Nightmare Incursions are Unplayable

Blizzard had me so excited for something new they referred to as a new way to level PVE. We are so outnumbered on Living Flame US (IDC what iron forge says) that this PVE way to level has turned into Alliance just running around and killing all horde.

I’m sure I will be told to go play on a non PVP server. Original.

I enjoy world pvp, I enjoy the excitement of questing with the risk of being jumped or being able to jump other players. But when it is 20 vs 1 and killed over and over in unplayable PVE content, it gets frustrating.

I assumed this nightmare incursion would be instanced. Turns out it is just a mass cluster of people trying to tag mobs first and rushing to lvl 50 so they can… idk raid once a week then log off for 6 days.

SoD was a log of fun at first, but P2 and P3, they blew it. Do better Blizzard.


Yes, exactly.


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so organize the resistance. make your group, get in comms, form up a strat and defeat the alliance hordes on the field of battle!!!

Imbalance number of people says hi. If you even know how to count.

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our ancestors won battles outnumbered 20 to 1.

what’s your excuse?

Living flame feels more like 40 verse 1

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Yeap…i saw maybe 10 fellow horde trying to level there

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now I know this is a lie because servers are faction-capped.

Capped at what though?

Like I play there on horde and it was pretty unplayable we kept having to layer swap.

It’s nothing but a sea of alliance

I know it sounds like an exaggeration but it’s not.

Even in BM we literally need to wait until they’re finished turning in.

Then we get to turn in but then another wave of alliance come and I’m not just talking about like 5 to 10 people I’m talking about like hundreds.


Yeah i never worried about this layer thing before, but with this event i had to.
The layer i kept startin on was 99% horde greifing hard, mutiple groups camping,
1 at portal as u run in, then at bottom of ramp, turning in was near imposible.
So i started layering and it worked.
Found 2 layers 99% aliance and a few 99% horde.

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PvP happens on PvP servers.

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100 verse 1 is real PVP.

It’s just funny blizzard came out and said they were going to balance servers

wow ur dumb

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ill have what you’re smoking because its the total opposite lol

The quest giver on my server in Ashen as been farmed by level 50 horde for the past hour or so, cannot hand in anything.

I think an STV style immunity after death near the quest give could solve the problem, would give enough time to hand quests in and get out after being killed once.

It’s repeated because it’s the answer.

Original answer to a bad situation. I’m guessing you don’t mind 50 of the opposite factions trolling everywhere or you are the troll. Grow up kiddo.

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that you bring 100 alliance to beat 20 horde is pretty embarrassing

But as soon as we bring 100 horde you guys instantly make an excuse why you can’t win

Just like that petty guild clan battlehammer on CS

I heard they got absolutely embarrassed when they tried raiding the barrens

One you created for yourself. Take responsibility for your choices.

I moved off LF a long time ago when I noticed how imbalanced it felt. Tried CS but it was constant GDKP at the time. Wildgrowth was best choice. I liked pvp servers when they were not mega servers.

They should allow transfers to Wildgrowth tbh

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