*waves* :) I'm that multiboxing hunter

I’m not angry. I’m just calmly pointing out the obvious. I appreciate you letting me know who you are on bloodsail. When I level up my healer I now know to never heal for you. But then do you ever join actual groups? Do you ever try to play the game without your I-Win button? Likely the question of whether I’d heal for you is moot. You probably never play without your security blanket.

Pretty sure you’re exactly the kind of toxic personality I avoid in groups when I play with others, so I can’t see it as a huge loss in my life that I’ll never be able to play with someone like you. Please do put me on your /ignore list! :smiley:


See how well this has ended. We’re totally in agreement.

I’m sorry you feel the way you do, but I’m really not the one who is proving themselves to be a jerk here. /shrug

I’m just wondering, do you find Hunters in Classic more difficult to multibox? You have to switch between bows and melee, how does that work out.

I have mages and they are easy, but it seems melee would be more difficult and hunters the most difficult, because of the switching. I just started mutliboxing this year, and only on two mages so far.

Its certainly more challenging than Retail, what with the dead zone, but on the whole, I find it more rewarding as a result. If it were easy, everyone would do it. :smiley: It presents a whole new level of technical and gameplay challenge, and forces you to use tactics that you wouldn’t normally consider, or even be viable as a solo player.

With my hunter squad, I’m clearing Strath Live and Dead, Tribute Runs, and LBRS, and its a LOT of fun. :slight_smile: I’m considering trying melee weaving, but haven’t found the need when multiboxing as yet.

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If i’m not mistaken here, you have the tauren hunters, am I right?

Heh - no, but I did see them out front of Dire Maul North the other day, all lined up. :slight_smile:

Its a certain sheep farmer who lost em who has the Taurens, very sweet person in the couple interactions I had with em.

Ran UBRS with Leialoha last night. Well, 3 of them! It was awesome watching a multi-boxer in action, and ended up being a great run. Add my name to the pile of people that wants to try this sometime!


We’ve actually done another run with my full squad of 5 hunters and it seemed to work really well (thanks in part to the excellent healers!). Looking forward to another!

Is this some low level grand standing ?

Theres at least 4 people, horde side, running 5, since day 1. Annoying when they show up at a rep camp

Bumped for the multiple folks that have expressed interest. Feel free to drop me a message in game if you have questions about setting up your own multiboxing interface. :slight_smile:

Hi Leia =)

I don’t know why some people have given you grief. What astounds me is, they strike this odd tone that seems to imply you’re somehow an INFERIOR player for running multiple characters at once, when any thinking person would recognize that the exact opposite must be true!

I mean, it’s a given pretty much anyone can play “a” WoW avatar. But playing two at once? THREE at once? Four, five? Who in their right mind could think that is EASIER! It’s extreme multi-tasking, not for the elderly or the faint-hearted!

I myself have had two WoW accounts since December 2004. And yet even I am not a true multi-boxer, because I use just one computer and alt-tab back and forth between my two characters, playing them only in solo PvE as a rule (it is a rare occasion anyone can convince me to group both at the the same time, though I can do it, just not well, since I can only “see” on one character at a time).

To be able to control multiple characters at once is extraordinarly demanding, takes a lot of mental energy, as well as exceptional hand-eye co-ordination slash motor reflexes. Again, it is not for amateurs. To be able to multi-box even reasonably well takes exceptional skill, and i commend you for yours! ;D

BTW if last Christmas you were the Five Furbolgs (did I spell that right?) pelting people in Ironforge with snowball barrages, ROFL! That was a hilarious sight! =)

If i were young enough to do what you’re doing I’d prolly give it a try myself! ;D

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Not an attack, just a question. I don’t care if you multibox :slight_smile: Are you able to play your main character solo, or has all this multiboxing made you dependent on having your followers?

Basically… do you struggle if you’re in a position where you can’t multibox?

Thanks very much for the praise; its always great to see someone appreciate how much time and effort goes in. :slight_smile: And yep! The furbolg snowball squad was definitely me. :smiley: I’m pretty sure I burned 50g or so just on the snowballs! :smiley:

I haven’t really struggled in any solo-appropriate situation as a solo player; as an example, the most trouble I’ve had playing solo was the demon in Un’Goro while doing the Rohk’Delar bow quest, and that was more buggy/evading than mechanics. I’m not a fan of self-aggrandizement, but I wouldn’t be raiding with Sharp and Shiny if I didn’t have some minimum level of player skill. :wink:

In terms of experience, I’ve played (with some breaks) since Vanilla, and multiboxed regularly since the end of Vanilla all the way through current content. I have a fair amount of experience (though some skill sets obviously out of date) with every class, and I’ve 5 boxed all available classes to date to max level. Hunters are by far my favorite; I have 65 of them on retail (garrisons were SO stupidly good for gold). :smiley:

From reading about multiboxers and seeing some in game most are not multi tasking as you imagine. Most have a program were a key click activates all the characters in the multibox team. One key click and all the characters cast their major spell in unison. It might take some planning and programming skill to create the system but once created there is very little to no multitasking to play multiple characters.

This is why many multiboxers have multiple versions of the same class. Multiple mages or multiple hunters. One key click and all the mages cast frost bolt. I saw a multiboxer in stv with 3 mages doing just that. One key click and all the hunters have their pet attack. One key click and all the hunters cast arcane shot.

eta: There’s a post on multiboxing on the classic general discussion forum that illustrates how most multiboxers posting have multiple versions of the same class.

Thanks for the quick reply… sounds like you are good at playing with a solo toon, but you’re great when you multibox. :slight_smile:

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If you’re doing it right (and well) its a bit more complex than you’re reading about. :smiley: