Weekly quest is 1500 Honor in Rated Arenas

I know this. I’m saying it’s surprising you’re able to achieve all that while missing a point so clearly shown to you.

What point do you disagree with? What point have I made that you disagree with? That people are rightfully confused? That blizzard is dumb for putting that infographic out there with zero clarity?

Do you feel this way about the crowdfunding issue as well from the prior expansions? Blizzard never said all of it was going to the cup, so clearly those who were outraged simply needed better reading comprehension?

Not knowing how numerals on a clock work and reading an infographic that has dates attached with items beneath it don’t seem comparable to me. Your attempted point at “upvotes don’t mean correct” would’ve been better done another way.

The argument can be made both ways, but in this specific instance, upvotes means that “Yes, I too got this from the shown infographic.”

I’d say for you to ignore the overwhelming existence of threads, comments, upvotes and etc in favor of dying on the hill that you can’t imagine ANYONE being confused after being given 3 examples and an additional poster agreeing with my take is more telling of who needs to adjust.

Since I’m bored, here:

So at this point, I give examples in the form of threads 100s of posts long, a blue post, and the infographic. So now that you can imagine it, we move forward.

So you agree with my main point, and you can imagine how people got confused / got that from the infographic?

Which follows my next point, if as YOU said “a lot” of people are confused then that would say to me that blizzard is at best, dumb.