Weekly rewards not reset

Blizzard working on this? or to bad wait until next week?

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Happening to me this reset as well.

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I am having the exact same issue for all my rewards too. I am wondering if this is tied to all the other issues some servers were having yesterday.

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Same boat… It’s annoying…

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Still happening to me – open ticket had the one auto reply but is estimated to reach a person today. Hopefully some of our tickets will start getting traction and this can be acknowledged?

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can we get a blue to reply today maybe?


I’m having the same issue as a leatherworker. No weekly 3 order quest offered. Also submitted a bug report. I hope this gets fixed or somehow, we get compensation for the missing points!

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everyone needs to open a ticket and copy this forum post put it in the ticket so then each ticket will have this post in it and they will see it

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I’ve even tried to elicit help from Icy-veins and Wowhead on twitter in an effort to draw some more attention to this bug. I’ve also messaged the lead engineer from Blizz. It has literally made the game unplayable. Neither of my 80’s can receive coffer keys, loot, or rep. I’m too afraid to run the timewalking event for fear of having an empty chest at the end of that as well.


Bringing this back to the top as the issue is critical enough, and not yet resolved.

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It’s not just War Within content. My main is ineligible for the Epic version of the Grand Hunt Spoils from Dragonflight, in addition to many of the other issues mentioned above.

yep seems anything that is tide to a weekly did NOT reset

Let me know how your ticket goes, as I got lost trying to find a way to submit an actual ticket.

Reading this thread made me realize how much bigger my problem was. I logged in yesterday and went straight into Keys, then a guildie asked for a weapon craft, went to pick up my Crafting Orders quest and it just wasn’t there, then realized all of my Profession Knowledge hadn’t reset. Reading about peoples Theater/Machine/Light made me realize that all of that also didn’t reset. Here’s hoping my raid lock reset, we’ll find that out tonight. Here’s to hoping for us all that we get noticed.

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…like they actually read our tickets they use a robot that send a auto reply and has nothing to do with what u said…have to summit it twice for a human to read it

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How do we not have a blizz acknowledgement of this issue yet? Tons of people getting a week behind due to weeklys not resetting and awakening not working, and not even a ‘we’re aware of an issue’ post.

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I to am having issues my professions did not reset, i am not sure about other things as i don’t pay as much attention to them. I think at this point we should push Blizzard to provide us with compensation. I play this game for my professions, i am not able to progress them causing me to loose margins. I pay for a service which is not being provided.

god send, been looking for ages for a response

well, at least we know they are aware of it…