We cannot continue to have no open dialog about the state of the game

It really is crap that third party websites are the primary news sources for the game, when they have perfectly active forums to discuss things. But that would require hiring moderators…


This is exactly what I mean.


Ok champ

It’s not the adult in the room that thinks endless insults and tantrum-throwing are necessary

This exactly why they called you a troll earlier, not having open dialog or white knighting to your extent makes no sense and makes you look ignorant to the actual issues at hand.

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I don’t even know what this refers to…
Nobody said they’re necessary, but you’re saying because they exist, CMs/Devs have disappeared from the forums because they’re afraid to engage… I’m lost bud.

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You keep using that term. I do not think it means what you think it means

The attitude of the average forum-goer

This person is just baiting.

There’s no excuse for having the state of the game and launching it and then promoting it all over your socials as a triumph…

The classic dev basically cares more about SoD than the main expansions this is proof of it. What they did during the alpha or beta? all those streamer exclusivity they always do for betas was worth what?

The results are clear and we’re all experiencing it…

WHO CARES. They need to pull up their big-girl pants, and actually engage with their playerbase. I just told you, amongst the “people” you said they’re avoiding are MANY constructive posts, if they can’t ignore the insults, THEY ARE CHILDREN.

It means you are over protecting issues that are defenseless in nature, in this case these issue are 100% on blizzard for not making the business call to wait.

This dude has a 400-page novel that’s he’s referring to for white-knight comebacks, because clearly there’s no way for anyone working at Blizzard to have a level head.

So your saying that some how the ill released version of classic cataclysm being released prematurely is understandable?

Not gonna lie, saying Blizz avoids the forums because the posters are mean is like saying a CEO doesn’t visit their store chains because they are afraid their customers will make fun of them.

It’s probably not true, and if it is it’s pretty sad.

Sweet lord, reading is not that difficult difficult

How do you go from this to the bugs that are plaguing prepatch?

The entire thread is about communicating regarding bugs being worked due to the premature release of cata-classic. you went off on some witch hunt about how our behavior is the reason they exist.

It is true, some dev for classic literally said he prefers more twitter over the forums. Seems they do check the forums but they dont care about having any sort of conversation on the forums.

Edited: poorly worded.

Well no, he’s saying the reason they don’t communicate, but he’s still wrong, and disgusting-brained.

Allow me to bold the important word that is relevant to my point. You’re the one going after my neck about something completely unrelated to my point

That’s one dev, not the entire company. There’s likely other reasons.

Even if you are right, it’s still kinda sad.

I’ve been more than cordial with you about the entire topic, granted looking at your posts, they are littered with “learn to read” “literally here” as if you are 19 year old preacher pushing that its fate that were at this crossroad.

You’re right 1 person isnt the entire team of classic. But do you see anyone else from the team posting in that case? I want to believe that it’s more than 1 person and they all voted for the same way of communication… that already tells me plenty…

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