Way to create the most frustrating time of P3

With the announcement of the reduction of XP from Incursion Quests, the Horde has now literally posted up on top of the Quartermaster and Quest giver and is just relentlessly killing all Alliance players who are trying to level. As if this game couldn’t get any dumber. Way to go again Blizzard, morons. Two days into Phase 3 and I want to uninstall the game. :rofl:

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you should turn your pvp flag off. or organize a counterattack and come in force to drive them away…

Transfer to a PvE server. Lava Lash has free xfers

if this was 2004-2010 sure, now there’s too many competitive options tbh
most people aren’t playing classic because wow is such a great game in 2024
its 75% nostalgia and 25% pass time,
people aren’t going to transfer just to play the game, its easier to just give up and do something else

why does every commenter equivocate not wanting to be 1v5’d or repeatedly bullied by level 50s while leveling up with not wanting to pvp?

“oh you don’t like spicy food? just don’t eat and drink the water”
“oh you don’t enjoy being verbally abused by random strangers? just block all chat and don’t talk to people”
“oh you don’t like being killed and harassed by people you have no chance of beating in a fair fight? just don’t play on a pvp server”

anyone who defends this is also the reason why war mode failed so hard in BfA
that, or you’re on horde and “i don’t see the problem with warmode other than how unfair it is alliance gets more exp boost than me”

for me personally, the fun of a pvp server isn’t that i can click on horde members whenever i see them and fear chain them into mobs,
the beauty of a pvp server is that when i meet another warlock on the other side trying to do class quest or get runes, despite not being able to communicate with words or party with them, i can still choose to help them and be friendly with them through emotes and actions without ruining their game play, and i think it’s sad that’s a joy some people can’t ever experience

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Because getting ganked by higher levels and being camped IS PvP in Classic. WPvP is the main form of PvP on PvP servers. This is what you signed up for. We knew this for 20 years.

The correct version would be “oh you don’t like spicey food, dont eat it.” Don’t like WPvP and getting camped, don’t play PvP servers.

Crying about war mode in the Classic forums when you should be on the PvE realm as that would fix all your problems

It’s a false dichotomy. Liking/Not liking PVP servers is not the same thing as liking/not liking PVP in general. Some people really, honestly don’t seem to understand what PVP server means.


i like guns, and i support people’s rights to bear arms in self defense
i don’t believe in schoolyard shootings though,

wpvp = the right to bear arms outside your home,
it doesn’t mean high levels abusing low level players, it doesn’t mean having fun by ruining other people’s day. thats the meaning YOU gave it. which speaks more to your personal identity than what the definition of a pvp server should be tbh

just because you have a gun doesn’t mean you have to go around shooting underage people who can’t fight back alright?

Comparing WPvP to the second amendment is silly WPvP is more like Al Qaeda blowing up your garden

The beauty of a pvp server is you can grief people and make them cry on the forums.