New races and allied races for 10.0

I am all in on ogres and vrykul . . . Just give the latter paladins and the ogres their higher (Greco Roman) culture back and ya got a fine rivalry there.

Edit: also no druids . . . I don’t really see vrykul as a Druidic culture . . . unless your talkin some surviving drust pocket. If we’re talkin Stormheim however yea those guys ain’t druidic.


For the love of everything holy no to Hozen.

No a million times. I LOVED MoP, one of my favorite xpacks but the Hozen, except for a few well timed comedy relief moments, were just plain annoying. Plus lore wise I think they only live like to be like 20 years old or something like that.


This needs to happen immediately.

Technically they’ve already said that both sides have spies spying on the other, so that’s already noted. In particular one of the Members of S7 is a Goblin and the Horde Recruited a Bunch of Kul’Tiran Pirates in BFA who outright fought for them, I think they even wore the banner in the Alliance Daily Quests. So that’s already a thing in lore.

Awesome! Make it happen!


High Elf.


These are the big 3 we don’t yet have in the game.


Just change the hue and saturation settings on your monitor. Bam instant frostborn dwarves.

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im all for botani, nerubians i would love but they are gonna be too complicated to armor or physically put into about anything in the mechanics. druid of the flame is more of a class than a race.

i can get behind naga too, lore wise might be a bit of a trip getting them to make sense. I dont include high elf for the same reason i dont include wild hammer dwarves. effectively, they are already in the game as playable. Like it or not the 9.0 customizations basically put them in without putting them in.


Honesty, I think we have it. By Customization. I don’t want more Reskins Races.

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Kelfin for me.


Warlocks are being removed in 10.0, and all 3 specs are being merged into 1 DH 3rd spec.

I’d love to see Ethereals.

I want a little Water Druid as well.

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kinda kicking myself for forgetting ethereals. on that note you get wolvar, tuskar, and taunka.

  1. Hozen
  2. Murloc
  3. Sethrak
  4. Skinny Human (Drust magic, wicker forms)
  5. Saberon
  6. Broken Draenei
  7. Satyr
  8. Mok’nathal
  9. Partially Withered Nightborne
  10. Full Mecha Mechagnome
  11. New Raccoon race (Vulpera re-skin)
  12. Mogu
  13. Saurok
  14. Drogbar





Draenei customization.





Stupid idea. No.

:snake: Sethrak (N)
Love the Sethrak and they’re my top choice for a new Allied Race. Amazing Lore to start and the potential is great, unique race with little to no sexual dimorphism. Amazing. Also those lightning and sand powers!
Faction: Neutral - Devoted go Horde, Remnant of the Faithless choose Alliance.
Racial: Poison spit - cause nature damage initially and then for a short over time effect. Or a short blind effect.
Racial: Lightning Scales - chance on melee hit to return some of the damage in nature dmg.
Racial: Krolusk Husbandry - Increases skinning yields with carapace and scaled creatures and tame such creatures faster.
Racial: Poison Resistance - Minor poison resistance.
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Monk, Death Knight Maybe Druid or Paladin.
Mount: Sethrak Krolusk

:crocodile: Saurok (H)
Bagzak convinced me that these guys were amazing and honestly I really like reptile races (See Sethrak above). The potential for them either in a return to Pandaria or a major encounter with the Mogu again is wild, plus they’d fit in nicely with the Horde races I think.
Faction: Horde
Racial: Leap - Similar in nature to heroic leap or grappling Hook propels them to a new location.
Racial: Lizard Climb - Allows them to walk on much steeper terrain than any other race. Not entirely climbing walls but ignoring a greater range of impassable terrain.
Racial: Underwater breathing - 200% increased breath meter.
Racial: Nature Resistance - Minor resist nature.
Racial: Grab the bones - Skin more bones from creatures.
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Shaman, Druid, Monk?, Death Knight.
Mount: Mushann

:japanese_ogre: Ogre (H)
Bagzak also convinced me we NEED ogres to finally be released. Long requested Horde race that joined their faction back in WCIII. Should have been added ages ago. Unique option of a two headed ogre should be considered.
Faction: Horde
Racial: Thunk - Bash your enemy and stun them for a short duration. What can I say they’re big and they’re burly. Use it.
Racial: (If One Headed) Descendant of Stone - Minor increase to Stamina
Racial: (If Two Headed) Arcane Heritage - Minor increase to fire, frost and arcane damage.
Racial: (If One Headed) Ancient Shipwrights - Minor bonus to Blacksmithing and Engineering
Racial: (If Two headed) Arcane Understanding - Disenchant gives more materials.
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Monk, Shaman, Death Knight
Mount: Giant Boar

:honey_pot: :bear: Furbolg (A)
Furbolg are often overlooked by many but I believe with some love and care from blizzard they can go from the kinda kooky vaguely ridiculous looking bear men to truly awesome between what they are now and a playable model. Plus they’d add a non-human race to the Alliance that truly could look amazing and fit extremely well among the other Alliance races.
Faction: Alliance
Racial: Strength of Ursoc -Grab your opponent and throw them over your shoulder sstunning them for 1 sec and placing them behind you.
Racial: Wisdom of Ursol - Your mana regenerates slightly faster
Racial: Ceremonial Beads - Faster Jewelcrafting and once per day can use any pearl or feather in place of a gemstone or ore.
Racial: Natural Soul - Minor nature resistance.
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Druid, Monk, Priest, Mage, Warlock?, Paladin?, Death Knight.
Mount: Elk

:eagle: :hammer: Wildhammer Dwarves (A)
Ok so this one isn’t exactly likely and will probably only happen if they make a sub-race system but I’m still including it here. They deserve to be their own Allied Race and I don’t care what anyone else says. Harumph.
Faction: Alliance
Racial: Stormhammer - Hurl your Stormhammer at the enemy. It will bounce three times to any nearby enemies (Within 3m) and then return to you. stuns the first person it hits and deals depreciating damage to up to 3 targets. *Works on the back of Gryphons without dismounting you.
Racial: Gryphon training - Can fly with apprentice riding skill. Pathfinders still need to be achieved where applicable. Able to tame Feathermanes and tame them faster.
Racial: Resilience of the Hill Dwarves - Poisons have shorter durations and minor nature resistance.
Racial: A Good Strap - Skin more leather… to make armor. What were you thinking?
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Druid, Monk, Priest? and Death Knight.
Mount: Wildhammer Gryphon

:japanese_goblin::shell: Kelfin (H)
Like come on. They practically already joined the Horde they’re hanging out in Durotar. They should already be an Allied Race. I like their counterpoint to the goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel being entirely community based and fighting for each other rather than money. Plus imagine the strength the Horde to their boats if their crews can just breathe water.
Faction: Horde
Racial: A little help from my friends - Summon a Sea Giant, a Mukrara or a Murloc to take a few hits on your target. Does damage with a temporary “pet”.
Racial: Gift of Graal - Can breathe underwater.
Racial: Seaborn Scavenger - Bonus to Fishing and Fishing often finds other crafting materials.
Racial: Ocean born - Resistance to Frost damage.
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Shaman, Druid, Monk and Death Knight.
Mount: Snapdragon

:eagle: Alteraci Humans (H)
The Alteraci are best known by the Syndicate in the Arathi Highlands, however they’re actually the left over remnants of the Kingdom of Alterac. Now the Alteraci have issues with both the Horde and the Alliance but they especially hate the Stromgardian humans of Stromgarde. So I think its reasonable that the survivalist, get the job done by any means, humans of Alterac might consider joining the Horde now that the Alliance has rebuilt Stromgarde in exchange for letting them continue their tiff with Stromgarde and retaking their city of Alterac. The Horde gets a new stronghold to relink Silverpine to the forces in Western Plaguelands and further off to Quel’thalas and the Alteraci get their home back and an ally to support them in their hit and run tactics on Stromgarde.
Faction: Horde
Racial: Rationing - Chance to not use a consumable when you use one.
Racial: Harry - Send your personal Hawk to harry your enemy dealing damage and preventing stealth for 8 seconds.
Racial: Retrieve - Command your hawk to retrieve loot from a loot source.
Racial: Supplied for the Pass - Resistance to Frost Damage.
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Mage, Priest, Warlock, Monk and Death Knight.
Mount: Alteraci Great Dane

:bat: San’layn (H)
They’re the San’layn. They’re already trying to join the Horde and its been a long requested Horde option. I’d like them as their own AR though I know some just want them as customization.
Faction: Horde
Racial: Vampires Kiss - Gives you a Leech%
Racial: Mist Form - Turn into mist and go to a targeted location within 30m.
Racial: Enthrall - Turn an enemy into an ally for 5 seconds. (PvE only)
Racial: Creature of the Night - Resistance to Shadow damage.
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Monk and Death Knight.
Mount: Large Undead bat.

:eagle: :ice_cube: Frostborn Dwarves (A)
Frost Dwarves joined the Alliance in Wrath and I think they’d make a fine addition to the game and with the Wildhammer above fill out the rest of the Dwarven clans (Associated with the Alliance.)
Faction: Alliance
Racial: Frostblood - Remove all poison, disease, curse, magic and bleed effect and increase your armor by 10% for 8 seconds.
Racial: Frostbody - Resistance to Frost
Racial: Thorim’s Tactics - Increased Haste minorly.
Racial: Call the Eagles - Call an eagle to take you back to the nearest flight path.
Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Monk, Mage and Death Knight.
Mount: Eagle or Polar Bear.

… I’m tired. I’ll add the rest later. I got a lot more. :stuck_out_tongue:


I do like these guys as a race, although i disagree with putting them horde. I mean, yea normally horde gets the “monstrous” races but in this instance, they are the mortal enemies of the vuplera, it would make more sense, in my mind, for them to be alliance, otherwise youve gotta go through some lore gymnastics to explain why and already established horde race is just cool with their enemy joining up.

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The Devoted are allied with the Vulpera as of the events of Vol’dun. The Faithless were their mortal enemies.

I kinda see it as the Devoted choose to strengthen ties with the Horde and their new allies there while the remnants of the Faithless flee to the Alliance as the Horde cracks down on whats left of them.

Thus the Neutral. One group going Alliance one Horde. In both cases they’re also atypical archetypes for those factions. The Horde gets a relatively Alliance like Sethrak, the Alliance gets a relatively Horde like Sethrak.

Though I get the desire to see them just go Alliance dont get me wrong. I started there. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m all for adding new races. I’d like to see the covenant races become playable as either allied races or perhaps permanent soul shapes if given the option.