We need to restrict hardmode access

Way to show you have no good faith in this argument dude. Theres a reason that people cant do what they did previously in the raid, have you seen Asmon’s last few streams? He made a lot of sense with most of his points about this and it really opened my mind to a lot of these issues.

You can try to downplay my examples all you want, but without any counter arguments and just a few hollow insults there’s nothing of substance youve contributed so far…So please, let me see your rebuttal.

Imagine Asmon was your raid leader? How would you put aside your ego to allow him to troll you for gear? Hardmodes would be beaten without any reason whatsoever and he wouldn’t even know how. That’s why Blizzard has been playing the most competitive games. The company is also making the most money by offering games.

The only thing that was missed here was the OP’s meds for the day.


Rhabdolith, are you the “dime a dollar” guy from the other thread?

Lots of streamer worship and gibberish in that thread too. Similar vague complaints about the core game being fundamentally broken.


Hardmodes are already restricted?

No need. Everyone else in this thread is roasting your incompetence. I’ll let them finish you off.

Good luck with progression.

Troll thread guys. Let it die.


My condolences to your parents, kiddo

Wtf is this thread even about??

Dunno been playing MMO’s for 25+ years at this point, been on message boards for longer than that and didn’t think there was anything i couldn’t understand but this one stumps me.

Like I think its just random statements being thrown out in an attempt to troll, but im also concerned the poster may be off their medications and don’t know the rest of us can’t hear the voices in their head.


It makes me wonder if this is some sort of chatbot troll honestly, it’s too out there. Maybe it’s just translated from another language but even that sort of conversation isn’t usually like this.

Dont mind these guys, as a fellow raid leader i completely understand you.

My opinion is that classic loot is not like the way it was before and the classic players of tomorrow dont think it be like it is, but it do! Some player very good for hard boss but not player very good at all cant get loot and that is bad because blizz trolling?

I feel your pain brother.

Now I’m even more confused.

Weak troll thread

Just someone mad they lost loot. Nothing to see here. Move along.

You mean…worse players lol?

Actually vanilla is easy enough you really can just go straight in to AQ lol

Yeah it’s easy but being MC gear and straight into AQ40 is gonna be a challenge.

I guess the purpose of this thread is either trolling, or someone was just reaaaallly high, and thought that what he writes is understandable, but it wasnt.

Incorrect. It is a troll thread. You fail.