Weird thought: What if shared subs & layering is Blizzard protecting Classic?

Nah. I’m just the cat that lays all over her stuff, eats her plants, and destroy her couches.

Whoa down boy, down! I can see you’re not done with obedience training, do I need to call Eloraell back here?

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Death by a thousand cuts: RIP Heralf

It’s actually funny. I have a cat that actually seeks out stuff to knock over. You put ANYTHING on the dressers at my house and within 24 hours: it will be on the floor.

cats are literally psychopaths. with fur.

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My point is, they still have a story to finish. Kaguya literally gave birth to Ninjutsu. Now the greater plot of the Naruto universe is being played out.

The greatest disservice a show can do is not finish the story they started. I have seen every episode of Naruto, Shippuden, and Boruto. Boruto is a lil’ B*** for 80% of it. Like most kids who think they know it all (Ring a bell?) he is insufferable, but you get to watch him grow. THE FIRST EPISODE TELLS YOU THE ENTIRE PLOT, it’s the end of the Ninja era. Sheeesh, get that anti-weeabu bs outtaaaaheerrreee

It’s hard to say what era it is when they repeatedly showed modern tech in the universe

…You do realize this isn’t taking place in our known universe, right? As in, the advancement of technology would have it’s own natural progression, eventually leading to modern-esque equipment?
Or would you rather it be a carbon copy and all they use are kunai and shuriken?

Layering was announced on May 16, the same day that I made that post.

It was not something I was thinking about at the time.

I ment that they counter their own logic sometimes. Like a good point is in one instance: they used communication ninjitus or what ever where it required multiple people to broadcast to a large number of people at once. But arcs ago: It showed them literally using walkie-talkies and what-not. Or them using vision ninjitu to see far away but they shown characters using high powered binocular like things.

Yes, yes they absolutely do break it down that way. Making money by splitting these kinds of hairs is how activision is still a solvent company. Blizzard is NEVER going to successfully hide from Activision how they’re making their money, assuming they’d even want to.

For that matter, I’m not sure they WOULD want to hide it. Assume, for a moment, that classic’s release marks…we’ll say a 70% increase in subs that lasts longer than a single fiscal quarter. That would be considered a titanic success. It would be very easy to argue that the best path forward is not to make classic more like retail, but to make retail more like classic.

They would most definitely break it down by platform. The servers aren’t the same codebase, identifier, or even name group. They’re not “just another server”, and Activision’s leadership isn’t stupid.

The first question they are going to ask is: “So how is Classic doing compared to Retail”. And Blizzard won’t be able to claim they can’t tell.

It took a master shinobi with telepathy powers to communicate over vast distances. It makes sense why they would innovate and create long-range communication devices everyone can use. As for previous versions, they only showed them being used in team settings, i.e., walkie-talkies with limited range
But I do see your point

It’s not “you are doing this to cater to tourists” but rather “You are doing this so you don’t have to server merge later when the tourists leave.”… That isn’t protecting the classic players from anything. It’s reducing the ammount of effort blizz has to put in post launch at the expensive of the launch experience.

Layering protecting nope, but subs kinda its kinda protecting the whole brand.
Both retail and classic.

Late to this fun party thread, but I thought that. Though, as of now, I will change my tune from ‘catering to tourists’ to ‘protection from tourists’. This is a much healthier, positive mindset, and a #change I can get behind.

It’s literally protecting the realm population density from tourists. That is half of its purpose.

We know :stuck_out_tongue:

Grounds to be ganked, this is classic where gold means something, and player effort should be enjoyed by players. Not payers.

Entertaining thread. I don’t agree with everything that Eloraell posts, but I make damn sure I have my ducks in a row before I argue with her.

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