We need range Survival Hunters back

Been following this thread for a while along with other ones on this hunter forum. Decided to now bring my own contribution over from the EU Hunter forum.

Now, we all have our opinions as well as preferences on what we want for this class. If you ask me, the request to revert current M-Survival in favor of a reworked R-Survival spec is unlikely to happen. Nor do I think that reworking either BM or MM to fit it in will have a very successful outcome.
In short, R-Survival needs to be the 4th spec option.

What has been done in the past to further enhance the vision of certain specs, we saw this the last time when they decided to split Feral Druids into Guardian/Feral Combat. So if there is enough motivation and plausible grounds for a 4th spec. Who knows…

I created this thread below in May this year, it contains my vision for what the fantasy/unique identity for R-Survival could be. https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/pre-legion-survival-spec-fantasy/47579

Som keypoints with it:

  • The theme of the spec is very much about the DoT-concept. Building them up. You opt into a very consistent playstyle that does not rely on heavy-hitters. Much like the fantasy was with the old spec.

  • It holds some elements that are focused on pet use. We already have MM that is supposed to be the Ranger-spec.
    And still, anything that further enhances your pet/you through your pet is entirely optional(talent choices). This to allow those that don’t want to rely much on pets beyond the very basics, can still do so.

The full post can be viewed in the link but I’ll paste the main parts below.
Remember that any numbers mentioned are purely there to give context. Testing is ofc required to ensure any level of balance.

Core Abilities

Cobra Shot - A fast shot that deals X% of weapon damage as Physical damage.
Generates 7 Focus. Instant cast.

Explosive Shot - You fire an explosive charge into the enemy target, dealing Fire damage. The charge will blast the target every second for an additional 4sec.
2 charges. 10 sec recharge.

Serpent Sting - Fire a shot that poisons your target, causing them to take Nature damage over 15 sec.

Black Arrow - Fires a Black Arrow at the target, dealing Shadow damage over 12 sec.

Quick Shot - Deals X% weapon damage as Physical damage. Costs 25 Focus.

Immolation Trap - When triggered, causes periodic Fire damage to the target over 20 seconds. 1 minute cooldown.
Note: Some talent choices affect how often you can use it along with what it does.

Multi-Shot - Fires several missiles, hitting your current target and all enemies within 8 yards for X% weapon damage as Physical damage.
Multi-Shot applies the Serpent Spread(Passive) -effect to all targets hit.

Note: The idea is that this is not something you use constantly but only as a way to maintain Serpent Sting on multiple targets.

Major Cooldown

Rapid Fire - Increases your haste by X%, and on use, grants a charge of Explosive Shot(triggers Lock & Load).

While Rapid Fire is active, the first hit of Explosive Shot when cast will reset the remaining cooldown of Black Arrow, and the periodic damage effect applied by Black Arrow can now stack up to 3 times.

If you, during Rapid Fire, use Explosive Shot on an enemy affected by Black Arrow, then each explosion from the charge will cause the toxin to spread to other nearby enemies.
Rapid fire lasts for 20 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.

Due to some recent feedback, I’ve decided to add a replacement for the DoT-spread mechanic of Rapid Fire, when in instanced PvP.

Your Explosive Shot will no longer be able to automatically spread any periodic damage effect caused by Black Arrow. Instead, you now have an additional passive effect that is always active, regardless of if your Rapid Fire is or isn’t.

If your Black Arrow is at any time dispelled or otherwise removed from an enemy target, you will instantly gain a free charge of Black Arrow.

Note: This is not a CD reset mechanic. This works like Lock and Load does for Explosive Shot, that it would add an extra charge of Black Arrow on top of what you already have.

Mastery Bonus Suggestions

(1) Mastery Bonus: Neurotoxin
Black Arrow has a chance, based on your Mastery, to instantly be applied with 2-3 stacks.
In addition, any abilities used by the hunter that deals periodic damage will have an increased chance to cause a critical hit on targets below 20% health. Also based on your Mastery.

Example: Lets say you have 30% Mastery. This means that Black Arrow would have a 30% chance to instantly be applied with 2-3 stacks on the enemy target. At all times, not just during Rapid Fire.
And, all abilities/effects you have that deals periodic damage, would have a 30% increased chance to critically hit any target below 20% health remaining.

(2) Mastery Bonus: Mixologist
Elemental Damage increased by an amount equal to your mastery.
(Any damage caused that is not Physical damage. Meaning: Arcane, Fire, Frost, Nature or Shadow-based).

Passive effects

Lock and Load - Periodic damage caused by Black Arrow and Immolation Trap have a chance to add 1 extra charge of Explosive Shot which will consume no focus when fired.

Note: Getting a proc from Lock & Load, won’t affect the base re-charge system of Explosive Shot.
Example: If you have 2 charges of Explosive Shot available and you get a L&L-proc, you will then have 3 charges. 1 of which costs no Focus.

Keep in mind that L&L has a limited duration.
When the buff expires, so does any extra charge(s) that you haven’t yet used.

Enhanced Traps/Trap Mastery
-Gain the Immolation Trap ability.

-Tar applied by Tar Trap can now be set on fire by Immolation Trap, causing any enemy who stands in it to take increasing damage over time for it’s duration/as long as the enemy stands in it.

-The trigger radius as well as the radius of the effect on your Tar Trap is increased by 25%.

-Freezing Trap can now be triggered manually by the hunter once placed, causing it to form a fragile Ice Block that you can stand behind to protect yourself from frontal attacks until shattered.
The ice block shatters after 8 seconds or once it has taken enough damage.
Manually triggering it requires you to stand in close vicinity to the trap.

Steady Focus - Using Cobra Shot several times in a row will increase the amount of focus gained from each shot by 4. Stacking up to 3 times.

Serpent Spread - Targets hit by Multi-Shot are also afflicted by Serpent Sting equal to 9 sec of it’s duration.

Exotic Munitions - Your auto attacks have a chance to increase the remaining duration of either Serpent Sting, Black Arrow or Immolation Trap by 5 seconds on an enemy affected by either of these periodic damage effects.

Note: When a proc occurs, it can only increase the duration of one the above mentioned periodic damage effects at a time.

Other abilities

Aspect of the Turtle - Works like it currently does on live.
Aspect of the Cheetah - Works like it currently does on live.
Exhilaration - Works like it currently does on live.
Call Pet - Works like it currently does on live.
…along with other abilities such as Counter Shot, Concussive Shot, Mend Pet and more…


-Level 15-
T.N.T - If Explosive Shot is used on an enemy already affected by a previous charge, the charge’s remaining duration is refreshed as well as increased by an additional 3 seconds. An active charge can only have a max duration of 9 seconds.

Exotic Munitions-procs now also increase the remaining duration of any active Explosive Shot charge you have on the current target by 3 seconds.

Toxicology - Increases the periodic critical damage of your Serpent Sting and Black Arrow by 25%, and Serpent Sting now deals ever increasing damage against targets below 30% health.

Dire Frenzy - Replaces Quick Shot. Causes your pet to enter a frenzy, performing a flurry of 5 attacks on the target.
This will enrage your pet, and if Dire Frenzy is cast again before the Enrage fades, the damage dealt is increased by 100%. Enrage lasts for 12 seconds.
3 charges. 8 second recharge time. Costs 35 Focus. Requires an active pet.

-Level 30-
Death Adder - Any time Serpent Sting is applied, it will also deal an additional 20% of it’s total damage instantly.
Also applies to Serpent Spread(Passive). In addition, every time Serpent Sting deals damage, you have a chance to gain 3 focus.

If the passive effect “Exotic Munitions” procs while your Serpent Sting is active on the target, then this will also trigger the Death Adder-effect.
Requires the Death Adder-talent.

Alpha Predator - Whenever your pet hits an enemy, it gains 2% increased attack speed.
When at or above 30% increased attack speed, your pet’s attacks have a high chance (equal to the amount of increased attack speed) to automatically trigger a Dire Frenzy attack. Also triggering the Enrage-effect. Requires an active pet.
When a Dire Frenzy attack occurs, you instantly gain 10 Focus but lose the increased attack speed on your pet.

Note: Using the ability Dire Frenzy(the talent) will not grant you the extra Focus, nor will it cause your pet to lose the increased attack speed.
The interaction between this talent and the Dire Frenzy-talent above is the ability to more easily maintain the Enrage buff on your pet.

Viper Venom - Every time Serpent Sting deals damage, there is a chance that your next Serpent Sting will consume no focus and deal 75% additional damage over it’s duration.
This effect can stack up to 4 times but will be consumed the next time Serpent Sting is used.

Note: This talent does not provide you with extra focus if picked. The goal is that, if you have this talent then basically all casts of Serpent Sting will be free.

-Level 45-
Utility talents , same as on live: Trailblazer, Natural Mending, Camouflage .

-Level 60-
Ferocious Inspiration - Dire Frenzy now deals damage to all nearby enemies.

Note: Dire Frenzy-attacks that proc thanks to the Alpha Predator-talent, will benefit from Ferocious Inspiration as well. The talent Dire Frenzy, is not required for Ferocious Inspiration to affect Alpha Predator.

Wildfire - The periodic damage effect applied by Immolation Trap will now spread to any enemy standing in close range to an already burning target.
As long as an enemy is within range of another enemy affected by Wildfire or Immolation Trap, the Wildfire will continue to spread.
Will ignore CC’d targets. Wildfire lasts for 8 seconds.

Ever Burning - Explosive Shot now deals damage to all enemies near your primary target.

-Level 75-
Utility talents , same as on live: Born to be Wild, Posthaste, Binding Shot .

-Level 90-
Spitting Cobra - Cobra Shot now extends the remaining duration of Serpent Sting on the enemy target by X sec, up to a max of 15 seconds.
In addition, Cobra Shot now has a high chance of generating double Focus when fired.

Note: You can continue to extend the duration of any Serpent Sting-debuff for as long as you want to. However, you can not manually extend the duration of a Serpent Sting-debuff above the baseline 15 second duration.

Pre-Heat - The cooldown of Immolation Trap is reduced by 5 seconds every time Immolation Trap deals critical damage to the enemy target.
In addition, if an enemy target dies while affected by Immolation Trap, it’s CD is reset.

Note: This effect only applies to the enemy who triggers your Immolation Trap. Not to enemies affected by Wildfire(talent).

Intoxication - Your ranged Auto Attacks have a chance to grant you 2 stacks of Intoxication. Lasts for X seconds.
When Black Arrow expires on an enemy, you gain this effect as well.

  • Intoxication
    Causes your abilities that deal instant damage, to be guaranteed critical strikes.
    And causes your abilities that deal periodic damage to last for an additional X seconds, and critical damage caused by these abilities is increased by an additional X%.

-Level 100-
Rapid Recuperation - Every time your pet hits an enemy with it’s Basic Attack(Bite, Claw, Smack), the remaining cooldown of Rapid Fire is reduced by 2 seconds.
During Rapid Fire, each of your pet’s Basic Attacks have a chance to hit one additional time while consuming no extra focus.

Catalysis - When Black Arrow deals damage to an enemy target, damage caused by Explosive Shot against that enemy is increased by 10%.
In addition, when one of your abilities deal Fire damage to an enemy affected by Black Arrow, you have a chance to gain this effect as well.
This effect lasts for X seconds. Stacks up to 10 times.

Resourcefulness - Reduces the cooldown of all traps and Black Arrow by 20%. Your Freezing Trap and Tar Trap both have a 100% chance to proc Lock & Load when triggered.

Freezing Trap when triggered manually can now withstand 100% more incoming damage before shattering.

When an enemy breaks free from your Freezing Trap, they will take an additional 10% damage from all sources for the next X seconds.

Critical hits from Immolation Trap causes an additional X% damage to the affected target.

NEW! - Set Bonus effects/Bonus Traits

Got no good names for these traits/bonuses yet but…

Just wanted to add in some potential fun bonus effects that are spec specific. They can be tied to things such as Set Bonuses or something similar to Artifact Traits/Azerite Traits.
In what way we can get these, depends on what e.g. progression-system we get ofc.


(1) Lock and Load now grants 2 charges of Explosive Shot when it procs, instead of 1.

(2) When you get a Exotic Munitions-proc. It will grant you an additional bonus effect depending on which periodic damage-effect it benefits.

Serpent Sting - Until the current Serpent Sting debuff expires or is refreshed, every time it deals damage to the target, you instantly gain 3 Focus.

Black Arrow - The remaining cooldown on Black Arrow is instantly reset.

Immolation Trap - Your next Immolation Trap will deal an extra X% damage and will also have an increased X% chance to critically hit the affected target.

(3) Your Mastery Bonus: Neurotoxin’s secondary effect now applies to enemies below 30% health remaining, up from 20%.
Note: This bonus effect might have to be set to enemies below 25%(or even 35%) health remaining, instead of 30%. This depends on balancing ofc.