Weird thought: What if shared subs & layering is Blizzard protecting Classic?

Lol. The rivers of tears would be endless! You are one devious panda! I’d have a field day in here.

In SWTOR you post on the forums with your account user name, not your characters in game. I think Blizzard wants to allow people to show off their achievements though. ( No proof, just my speculation. lol)

It’d reduce the spam if you only got “JoeSmith#1234” as your forum name, I agree. But then how would you choose your snazzy forum avatars?

There’s something to be said when you can make more money from 1/10th of your players, than having the other 9/10ths on just subscription.

Not to discount the point, but how’s that SWTOR going again? :stuck_out_tongue:


They have avatars to choose from! lol. Hey i still login over there from time to time to pvp. Still fun for me in that aspect of the game.

I logged in a bit ago to find the name of a guild I was in that was also in Vanilla WoW. Discovered they’re down to two servers. It wasn’t a bad TBC clone at the time.

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They didn’t have layering at launch so they had to merge all of the dead servers. (just kidding haha). badump bump pssshh.

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I thought this was self-evident. Layering is being put in place purely because tourists are going to flock to classic servers for a few months and then leave. Either the game will be unplayable while they’re here, or the realm populations will settle to too low of a level.

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I don’t know what’s going on in this thread, but for clarification, layering was not a concept that existed in public consciousness at the time I made that post.

So it is true that I was talking about the beta at the time, but it’s also true that I didn’t know layering existed at the time. Back then, we were thinking in terms of “sharding for starting zones”, rather than “layering for a brief period at launch”.

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Custom would be cool but just let us switch our toons pics just like now. Except one name to rule all your avatars. My forum name would be Padre. So when im on another toon it still shows that toon/name but says Padre as my forum name.
Think of the community! Alt hopping on the forums makes them feel sharded.

The story has to go some where. Not only that but the carbon copy thing was done from the start. Like father/mother like son/daughter. Oni had her dad’s abilities, same with shikamaru, chogi and all the others. Even naruto had the rasengan. Try again.

Yes it was. That post was made in May. We’ve known about layering before that.

No. They could of just ended the series with Naruto.

I didn’t mind it with the main series because at least the main cast had some defying personality to them compared to their parents in the Naruto series. In Boruto: I just see Arc 1 of Naruto all over again.

I get that. I haven’t gotten into boruto because I don’t like the main character.

So much “oof!” in this thread.

Not to mention: they faced literal gods in Naruto. What is Boruto and his gang gonna face up that is gonna beat that? What? Say that the gods that they faced in Naruto were actually just servants of gods and now Boruto and the gang are gonna face the actual gods or something?

On this, you are simply wrong. It’s a continuation of the story, I’m sorry you don’t know the lore of Naruto enough to understand or appreciate it.
Also, Naruto started out as a dukey little demon boy, literally progressing through hundreds of episodes.

You think maybe their kids would need time to put their own style on their techniques? Yeah, me too.

Apparently they learn that the mother figure they fought at the end was from an alien race and that’s where chakra came from. They are stupidly powerful like the mother figure was too. So yea. They upped themselves like dragonball Z power levels.

Your point is? Bleach did the same thing when it showed Ichigo and Orihime’s son having Ichigo’s Bankai as his Shikai as a continuation of the story but just ended the story there.

You just got put on a leash and taken for a walk, talk about a complete DOG. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Eloraell set a bowl out for you and brush your hair. You really need to muzzle it and sit.