EA games its in the game not the team got it.
You’re absolutely right. You must be the one here with the galaxy sized brain. We’re so lucky to have such an intelligent individual on these forums. Perhaps your genius will rub off on some of us.
100% was trying to help you but could not understand what it is you are asking. from what i can gather you want raids to be easier so more people can do it like nax which is hands down the easiest raid and ulduar is on another level of difficulty to which i say wait we are at the highest point of difficulty in ulduar’s life cycle after a few months it will be nerfed ( made weaker) so more average players will have it on farm like they did with naxxramas. until then you need to progress with your guild running optimal comps being that 5% of players or wait. that is your options
It’s more about keeping consistent with the fundamentals, so why hasn’t blizzard tried to change the process? Without the average player doing gear checks we can’t get most people into raids consistently. Take sunwell near the middle for example, most players were grinding and grinding yet the game didn’t have the depth to gear those players without an extra run or 2. That’s not classic wow, that’s retail wow…And last I checked, this was wrath classic.
they have been though when any raids are released they ALWAYS are hard then they nerf them down so the average player can do them.
some bosses took months before they was even killed originally
C’thun: AQ40 113 days* (He was literally unkillable because broken mechanics and math) before the first group killed him that is classic era when first released. blizzard had to nerf the boss so it could be killed by the top 5% of players not just the normies
Yogg 0: Ulduar 85 days. before first guild killed him originally.
people now have killed him in the first week of ulduar being released .
Why are you spamming lengths of time for no reason lol this is about the gearing process…Not some speedrun bs. Most players have the ability to get into that level of gameplay before the thought even pops into their head, it’s just a matter of perspective.
That was the amount of time before the boss was killed. You need to kill the boss to get the gear. This is not speed running the boss at all that was the amount of time it took world wide before the first ever group killed the boss to get the gear. It was to outline the fact that when raids are released they are HARD then they get easier.
But that raid can’t be completed without PROPER communication and gearing from the average player. The foundation of the game was made in a way where you had to WORK for different gear, imagine an Asmongold stream but with him doing dps or something and a viewer raid leading. It obviously wouldn’t work so why does it have to be done here?
This explains a lot of why your post makes no sense.
Asmond is a bad player in general if he was not tank dude would be dead 90% of his raids it’s why he plays tank.
Do not take advice from asmond.
Can you imagine this raid leading? “Uhh Mr GM, which black hole explosion am i dsaccing?”
good question well i really think that the cheese is only valuable if the dog can’t reach it, the popeyes is only as strong as its weakest radiator, is blizzard trolling us? Heigan the unclean was less of a man than martin from the simpsons, am i married?
I don’t know if you’re trolling or what but bad player? He has almost every achievement and has completed every single piece of content on mythic difficulty…In my opinion he is a warrior prodigy.
Perks of being a streamer people will carry you for the “fame” i’m not trolling you.
It’s the truth he has people do stuff for him while he is alt tabbed he has said this himself.
I have seen him be carried while he watches YouTube with his steam
Dude what he’s STREAMED it all and he played a decade before that…There’s a reason he gets more viewers than anybody in wow, he knows whats up and has the skill to back it up.
Atleast this made more sense than the entire thread
And I’m done your obviously a big fan boy good luck with it. Dudes not good and does not have “skills” he just been at it so long he has a loyal fan base. His raise to fam was wow when it was popular and had millions of people and is one of the few that actually stuck around it’s not because he’s good it because he’s been carried the longest.
Sounds like you need to watch a few asmon streams then, get updated on the times…you wont regret it
Please stop feeding the trolls.
O I do watch them it’s how I know he is bad at the game. Good at being entertaining yes but bad at the game regardless.
Then why was he voted the OCG top warrior of the decade? Weird considering that category factors in both content AND skill.
Op is trolling. The lack of hard modes in naxx didnt make better players, it just made it easier for bad players to not be noticed. When your healers tell you to stand in the bad because they are bored, you know the content is brain dead easy.