Weekly quest is 1500 Honor in Rated Arenas

Let’s head on over to the Rated tab and-- oh.

Arena battles and Rated Battlegrounds are only available during an active PvP season.
The next season will start soon!

So why is this quest even up?


I’ma need a team of 4 to complete this.

/10 char

Same reason Blizzard said earthen race would be available on launch but now it’s locked through September 3.

Company is ran poorly, and they’re used to just abusing their player base because they never get in trouble for it.

Same blizzard as always.

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following lol

Was just thinking the same. Thanks for the useless quest there blizz. GJ

Did they? I was pretty sure they said it would be available “shortly after launch” and that dracthyr would come “at some point during the expansion”


I read this as they should’ve been out by the 26th, everything else was and there’s no “September 3rd earthen” label.

At best they’re being dumb, at worst they’re being malicious and knowing blizzard, it’s the second option.

Here’s the excerpt even from wowhead:

“The infographic highlights the content that will be coming with the next expansion. With Pre-Patch on July 23rd, players will have access to Warbands and the Radiant Echoes Event. Roughly 1 month later on August 22nd (Early Access) and August 26th (Global Launch), players will experience the full launch of the War Within including Khaz Algar, Earthen, and Hero Talents.”

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I’m happy to call out blizzard when they do shady or dumb things. For example, the early access was a scam, and for them to nerf levelling now is INSANE after the early access players could giga grind in 2 hours.

That’s SUPER messed up.

However, when I look at that infographic to me it looks like earthen will be availabe sometime between global launch and season 1, not necessarilly day 1.


I truly can not imagine getting that from the infographic, nor would any post with 1000s of comments discussing the same thing suggest that your take is the normal one here.

The graphic the 08/23 - 08/26 window.

I’m actually mind blown you disagree with that. Truly.

Everything on that infographic dropped within the window of time it’s beneath. The only one that isn’t that way is the earthen.

Example: Thing slated for 07/23

  • Warbands
  • Guild xserver
  • SkyRiding on 400+ mounts

All of these landed right?

Example: Things slated for 08/23-08/26

  • New story
  • New zones
  • Hero talents
  • Delves
  • Earthen <—- only one that didn’t come

Come on Nas. You’re not serious. Only way I could possibly adjust my take is if you show me where Blizzard said it wouldn’t be released within this window of time.


I’ll remember this.

Respectfully, I truly cannot imagine anyone not getting that from the infographic, or at the very least being upset that they need to wait a single week for story driven reasons.

It looks similar to every other road map they’ve made. They list the content that comes out during that window and will occur before the next patch. They have never guaranteed anything on day one.

They haven’t made a new race IMMEDIATELY available since mop. They have always had some kind of introduction to make sense of why they’re joining the respective factions.

I’m not going to look through older blizz comments and go down a google rabbit hole, but I’m fairly confident that they said something to the effect of earthen being available shortly after release once people completed enough of the campaign and that it would be during the first patch.

To be totally honest I’m shocked it’s even introduced this soon.

The graphic shows that window for START times and that window extends until the next season 1 date. It’s entirely reasonable to assume that, as long as it’s before season 1, it is still within the time frame.

There are VERY real complaints to direct at blizzard. Earthen being available a week later for story reasons is not one of them.

Respectfully, you should read beyond your limited barriers before taking this stance. It shows an egregious lack of understanding the issue which is something I expect less of from you.

Locked races have been universally hated since mop, which was why this infographic was taken by a large number of players to be different. I don’t think it looks similar, do you have examples?

There is no story reason for this though, you’ve made that up.

I mean, I don’t want to dunk you too hard but this is a completely weak argument. “Oh I got asked to prove my take, but that’s too involved so I won’t. But believe me bro.”

Idk, I expect a lot more from you. Evidently that expectation is heavily misplaced.

Here’s two threads with people discussing how they got the same idea as I did:

Here’s a comment stating my exact point here actually:

Even WoWhead comments are confused:

Many people got the same impression I have. I feel that’s entirely reasonable to call out. You’re just flat out wrong man.


It is not.

Other road maps had a linear line with those flags separated with the relative time they’d come out.

This one was blocky with a bunch of things under certain starting dates. “Play Earthen Allied Race” was under the “Aug 22nd Early Access” and “Aug 26th Global Release”.

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I feel like changing it to skirms weekly shouldn’t be too hard to do on their end. Would prob need a server restart though since it’ll be a server side change.

You’re right, I could’ve chosen better verbiage. I echoed your “I cannot imagine”, when I should have said, “I can see why you’d think that way, but I don’t agree”.
It’s not a lack of understanding. I just didn’t think that earthen would be available IMMEDIATELY on launch and nothing about that infographic changed my opinion.

I know a lot of players didn’t like having to unlock allied races for the idea that they were purchasing an expansion purely for the cosmetic of those races. Further, I’m not so naïve as to pretend that the time gating isn’t a playtime metric. However, I also recognize that, ever since BFA when they talked about adding in allied races, they wanted to create a narrative story that established trust between the races and made sense to join the respective factions.

I think it makes more sense to do that after spending time with them then showing up and murdering half their continent in a span of hours.

I’m also not sure it’s fair to say “universally hated”. While it definitely frustrated some people, I think the VAST majority of players understood the time gate and weren’t particularly bothered by it.

Sure, here’s a convenient example wowhead just posted!

This roadmap, under 10.2.5, shows several things to be released during that “flag” or window. 4/6 of those things were available immediately, the azerothian archives event was timegated over several weeks, and the outland cup came out during that window, but wasn’t available immediately on release.

Under season 4, technically 4/4 of those things were “available” on release, but many of the open world rewards were, as to be expected, timegated by the new story

under 10.2.7, 3/4 things were immediately available and the 4th (the holiday) were made available later in the patch and NOT on release.

Even under TWW, the banner shows things available; 5/8 are available shortly after launch, and 3/8 are not available immediately on launch.

Every roadmap they’ve made for a while has done this, and the infographic is no different. It shows earthen being available sometime in the window of early access but before season 1. And they’re well within that window. Delayed by a single week for story reasons.

This is a wild claim to make. They’ve timegated every single allied race unlock behind a campaign and story. If you played through the quests you’d see why there’s a delay too!

Nah, it’s not even an argument. It’s just not worth my time to go and try to sift through dev interviews to find some vague verbiage that says “shortly after release”. I’m confident nothing said “available on release!” or they’d have said that. IF that had been said, then I’d be a lot more sympathetic and I’d agree with you.

Even in their official “meet the earthen” preview on June 5th it never said it’d be available on day 1.

There are definitely a lot of people confused and upset and that’s fair for them to feel that way. However, I know a LOT of people from casuals to hardcore pvp/pvers and I don’t know a single person who thought earthen would be available on day 1, especially when the past half-decade has provided evidence directly to the contrary.

Could blizzard have been more clear? absolutely! Are they being deliberately disingenuous with this? I don’t think so; not by a long shot.

Yes, which makes Blizzard’s choice dumb.

Additionally, the link you provided is more apples to oranges. Your graphic shows general time frames & patches right? “Summer” is not the same as “08/23-08/26”. It’s disingenuous to try to make this claim as them being “similar.” They’re similar in that they’re both infographics, that’s where that stops though.

They chose a new model of infographic, with a specific date range set. That is going to lead to more people thinking something different, there is no argument here.

Really feels like you’re being obtuse due to boredom at this point buddy. Technically blizzard never said we’d get full blown crowdfunding for the arena event, yet everyone believed it to be the case. Maybe you’re kind enough (or silly enough) to just give blizzard a pass every time this kind of thing happens.

I’m not, and others are getting tired of it. Calling this out is entirely reasonable.

And it feels to me like you’re being obtuse because you wished things were different despite years of evidence to the contrary.

You’re more than welcome to call them out and be frustrated, but I’m confident that the overwhelming majority of players expected earthen to not be available day 1 of global release and is more than happy for them to come out before season 1.

It’s hard for me to believe you’re able to achieve anything at higher levels of education and still miss the point of a well articulated opinion, backed by several 300+ post long threads & others showing the same problem.

I hope you’re able to adjust that later in life.

Not sure how on earth you get this claim; I have a literal PhD, published research, and I’m a licensed psychologist o.O

Again, it’s not that I miss the point, I just disagree with it.

Yeah, and there was a school that had a poll asking if they should use “arabic or roman numerals” on clocks and over a thousand parents in the district complained about indoctrination and inappropriate practices because they didn’t realize what those things were.

Hundreds of people shouted, wrote, and posted that “arabic numerals shouldn’t be used in schools”.

Could the school have been more clear? Absolutely. Were the hundreds of angry parents Justified in their anger? I don’t think so.

If blizzard was confident that earthen would be playable day 1, they’d have clearly stated and advertised that. They did not do that. I can totally see how someone would be hopeful that that would be the case, but to act like you were lied to or deceived because of your misconception is taking 0 accountability to your own comprehension and frankly childish.

For you to allude to personal commentary over a difference of opinion on the internet is pretty telling that you’re the one who needs to make adjustments.