This. Like many have said before, it should’ve been the 4th spec option from the beginning.
Oh yes please! We want that playstyle back. And the best way to do so that does not affect/hurt the existing specs(and the players that like those), is to add in a 4th spec.
I get your point. Although there has been requests for a Melee hunter spec for years in the past. It certainly has it’s place. Some will love it.
The only problem really, is that it took something away from us that we(many of us) wanted to keep playing with.
I want to once again refer to the point that thematically/in terms of design, we don’t have to make it a case of - either-or -.
We can have both as a new ranged DoT-spec with the philosophy of today in terms of design, would have an identity of it’s own.
Hint…We need range Survival Hunters back - #457 by Ghorak-laughing-skull
If the only real issue with bringing that in as a 4th spec, is like Kindwolf says, that they don’t want to add a 4th spec to a pure damage class then I would urge them to change their(the devs) minds.
Now, I would want to go off-topic for a bit and provide a link to a late post of my in regards to Beast Mastery, and how I think that the spec still lacks in depth.
Link Beast Mastery[Aspects!]
Currently it feels like BM lacks that core theme. It’s a spec that should have a focus on the pet.
But, beyond some passive talents, you don’t really have much that actually embrace the fantasy. Any active talents you can pick are all stand-alone abilities with no real ties to any core mechanics of the spec.
My idea on the Aspect system is to bring that past fantasy back of you as the hunter becoming one with the wild.
The Aspects of old was a system I thought had much potential, but what we have today are some basic utility focused stuff(for the most part). BM has Aspect of the Wild, and thats good. It is also the reason why I think BM should have even more focus on the Aspects you use offensively.
Anyway, I also included the petition for giving us A Murder of Crows baseline along with a passive effect tying it to Kill Command.
In order to keep this thread on topic, I would love it if any feedback regarding BM is posted in the linked topic.
Thanks in advance!