Weird thought: What if shared subs & layering is Blizzard protecting Classic?

Like I said, the word “cater” isn’t necessarily in every post.

Again, the meaning of cater.

General statement that Blizzard is catering to casuals and tourists? It even used the word cater which you’re obsessed with.


You didn’t read his whole post where he says:

That one was a general post about catering to tourists (being the BfA players).

Really? You’re going to go to that?

Since you didn’t read the whole quote, here it is.

Again, “I don’t want to actually read it, just claim that it isn’t true”.

This is the only one that a quick search turned up, specifically giving you the words you wanted in the order you wanted.

Face it, you’re attempt to snark-undermine someone else failed, and now you’re scrambling for purchase before you fall off the cliff.