Well boys, it was fun while it lasted!

come pick me off then tough guy… which toon do you want to try first?

clearly not, as you guys demonstrated and some complaints. You guys definitely have the #s.

Well your level 58 so I’ll play this how bout dat

if you can find it come get it…

Do I have to build it first?

I think i’ll use this one though… you know so i can spam my 2 buttons to glory…

Like I said there’s a special kind of light within you I think yours needs more batteries though

“Nerfing” is a fake word here.

They’re fixing something that shouldn’t have been in the first place.

It should have always started as 385.

im still waiting to see your 120… till then im done… bye troll…

Casshhh you outside

Or just have both factions at 30% with free 400 loot. Then we would actually be able to see some Warmode until the servers inevitably died.

You’re missing the point of why this is in the first place, Turnberry.

Ion recently stated that the reason Alliance fell out of WM was because their sharding tech was bugged and it was outnumbering them substantially by dropping more horde into the shards with fewer alliance.

More Alliance stopped using WM, so more horde started turning it on for the free 10% goods and only for that, because there was very little pvp going on at that point.

In response, blizzard had to incentivise Alliance to trying WM out again and discourage Horde players from turning it on if they didn’t really want to pvp but were doing it just for the free goods.

My problem is that the gift of a 400 ilvl item was too much, as this incentive was awarded at the end of the first raid tier cycle. Since it continues on, it should have started at 385.

This following week, that will change and the item will be 385 now. As soon as that happens, more alliance who were turning on WM for free loot will start to turn it off until finally there will be (according to Ion) a balance of people who actually want to just pvp against each other in pvp.

That is the logic. I don’t agree with a lot of it, but I know that this has pushed the people in my guild that liked to pvp to give blizzard another chance with WM. Time will tell if this will actually impact the ammount of alliance/horde in WPvP.

I do know one thing though: If Blizzard could do it over again, it would be better to turn off incentives when they realized the bungle until they fixed it so that they didn’t go overboard with enticing alliance players to give it another go.


Yeah its kind of ironic that the Horde are saying Alliance are scared to turn on WM while being outnumbered and getting ganked constantly but now that they are having it happen to them to the point of turning it off it has nothing to do with being scared.

Although I think there shouldn’t be any rewards for WM, if there wasn’t both sides would be pretty desolate.

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Ah yes, the lovely I never experienced it so it never happened



What kind of imaginary proof do you have nub? They are trolls, plain and simple.

Thread after thread of the same garbage name calling and harassment of players that do not agree with them.

Prove me wrong.

They are even switching toons to post on LOL.

So obvious its laughable.

O but they will

Meh, I could care less about the free loot. Let me keep the 30% buff and I’m happy.