I am not going to argue gameplay. Most of you already have an opinion on that.
I am not going to argue whether nerfs are good or bad. Most of you already have an opinion on that.
What I will argue is this. That water strider, with is unique ability to walk on water, was the reason I spent all that time leveling the faction needed to buy. Its the only reason I leveled that faction and stopped after I had the ability to buy the mount. The mount was a REWARD for the time I spent raising that faction.
Removing the unique ability for the mount to walk on water, you have completely de-valued the time and effort I spent earning that mount. I am not ok with that. I also am one who is ok with you letting others get things that I have earned (like allied races) without having the grind I had. Removing a bonus I earned is not ok and a lot worse IMHO than letting somone else get what I earned without the effort. Just dont devalue the effort I put in.
Your Walter Strider reputation will not be devalued. It’s reward now is one free Water Walking equipment and the ability to buy more cheap from the quartermaster.
Get over yourself. That’s like saying riding skill is devalued because I farmed for months to afford the original epic mount price. Go outside and get some vitamin D in the sun.
Probably. I don’t see that level 100 limit sticking around.
But even if it did, we wouldn’t feel it much. Because there aren’t a whole lot of puddles in Vanilla content and we start flying from level 60 on. So we would only be affected in rare occasions during the 20-60 level experience which ends very fast.
I keep 4 mounts on my bars (average)
Transmog mount (Idont care what it is just what it does)
Flying mount (usually RP appropriate - I dont walk around using flying mounts)
Regular ground mount (usually RP appropriate)
Water strider mount.
That mount and its ability is that important to some players.
RP appropriate Flying mount, Transmog Mount, Underwater Mount and Walter Strider.
I honestly see no reason to bind a ground mount since Flying Mounts do everything Ground Mounts do plus they fly.
So I am excited about ditching the Walter Strider because it’s REALLY RP-inappropriate for pretty much every character since we can’t play as Jinyu lol
Oh I thought they were keeping it and adding in the mount equipment? So that if you wanted you’d get water walking with it and another equipment slot?
Did I miss where they said they’re taking it away?
You guys are unbelievable. I did the grind too, and I’m happy they finally will allow us to see some different mounts in the world. This literally doesn’t take anything away at all - it gives everyone more options.