Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

Since they’re removing unique mount abilities, let’s remind them of the Sky Golem.


??? Are you people nuts? EACH mount will have an individual slot. You get to pick and choose what mounts have what. You get access to a free waterwalking piece of equipment to put on a singular mount that you may like more appearance-wise than the strider. No one’s taking a thing from you.

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Yeah but I think they are nerfing that, like removing it from the mount itself? According to OP anyway

In the city sure they use their favorite mounts. Go outside the city and the only two mounts you see are the herb mount and water strider.

Have to say, I do agree with you about the strider. I did it 2 or 3 quests a day. For a long while.

Taking away the ability seems silly. I mean I am a Shaman and it will not affect me at all. I will still have no daze equipped.

But for everyone else, that really does sting. And I truly do feel for you.

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It is being removed from the mount, but you automatically get the equipment to add it back if you already have a strider. Or you can use it on a another mount if you find the strider boring.

The free ww equipment and the subsequent very cheap ones is only obtainable by having the rep, so the rep doesn’t actually lose any meaning

Should be 100% free for people with the waterstrider. Anything less is them getting screwed


You obviously haven’t seen me because I rarely use either. I use my blue jumping fox from the store mostly and I don’t care if I have to hop across the water.

Doing assaults is mostly why I am out in the world now and I rarely see either of those being used.

You automatically get one for free if you have the strider. Which you can use on your strider or another mount of your choice.

The first one is free. You only need to buy a new one if you decide to opt out of waterwalking for a different bonus.

And the rest of my characters get free ones too? Im talking that i never want to pay anything ever to get WW.

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I have two striders I should get two for free if they are permanent slots for those mounts that can be used account wide.

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Hang on I found it! Liveblog of the Patch 8.2 Rise of Azshara Content Preview Stream At about 00:58:00 he talks about the mount equipment.

This Equipment slot is on your character and once you apply a piece of mount equipment to it all your mounts will receive this benefit.

You are only one person. The vast majority of the player base use the other two mounts, the only time you really see exceptions is in zones without much water for obvious reasons.

Some classes like DK’s can ignore the water strider but for most of us if a zone has water we are going to use the WS. This is a good change, just use the item you get for free and walk of water on your favorite mount, no need to spam troll threads over something that is good.

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It’s BoA. You can send it to your level 20.

From Blizz in another thread:

Awesome. So if i switch to the dazed equipment and want to switch back to WW thats free too?

It’s just dumb. My lock had a glyph to water walk and they took it out. Why? Reasons.


Dude you just claimed this.

I point out I rarely see them being used at all and now all of a sudden you are saying there are exceptions and I am the one spam/trolling.



Wow, since when did they remove the water strider’s special ability to walk/run on water? It is a sad thing when Blizzard makes, what I think, a stupid decision.