We need more for the high elf aesthetic

Considering what happened, Maiev thought it was, but was actually saved, then hidden. Illidan probably had some intel from the demons he worked with, and then told Maiev and others. This is really just behind-the-scenes things that don’t really matter that much… I don’t see the point of getting that nit-picky.

Johnny Lawrence. Ah. :joy:

Also a reddit post shows no different than what this forum shows. Wanting High Elves and being happy for them is good and all.

Wanting them while calling other people’s valid opinions “Mistakes” or “I would step over you” is toxic. If you can’t process that, like I said, call that Johnny Lawrence.

I’m sure he’d have a laugh here, but not with who you think he would.

Moving on.

With behind the scenes you might mean assumptions, no? :eyes:


This works against us alliance players. You basically say this is what i think the lore should be and blood elves should have not been horde.


I mean what do you want? I just wrote a plausible explanation. So, that pushes it out of the realm of it being impossible to happen. If I can write it, so can blizzard. All I’m saying. Just cause blizzard hasn’t gone over it in-game doesn’t mean they have 0 explanations for it.

You shouldn’t use phrases out of context and edited to your favor to make a point.
Just be glad I’m not a troll who would use your hot-blooded attitude in my favor.

Nobody said this. By reading just a topic title you’ll not get to the essence of the discussion which comes now full circle with something what has been said before: There is support for High Elf-players from the community and people are very favorable towards them already playable for the Alliance.

Their explanation in Warcraft 3 was that Suramar was under the water. They retconned the lore and rearpulled the Nightborne.

Don’t get me wrong, this is alright. I love Nightborne and their lore. But they are as rearpulled as Void Elves if not more, Blizz literally retconned things to bring them. Void Elves at least existed as Blood Elves before.

Though the Elves that accept Demon Hunters, Death Knights, Warlocks, Shadow Priests and who hated the Night Elves for exiling them for using “dangerous magic that would endanger our survival”, now exiling the Void Elves for “using dangerous magic that would endanger our survival” is hilarious.

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THe picture said it. That it “feels right” like they know it don’t make sense but it feel right.

It be like posting picture of a goblin in alliance tabard and say it “this feels right” because you think goblins should be alliance race too. But we both play alliance and know the truth.

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Well, not exactly a retcon. Remember, Suramar was saved. And then hidden. It’s more of an addition. Void elves literally did come out of nowhere. Most of the night elves did not know the actual fate of Suramar, and just assumed it was buried under the ocean. That’s all fair, and isn’t really a retcon because Suramar itself was never a place that was mentioned much or expanded upon before.

The point being we never saw Suramar, we just heard stories of what happened to suramar. Unless we see something happen, and then blizzard say it didn’t, then it’s not a retcon.

My attitude is as hot as lava, even the Void’s whispers get burnt by it.

But no, you said Void Elves were a mistake, you said you would step over minorities to get something. You are stepping over people’s opinions putting yours as more valid. This is childish.

There are High Elf fans who bring good points as to why they should be playable. Long time Alliance race, being used multiple times, etc. But trust me that those good arguments are not “Mistakes! This is the correct path! I step over you!” thing.

If you change something, it is a retcon. Adding things to… the Void, for instance, is not. But adidng things to something that was previously said to have been deleted, yes. Blizzard pulled the Dragon Balls and revived everyone.

Anyone would’ve seen it. The Legion invaded Azeroth multiple times and never saw it, it was somehow in Legion that Guldan knocked on their doors.

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You are incorrect.

Chris Metzen, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2005, 1:55 … 'Blood Elves were chosen as the Horde expansion race in the Burning Crusade because designers were thrilled with how well Samwise had redesigned the classic wood elves with the night elves. And they knew that, “one day, high elves are going to have to get a facelift, too.

“ I don’t think anyone has abused high elves to this degree,” Metzen said.

Blood Elves were designed for the Horde with a rewrite on the classic High Elf Trope just as Night Elves were designed for the Alliance with a rewrite on the classic Wood Elf trope.


I like this alot. Last time i check the horde have the high elves of Quel’Thalas where all high elves came from. Thank you. Very much for this.


I’m beginning to believe nothing will solve the need to just go hog wild ,nothing pleases peoples fantasy.

The most annoying thing about these threads, besides the people wanting a 1 to 1 copy of a horde race, are the people who insist blood elves aren’t high elves when all they did was change their name after Arthas razed their city to the ground in honor of the fallen. It’s like saying political parties are different races.


Sorry friend, but they didn’t do that. They just gave void elves options more in line with Alleria. They broadened the scope of what a void elf could look like. At the end of the day though you can’t stop that Entropic Embrace from popping.

I’ve literally never said that, but go off.

Quoting myself from another thread in response to what races should be added to the game:

I recently leveled a Void Elf and realized Void Elves are NOT High Elves. They’re cool, y’know, they’re very cool, but they’re not actual High Elves.

People want a nice High Elf enclave to go to with High Elf theming (see: Silver Covenant base in WOTLK Dalaran), a nice High Elf themed Hawkstrider, a High Elf heritage armor, and High Elven racials. Not Void Elf, not Blood Elf. Blue and Silver, not Red and Gold or Purple and Bronze.

High elves versus all other races!

You can join us but bow down.

It’s never enough for the high elf playerbase. And it never will be.


Blood Elves are vengeful mana-addicts who live by an ends justifies the means mentality. They will do whatever it takes to survive in the aftermath of the Scourging of Quel’thalas, even going as far as to side with the Horde after the chaos of the Third War. They’re basically Forsaken but less edgy/evil.

High Elves are a noble and honorable people who live by a code of virtue and justice. Even in spite of the turbulent times, they choose to uphold their duty and fight alongside their long-time allies.

Ren’dorei are not High Elves either. The Void Elves are basically Blood Elves who sought a different source to feed their addiction and were exiled from the Horde and joined the Alliance.

The game uses some color-keying to clearly identify these three peoples as different. Blood Elves are represented with Red and Gold, Void Elves with Purple and Bronze, and High Elves with Blue and Silver. They are definitely different groups. There are three different races, and only two of the three are playable currently.

I would hope that Blizzard gives more to races that currently lack in even half of the customizations that Void elves currently have.

Let’s get that done before races that have had a ton of new options open up get more.