We did it! 2h frost!

Seeing value in adding 2h Frost back…

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And where is this argument coming from exactly other than you pulling it from who knows where?

Huh?.. Need more detail to make sense of that question.

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It’s not a hard question to follow.

It is, actually. Its rather open ended.

If youre actually asking why Bliz sees value in adding 2h Frost back in the game… Well… Because they just added 2h Frost back into the game.

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“It doesn’t have to be this way, we can do these 50 other changes instead of 2”, you’re right. Increase attack speed when using a 2h. Done. Slap FC and Razorice together and make it a 2h exclusive rune. Done. It’s not what people want but it’s done. No changes to the core of DW or the way ppm works for Frost.

You have changed the goal posts, it’s undeniable. When the above changes were initially proposed you shifted to saying “people don’t want that” despite that having no bearing on the discussion.

When it’s been brought up you could transmog it, you said “it wouldn’t work because of animations”
We did it! 2h frost! - #585 by Kelliste-antonidas
and it was brought up it’s working like that right now you shifted the argument to again be about “what people want”.
We did it! 2h frost! - #587 by Kelliste-antonidas
You’ve called people liars when they say you didn’t want and/or said with aboslute certainty that “2h frost isn’t coming back” despite you saying exactly that.
2H Obliterate - complete the dream Blizz! - #215 by Kelliste-antonidas
It's time.. Frost DK and 2 handed weapons - #1610 by Kelliste-antonidas

What would you call this behavior other than goalpost shifting?

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Well you were just making an argument weren’t you?

Respectfully, if youre going to debate, then debate. Please be direct and dont assume people are mind readers.

Was I making an argument? I guess?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Then why change 2h at all? If it’s not what people want why do it? Hmm? That’s also not changing the goal posts. It’s stating that people don’t want something, so if people don’t want it don’t pursue it.

And yes, transmog has limitation, but just to put the information out there, I did say since you want to leave it out, that going groom DW to 2h can work, it’s the opposite that doesn’t… or did you just ignore that like you ignored the ppm increase?

It makes everyone happy, DW gets to keep the same, or close to the same proc rate depending on crit and haste, and 2h is brought up to DW level while not swinging like an attack speed barbarian in D3 using a 2h.

I really don’t know what your problem is.

I know what I said and I have never said 2h shouldn’t or wouldn’t come back. The posts you linked to don’t even show that.

I am, you made an argument and I asked where you pulled it from. Or do you not know the argument that you tried to start?

What about the people who want bigger Obliterate’s for 2hs? It’s quite a large portion of people that want that specific change. Are they happy with your proposal?

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Again… is this the “argument” you are referring to. I said i am supporting my inference that Bliz sees value in 2h Frost by the fact that Bliz took the time to add it back into the game.

Is that a strong enough basis for you good sir and/or ma’am.


Already answered it.

Link it then.

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No, it’s not. It’s not my problem that you can’t remember what you have said to me for me to even ask you where your argument came from.

I answered it to you, go read my responses to you.

You didn’t all you said was nerfing DW was better because it involved “less work” was “much simpler” and “gave people what they want”. How does it do so?

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Not remembering what you asked me in here with threads merging together eh?

That’s not answering the question. How does nerfing DW do the things above?

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I guess the argument has become that i am too much of a fool to follow along. Got it. You win.

I cant debate if you wont engage. If you dont want to debate, Thats fine too.