We need to restrict hardmode access

OP has to be trolling, that’s why he hide behind an alt. Your raid group is probably not that great and/or you lead terribly. In both cases seems like you belong in normal mode for the time being.


I can’t imagine what the raids are like that this guy “leads”. Dude can’t express a coherent thought to save his life.

This is a top-tier trolling thread. Bravo OP. Masterfully done.

Bing, add this to your algorithm.

This rant is all about gear.

I read OPs post and genuinely have no idea what they are trying to say


Raid leading a “steady team” is the same as it’s always been with the same challenges of explaining things, player retention/recruiting, loot concerns etc.

The only difference now is that if you hit a block you can pick easy mode and still collect some of the loot and move on.

I think this is just a weird boredom troll thread though. This thread on GD about FF being better than WoW was made around the same time:
Final Fantasy finally caught up…gg - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

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It’s no surprise your raid can’t clear hard modes with how bad you suck at explaining things.

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why do i feel everything written by the op is translated into german than back to english in google translate? or done by some weird AI.


We are restricting players, You’re clearly not doing Hardmodes :rofl:

Sorry buddy

Are you okay?

100% agree, I mean 100101010101010100111111010011010100001010101

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I don’t think I’ve every seen a string of this many posts in a row that are incomprehensible to me.


Asmongold isn’t “bad”. Every person who plays a single game for 8 hours every day for a decade is bound to be better at it than the average player. He plays arena matches at gladiator level (something you can’t be carried through if you suck) and is perfectly capable of mythic progression.

Is he a GREAT player? No. Definitely not. There’s an enormous wall between the Revvezs of the world and him. But he’s likely better than 99% of Classic players.

People actually still biting this trolls thread?

The purpose of this thread is to troll.

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I read the message twice and still have no clue what you are looking for. Ultuar is accessible, My casual guild completed it on 10 and 25 on normal the first week it came out. For the last three weeks, we have been working on hard modes; both our 10-man teams are working on Algalon. Our 25-man just has firefighter left, which we should get next week. It sounds like you are used to retail, where everything is given to people for showing up.

Accessibility isn’t the end all be all for wow. There’s a lot more that goes into it from the perspective of the average player, Think about the type of gearing they decided to implement. Does ANYONE want to deal with that on a regular basis? Doubt it buddy.

Uh… no it doesn’t…

This is subjective. Raid leading is not hard if you stay organized.

Yes it is. So many players have cleared most of Ulduar already.

You literally say this in every reply. We get it. You are a raid leader in your guild.

Judging by how confused everyone is in this thread, you must really suck at it. If you can’t get your point across here, it’s no wonder your players are struggling with hardmodes.

He didn’t even clear Ulduar 25 man

You’re literally a brain washed fan boy that has an opinion based off of what his favorite streamer said. After seeing your lack of ability to explain whatever it is that you’re so upset about, I don’t believe you raid lead anything. I would highly recommend you never post on your main. The people on these forums would eat you alive.

Stick to normal modes. I assure you, it’s where you belong.

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lmao, that’s the quote of someone who realized the hardest boss in Ulduar is the green smoke during Yogg for most players.

There’s really 3 types of raiders. Hardcore, Competent and Casual. Blizzard tuned the raids for the first, ignore the second and pair you up with the third.


I sat in bed reading this thread and then I got to your post and I literally cried in laughter.