Well boys, it was fun while it lasted!

Well calling other players Nubs is pretty trollish and harassment i don’t see any can you link it?

Oh look another alt.


Just to let you know. You can quote things just by highlighting them. instead of making 4 separate posts.

Typical alliance player.

I’m well aware how to quote But thanks common Blood Elf poster. Obviously you can’t refute anything so it’s lets call out something that doesn’t really matter

hehe ty for the ideas i shall.

Have a relationship with a new pet in Japan binge watching GoT.

BUT i draw the evil line on extra hours at my job !

Shoutout to OP, i think he gave me and my friends an idea to have some fun in rolling around on 3 ally rogues

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I play both sides to see the storyline, it’s dumb to camp a FP when you can get it done during one assault, usually pretty fast too. Camping flight paths is just not efficient vs getting two things done at the same time. They should watch and learn from my nelf, but if the weekly rewards not worth it, I probably will turn it off. 30% alone is not worth seeing offrealmers instead of my own

Refute what? You said LOL twice, insulted my experience then asked for a source of common knowledge… I’m just trying to help you out shortie.

You think all of us Horde want this to be nerfed? Think about how bad the crying about war mode is going to be again when you guys aren’t out there in numbers… These forums were almost bearable. But once again it’s going to be wall-to-wall posts about Horde bias and how war mode is Horde mode… Yeah, it’s going to be hell.

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No I said you’re experience doesn’t negate what others have experienced. I know reading comprehension is hard though.

When you say something like most or all you need to provide some sort of source for this knowledge. That’s typically how things work, especially if you want to be taken seriously


Horde already has 70% of the "active" player base

Everyone already knew that more people played Horde. That doesn’t support more Horde liking PvP though

do you not see the 73% to 27% PVP imbalance among top pvp’ers… in the second link… shows how much you pay attention huh…

Yeah the whining and crying from Horde that they have no one to gank en masse is going to be out of control. Plus it will switch from the Horde whining about Alliance mode to the Alliance whining about Horde mode.Its a vicious cycle :+1:

Meanwhile the Hordes will be doing Mythic Raid tomorrow getting 415ilvl… Gear the Alliance can’t have :man_shrugging:

It was a funny week because the Boycott warmode threads that were from the alliance in the start of the expansion were the horde’s this week. Same responses really, only I’d say Alliances “Git Guds” were much more salt and angry driven, WELL HOW DO YOU LIKE IT NOW?!

I was excited to start pvping when they said that the shards were fixed and since that point I’m glad it has felt pretty even up until last week where somehow all the alliance are being dumped into one area on top of like 2-3 horde lol.

I’m curious if reducing the pvp quest will actually cause alliance numbers to tank again, I don’t like when there’s a mass army of alliance or horde because I either get eaten or don’t get to pvp in a fun way lol.

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Oh the 4 alliance guilds in the top 100 will probably be getting loot steadily from the first few bosses.

Its almost like Blizzard needs to do away with the 2 faction system and let players group/play together all they want regardless of what faction they first started as so that we can do away with this disparity.

What if I never turned it on? Where do I lay in that situation?

More importantly… dude, grats on the helm. Now, can you transmog it back? You were iconic.

Aint’ that the truth - it adds like… a “maybe” 2.5% dps bonus. Which is probably needed considering Alliance has much less Mythic guilds.