We cannot continue to have no open dialog about the state of the game

No, I am accurately describing the type of feedback one asking for more “transparency” intends to leave.

And you’ve proven this time and time again with your constant namecalling throughout the thread. You are not entitled to harass others, not even people you “pay”.

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Sure, funny thing though, if white knighting is such a derogatory term, Why do it? if its frowned upon so heavily, why keep defending these points that because some people on the forums don’t have appropriate dialog that we should just shut the entire thing down?

No, no it is not.
General Discussion =/= developer feedback, bug reports.

Taking constructive feedback is always appreciated but that seems to be far and few between.

Below is a problem. One is constructive, one is just tantrum. I’ll let you guess which one most fall into. I’ll also let you guess which ones the people at Blizzard roll their eyeballs at.

I logged in and my spell to turn people into toads is not working. Please fix.


I logged into my GS’d 8000 character that I’ve worked night and day on, and my spell to turn people into toads stop functioning. I demand you fire the devs, fire the executive row, you all are out to get me, you don’t like [insert-made-up-nonsense-toon-here], it is proven you like [insert random faction here] better than [insert opposing faction here], and you nerfed us last time, and so I am unsubbing all 17 of my accounts.


Yea I haven’t seen much of this yet, outside people venting frustration on the forums. the above is the most common.

They should not have to moderate forums from people having meltdowns over a game. :man_shrugging:

I agree but there should be a monetary obligation to communication with customers about downtime and not just when the server goes down; When the game is in an unplayable state. something stating these are our “hopes” for the timeline on a fix for critical bugs. They addressed this with guild chat and dungeons but we have seen nothing regarding the rest.

White knighting, boot licking, shill – I’ve heard it all from people who are all upset, mad and having tantrums because things are not going their way. None of these names bother me, you can call me all kinds of things but you’ll have to really really and i mean really deep to even offend me and I’m not sure many can.

No, I think you made valid points to be honest. you did so in a way that is simple enough as it is.

Then you’ve not been in the forums very long or around very long.
Every other posting is someone mad at blizzard because they have perceived they’ve done something to them.

A fly over of about 15 mins of looking across all of the WoW IPs and easy for someone to see this.

I would agree.
Better communication should foster better relations, but the past has proven the moment they do, people just mount the canons and repel the boarders.

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The entire topic is about how its not that difficult to keep us updated on current changes as they happen and more often than every 48 hours. they don’t need to discuss it with us, but it builds better business reputation than they currently or have had for a long time.

That’s a bit reductionist, because this is a product we pay for and the forums are hosted by the company we are paying. Also, I’ve never been part of an internet community that didn’t require some level of moderation.

If they chose to moderate discussions here more aggressively, most of the negative behavior you are talking about would disappear fairly quickly.


I also second this

I would agree.
One long continual posting from them with all of the bugs and where they are with them should help. Then I think someone will make 150 threads as to why is X number one priority and Z is number 30 and then it just all goes south. :frowning:

Those can be ignored. 1 bad apple shouldn’t affect the bunch. There will always be bad apples.

I never said it didn’t need no level. Of course, some is expected…but some of you folks get into some serious DRAMA.

The apples don’t come in a “bag of one” they come in a “bags of hundreds”.

They tried – it didn’t work with the community, and reading on these forums acorss all of their IPs, I can see why they stay as far away as possible and don’t say much.

Yea well you wont see this toon posting for much longer. This was my Wrath rogue that got FORCED into Cata as soon as Wrath got deleted. And I an getting a refund for Cata soon so this toon is going away. Blizz probs wont give me a refund so I’ll just contact my bank and force Blizz to give a refund.

Cata toon here…and i wont be in Cata. I will play it a little bit but am getting a refund soon so…yea.

Cata isn’t Classic. And this version of Cata is different from the last one. So they lied.


You never paid for Cata

Unless you willingly bought the bonus thing for it, in which case…why did you even do that when you knew you didn’t want it?