Well boys, it was fun while it lasted!

This thread is so dumb and the gloating is uncalled for tbh

:open_mouth: look more QQ by horde… do you hear me calling you a NOOB OR A NUB…

With M+ going up to 400 and the ability to free farm it, I could care less about these rewards. My warmode is going to remain off since I dislike PvP and the Alliance can only get crappy 385 gear from now on.

Then they’ll be complaining about nothing and we can laugh at them

Thank you Horde for the gear! It was an honor to kill you.


We need to WPVP together, friend. We’ll slay many Horde savages in Elune’s name.

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Well looks like its time to turn off Warmode again… No point in keeping it on till we get a bonus of 60-100 percent… The 400 gear was basically only reason to keep it on.

I sent you some mail.

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The crying was stupid. One 400 piece isn’t going to break the game. I wonder how many will participate now that it’s been nerfed to 385?

I remember when some hordes called alliance cry babies for complaining about the warfront gear farm.

you mean like how ally do when horde further progress in PVE content and “muh racials” and “muh bias” and “i quit horde bias” excuses ally come up with.

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Imagine being so terrible at the game that you are bribed to play with free gear. Imagine being so incompetent at being a game dev that you actually gave alliance this gear.

The game only gets worse and worse.

It’s almost like war front gearing is irrelevant compared to giving free heroic raid gear to all alliance characters. Karma? You wish.

Confirmed most alliance players are adolescent boys

Well considering Horde are the supposed cool faction and most adolescent boys like everything that is cool I think you might have that backwards. :+1: :grin:

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