Weekly rewards not reset

Seriously, some kind of acknowledgement would be nice


I had no idea this was a thing until it happened to me. I thought it was weird I got no gear or keys from my first weekly chest. Also thought it was weird the theatre troupe and the weekly in the ringing deeps did not reset. World boss gave me no rep and just a couple gold off his corpse. Am I to understand we just have to deal with this? I think the lack of coffer keys is the worst part not to mention I don’t have the spark quest and didnt receive one from any of the weekly stuff I’ve done.


I will not even log back in til this is fixed. It’s a complete waste of time for those of us who don’t raid or do M+.

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Weekly quests not resetting, (wax, awakening, theater troupe, etc.)

awakening chests not showing up

Rares showing rep already gained

Treasures showing collected

just bull****.


and they still have YET to comment on the issue ignoring everyone


Because they don’t care. At least that’s the vibe i’m getting.

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I put in a ticket under item restoration and when it asked for the item I typed in all the stuff I didn’t get from my weekly reset yet. Says 2 days for the average response. I’ll keep submitting it until I get a real answer.

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same thing happed to me

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Doing the same on my end but went interface (since they refuse to accept tickets for quests/lockouts). I got an auto response about trying typical uninstall/reinstall shenanigans before I resubmit. 1 day wait time estimated for me currently.

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Same thing happening over here.

Same issue so annnoying stops progressions

yep thats 8 keys LOST 2nd week in a row…im also betting this happens next week making 3 weeks in a row

not to mention we are loosing REP bc of this as well

I am having the same issue…

same issue on my main

Same here. Just adding my name to the hat.

Happened to me the first time this week as well. I wonder if it is some way to slow down progression.

Seems it’s affecting a lot more people now. If only it would affect a RWF raider, then the issue might actually be addressed. At this point we just have to keep making noise. Here and on X

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Happened to me this week. A majority of my weekly content didn’t reset. Extremely disappointing and frustrating this early in the expansion.

Happened on my main too.

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Bumping, same thing happened for me, caches just award gold and currency with no keys or veteran gear.

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