We cannot continue to have no open dialog about the state of the game

Lol. Lmao even. “Literally” is not an insult, but white knight sure is, and that was your response to me just pointing out the pinned post at the top of the front page

Into the 2010s, the slang white knight further evolved to refer to a person who makes a post or comment in defense of someone else online—as if they are rushing to save them from criticism - This. Blizzard doesn’t need saving from criticism.

Congratulations, you found the definition of the term. That doesn’t mean it isn’t an insult

And once again, I’m not defending Blizzard. It’s called nuance. You can understand why something happens and also not agree with it happening

What purpose would an open dialogue have? If you’re looking for a punching bag to spew vitriol at, that’s not going to happen.


Now it’s too late in my opinion.

Dont bring the “why do you want it now”. Why did they even had “closed” beta to begin with? why they were using retail selection to get beta keys? why they were silent on the threads with bugs?

Open dialog may not be the best wording. More transparency each day would be more accurate. like a list of known bugs and having them crossed off or just saying Currently working on. something more digestible.

They’re working on all of them. Do you think they just get to the office and decide not to work?

Your being inconsistent. they are not working on every single bug on that list currently at the moment, Transparency should not be demonized because of generality.

Not really concerned with his preferences – I am paying him.


Customer —> Provider

That word does not mean what you think it means.

How do you know?

No one is demonizing it – just pointing out that it is largely unnecessary. Blizzard is working on the bugs. I’m not sure why you need a formal announcement of this. Yes, people are working on the game.

Just like they “worked” on them during the beta right? but still pushed the release?

You’d be doing a lot of milk runs :wink:

Yes, correct. Are you ignoring all the bugs they DID fix in beta? Do you know what betas are for?

If you’d rather them not release the patch in this state, then simply stop playing until the game is in a satisfactory state for you.

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I mean, if you want to pull that card, I am seeing a lot of things that I personally reported on the beta being fixed. Not everything, but enough to say that, yes, they are working on them

So let me ask this then, with all arguing aside, do you or do you **not ** think they should of delayed the release of the beta?

If they had open dialog - you all would just blast them to no end.
If they had more transparency - you all would just blast them to no end.

No matter what they do, from the forum’s perspective - they are in a no-win situation.

Getting blasted with feedback and criticism is part of the job as many people have pointed out, it shouldn’t deterred them from keeping face when we are on day two of the pre-patch with this state of the game.

Where in the job description does it say that they must subject themselves to vitriol and harassment?

You are using extremist terms to describe all feedback on the forum which is not true at all.

They have the resources to moderate the forums to whatever level they desire, but choose not to. Don’t feel too bad for them.