Water Strider nerf IS bad. Here's why

What are you on about? Each individual mount has a slot. You put what benefit you want in that slot and then that’s the same across your characters for that mount.

They should stop catering to people who can’t make choices they can live with on their own.

But it is a whatever for me unless I end up worse off than before, ie. I have to buy that water walking for each of my characters.

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So all my 350 mounts can behave in a different manner, but they behave the same on every character that can use them ?

You know what would work better? Leaving the water walking perk for the strider and not allow any other perks for it.

If you want to use water walking on your horse, go for it. But the strider losing a function that’s been in the game for years “just because” is a stupid decision. Why should I lose something because you can’t stop yourself from using it?


What he said.

No it would be like saying that epic riding skill only provided the same speed as normal after you had spent the months farming to afford it and then bought it.

Get over yourself.


Remember when we used to buy pets or mounts from the store and they would be received by mail on every character we ever made?

That’s most likely how they will handle this.

If you have a strider you get a set of the water walking boots for free.

It would really be that easy. I don’t know why Blizz has such a hard time with this.


Didn’t realize someone would force you to use the strider when you can give it to your horse instead. Literally nothing would prevent you from doing that.


Cool, but I can either use them OR an anti daze/parachute. Choosing the other 2 removes water walking from the bug. Exclude the bug from anti daze/parachute buff, let it keep water walking. Problem solved.


If you have a strider you get a set of the water walking boots for free.

Once you have a piece of equipment unlocked it’s BoA and usable starting at level 20.

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Or just put your free one on a mount you like better and then who cares about the strider? You’re not losing a thing, there will be no need for an ugly strider anymore. What are you people even complaining about? Zero functionality is lost.

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How this guy thinks it will work might be how it does. Any other way is just a mess.

So according to that (although we should get two free if we have both the azure and crimson), we just put that into the slot and then it just stays there permanently for use across the account on the striders.

Then we get other items for other mounts we want to use. Which really will end up with people using less mounts than they may have before.

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How about no. How about don’t remove stuff from the game. Play how you want. Don’t dictate how I play. If you can’t stop yourself from using the strider, that’s 100% on you.

And you’re completely missing the argument for alts. It’s gone for ALL characters when it’s free right now with the strider.


You can have your bug as water walking if you want. Removing it as a baked in ability lets you make the choice to keep the Strider as your water walker, or if you’re bored with it you can make your Mammoth your water walker. It also means if you decide to make another mount your water walker you don’t have to go out of your way to the quartermaster for the equipment. You can make the choice on the spot and get more later if you really want them.

If it did then that would be spectacular! An actually amazing change! But they didn’t say that in the reveal video and they have yet to clarify it so I’m operating on a worst case scenario.

Could someone please link the article containing this update?

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What if we don’t want the water walking across all mounts? If we choose something else, we have lost the bug’s original ability. “Well that’s YOUR choice!” is a true statement, but it’s also true that giving it the Sky Golem treatment would have have ALSO been player choice - I could choose to risk getting dazed off my water walking bug, losing my mount entirely until I exit combat, or accept having to swim to keep from getting dazed off my horse.


Even if they left WW on it you would still not be able to use other equipment, same as the herb mount.

Now we are not forced to use this mount like we currently are. You get the equipment for free and can use it at lvl 20 on every single mount you have. There is no legit reason to complain about this. Not to mention we get flying in the same patch which makes the mount useless.

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