I multibox’d 3 warlocks in vanilla back in the day, it was fun to have 3x pets, 3x soulstone, 3x shadowburn. this time I am considering doing the same, or going 3x shaman or 3x shadow priest or trying multi-classes. only going to box 3 because I already have 2 active accounts and a third wont be much more $$$. don’t want to do 5 so I can bring along a tank/healer or rando on dungeon runs. anyone multibox in the beta? would love to hear about any particular differences.
also: mb hate welcome.
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You shouldn’t advocate for violating the terms of service and cheating at the game. But Blizzard probably doesn’t care, so… to each his own. I used to see 5man multibox arena comps. You’re actually at more risk posting this than you are doing it, oddly enough.
I didn’t think blizzard considered multi boxing characters cheating or against terms of service.
That’s how it is in retail anyways.
Is multiboxing against ToS? I had a very confusing conversation with tech support recently and legit don’t know.
Simply having the accounts, no. But having a program automate them so you can play them all at once, yes.
I don’t believe multi boxers use a program…
I can’t post links on the forum, but google blizzard official stance on multiboxing, you will get dozens of blue posts, icy-veins has a whole catalog of them, about multiboxing. botting isnt allowed. multiboxing is.
You can find much better “haters” than me. I don’t really care if you do it or not. It’s your money.
I remember ele shamans being good multiboxers in vanilla. Hit a group in AV with chain lightning and melt people.
Personally, I would have the most fun with the rogues on a pvp server. Spec into dagger ambush and one shot everything.
sounds fun in theory, but melee are usually more difficult to multibox due to positioning, and dagger rogues would be even moreso because of the positional requirements of being behind the targets. combat rogue would be more ideal if going rogue. I am pretty sure I am going ranged.
3x elemental shaman
3x warlock(I was all destro in vanilla)
3x shadow priest
2x shadow priest + 1 disc priest
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The thing is, Blizzard implemented things that make it inconvenient to multibox now like unable to /follow in BGs which was a big tool for multiboxing. You’re not going to have the conveniences available like in vanilla to multibox in Classic.
Awwwww man, that sucks. It would’ve been a fun idea
Let me break the argument here by saying you are all right, and wrong…
Multi-boxing is indeed allowed by blizzard, and as a matter of fact, encouraged, as per many blue posts, because it requires you to have multiple account, therefor, more money for blizzard (unless you’re a farmer).
Where it jumps into the red line, is when you use a 3rd program.
If you use a hotkey program, combined with pre set macro commands, you are doing it right.
If you are using a program that goes BEOYND hotkeying, then you are breaking the ToS.
It’s real easy to know the difference, ask yourself, am I using any program, not supported or allowed by blizzard while mutiboxing?
hehe brah I multiboxed in vanilla entirely by hand with just in game macros and zero third party apps, making it work is part of the challenge. I am not one of these kids who installs some app and runs 40 death knights in AV using mommy’s credit card. from what I have read, /follow is only blocked on retail in BGs and warmode, which is honestly very fair and reasonable to me. I am mainly interested in soloing group content and showing off to my friends/helping my friends with content.
There was a post a month ago about a multiboxer complaining he couldn’t do it in BGs in the Classic Beta test. I’m just saying you are not going to 100% get all the tools you need to multibox like in vanilla. If you can make it work then fine but don’t be upset if something doesn’t work as you want it to.
Hm… I’ll hate you the most if you go three Ele Sham.
Zappy used to multi-box 5 Eles and he was the greatest asset in Wintergrasp.
Bodies exploded.
I plan to duel box starting with 2 hunters then I will be doing 2 warlocks. I have also been thinking about trying 2 mages.