I feel most don’t care one way or the other. And since you said it yourself that not enough noise is being made,my feeling is most likely closer to the truth.

I don’t agree.

Here’s one example why:

People failed to make enough noise about class pruning at the end of Legion and I think it’s no secret the majority hate how classes are in retail now.

Even Blizzard recently admitted it was a huge mistake.

I vividly remember all of the threads even shutting people down who complained during the BFA beta, “Oh you elitists just want to make the game artificially harder to make the game less accessible to casuals” or even tons of like yours, “Nobody cares about this issue” or “There’s worse issues in the game this isn’t a big deal” etc etc.

There’s plenty of noise about layering, and plenty of discontent, but not enough people are voicing it as strongly as they should. My point in my thread title is that we aren’t making enough noise likely because most people who hate it have little to no hope of anything being changed anyways or something like that and aren’t bothering to voice their opinion. My goal is to get them to not do that and instead share how they really feel so we reduce the chance to have these terrible decisions continually rammed through the game.


There is the confirmed fact by Blizz though that only a tiny minority of players actually bother to use the forums, or look at them.

Same goes for other social media. People who do engage or learn about extra info from those alternative sources are the most involved bunch, and it’s not that many people compared to how many actually just play the game, and find out about updates by playing only.

I’d consider myself for example to be really involved into all things WoW, but i didn’t feel like spoiling Classic by reading too much about it beforehand, or watching too much etc, because i figured i’ll just wait and let them release the game, and then nolife accordingly.

It happened by chance that i tuned in at the right time one day to a stream to even hear about layering, let alone try figure out where it’s gonna go.
Then i had to decide to post about it on the forums at a time where everyone just gets shut down who tries to talk about it, creating another barrier to entry, cause obviously i don’t feel like getting stepped on willingly just cause i disagree, like most people wouldn’t want to have happen to them either.

Also, you can’t just comment on the forum without having at least a lvl 10 trial character. Basically, these forums aren’t representative of the big playerbase.

Right now, they clearly favor the audience of retail as they are still subscribed, and can therefore access the stress tests, use the forums, and so on, giving their views especially much spotlight.
That doesn’t present the accurate picture of those who’ll actually be looking to play classic longterm, because they aren’t subscribed yet or involved, simply cause the game has not released yet.

If it weren’t for layering i’d be far away from the official forums or any extra spoiler territories. There’s still so many people who don’t even know about any of this, who are gonna play the game when it comes out, and find out about layering from Day 1. And they’ll have some questions.

That’s why it’ really important Blizzard pays attention to those who go out of their way to explain why this doesn’t appeal to them while there’s still time, because those people represent the longterm core audience who want Classic with #nochanges.

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Maybe you’re right, maybe you’re not. I’ll concede because you do make a valid point about class pruning. Although I think that was more about Blizzard not listening than it was about people not making a fuss over it.

It really doesn’t bother me either way. Also, didn’t they say once the congestion dies down they’re going to do away with it?

You said it yourself, there is no way to get an accurate account of how people feel.

You’re missing the point of what I was saying. Everyone who dislikes something feels that because they dislike it, most others must as well. This attitude is prevalent in the flying vs no flying threads, they all feel that they are in the majority.

The thing is, I’ve seen your type of post about the forums before and have myself made the argument that because people are here complaining, there must be an issue. Someone always answers that with the response of “mostly complainers come to the forums, everyone else is playing and enjoying the game”. I actually disagree with this sentiment. I believe the saying in business that a very small of customers will complain and the rest just move on to another product/brand. Also, happy customers do not often spread the word, while unhappy customers will.

They did say so but at the same time I could see them keeping it if it doesn’t die down which I see as highly likely.

Most people who will likely end up playing Classic WoW probably won’t start until a few months or more in because they’re all oeople who have quit WoW for the most part.

In my opinion when BFA players see how good classic is in comparison I think many will stay and not simply quit after a few months of tourism like the consensus seems to be. Idk time will tell I suppose.

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By this statement, you are therefore requesting 5+ months of unplayability, constant crashes, flooding, and other such issues? It seems like some dishonest arguments are going on here. It’s 2019. Tech innovation is here. And so is layering. You need to acknowledge the issues that would come WITHOUT layering.

I don’t think ANYONE wants the negatives of Vanilla (Outside of the possible pros and cons on an internal gameplay means like class imbalances and such)

And plenty of uninformed opinions. People thinking layering is sharding. People ignoring the issues that would be presented without layering. The thought that everyone understanding of layering is somehow for it permanently. The people that accept it are accepting it as a very temporary thing. If you want a trashfire of a launch, go ahead and keep making noise. The rest of us want a game to play, not a queue/crash simulator.

With repeat happenings of similar situations in the past (Congested servers) they’ll make new servers and offer free transfers from congested servers to the new servers. Layering is temporary, even if populations don’t die down. This is known.

vote with your wallet

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No, i’m not requesting that. That’s you putting words in my mouth again. Just like you’re assuming no one wants the negatives of the vanilla game. If you’re honestly assuming that people ask for a time machine, you’re just a troll at this point.

Regarding what i’m requesting, i request that they use their modern tools available to create the most authentic version of Classic possible, as in make sure they recreate the game design the way it was, and that means no layering.

I’ve already directly listed you alternatives before that address their issues by using their modern tools differently, without sacrificing authenticity.

I’m not gonna list the suggested alternatives again cause you clearly don’t care to pay attention.
I’ve already proven that the issues popping up without layering are adressed by me and others because why else would we come up with alternatives if we didn’t see any issues in the first place?

If you wanna discuss with me, drop the BS like saying i’m supposedly dishonestly arguing while you conveniently ignore everything i’m telling and showing you.
I mean, do you honestly think i don’t know what the current year is? Even if i had no calendar anywhere, just by browsing this forum, there are reminders of what year it is everywhere right now.

If you wanna pull of these kind of underhanded, pointless discussions, do yourself a favor and save your breath, because i rather discuss with people who actually wanna have a worthwhile conversation.

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People aren’t complaining because no one is in the game seeing the effect of it right now. You’ll notice that a lot of streamer sentiment on layering has done a 180 in the last week or so because it’s gotten pretty bad on the beta.