Was told 3.6K GS was too low for H+ on my ret pally

Maybe go buy some boe gear or have a crafter make you some, hexk even run a few bgs for honor gear and you should be able to get 4000 gs at least. Are you fully chanted on that gear your trying to upgrade. Sounds more like youve done the minimun gearing and now want others to carry you, a full group at 3600 would struggle, why do you think you deserve special treatment?

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H+ literally is for gearing up. You get to 80, do normal heroics to 200ilvl, do H+, and then move on to Naxx and Ulduar.

It’s not a carry when I’m at 200 average ilvl, which is the gear H+ drops.


You don’t have the right to weigh in on anything when you don’t believe Hardmode raiding should be accessible through X-realm, automated functionality.

Please don’t steal my idea even though I know you are just being sarcastic.

So you never addressed my statement…

Maybe you thought it was a tin-foil hat theory…

Now then, the new suggestion over the hypothetical RDF is that it won’t include any of the plus versions, possibly not even useable for lvl 80 content…

Now why in the world would you/they not want + level heroics included in the RDF if we were to get it? :thinking:

The answer that I’ve been telling you all along…

Form of control by the elite establishment over the casual playerbase.

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Sounds to me like your the one obsessed with gearscore, Btw H+ is a filler between naxx and ulduar, suppossed to keep dungeon difficulty relevent to geared players, was not intended as a catch up mechanic,

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It’s to keep heroics relevant for end-game. Not for gearing up.

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You can’t even do hard mode raiding on your server let alone cross server.


And heroic +?

Do your terrible excuses also apply to hardmode, 5-man dungeons?

What excuses

Reminds me of the time I saw a group requiring a certain rating to join. I was higher, and joined thinking it’d be a nice run because of that requirement. I soon noticed though that 2 people were fresh 80s. I left the party. I didn’t sign up to carry your guild’s alts. If a requirement applies to me, I expect it to apply to everyone else too.

If you’ve really completed 24x H+ runs as you claim, that’s enough Valor emblems to buy 2 pieces of T7 25, and almost enough Conquest to buy 2 pieces of T8 25 (assuming you did the daily dungeon quest) Yet you sit at 200 ilvl?

The H+ final bosses all drop tier and 213 items, you never won a single piece of any of those in all your 24 runs? 0/48 on rolls?

Something doesn’t add up with your story

And yea “demanding” people spend 120g on a belt is not really that bad imo. People are spending 1000g on weapon / chest enchants.

You couldn’t cap 2v2 for like 30 minutes total over 3 weeks for a free 238 wep this week? Gear is raining from the sky and you’re complaining on the forum

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That hardmode PvE in general shouldn’t be accessible via X-realm, automated functionality.

Which is why there is a movement trying to suggest that RDF is not include any of the + versions, assuming that we are to still get it.

It took a good 3 months str8t to get my final protector token. It’s very believable.

What’s not believable is your attempt to discredit the OP as if your applied logic is some kind sherlock-elementary moment.

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Weird ad hominem lol, he made the thread, i am not trash talking him out of the blue. Sometimes people need to hear the truth

Also you don’t even run naxx, be thankful blizz gave you a handout-mode so you can get the tokens at all. Imagine not running molten core then complaining you can’t get thunderfury

Everything the OP stated has been consistent with my dungeon experience so far in Wrath, more or less.

This is all the result of no RDF.

And things are only going to get worse as we move into ++, ToC dungeon, and last but not least, the ICC dungeons.

I never needed to run +; I would have been content with just heroic. I don’t need this 4-piece set at all.

Ahh. ignorance. I win this debate.

Mythic raiding should not be cross server in a random way like LFR no matter how much you think it should be.

Talking about bosses that take upwards of 600 wipes to kill, and you want to make that a queue thing where you get random players.

How do you even prog that when people start to leave 4 hours in when you haven’t killed anything?

Imagine 6-8 people leave at a time and you get 6-8 new people who have 0 prog on the fight…

It just doesn’t make sense.

None of that is relevant.

The hypothetical X-realm queue would just be there as an option for those that want to group that way, even if we can’t complete the content or not.

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If the people refusing you guys now, were forced to group with rats in RDF, they would still just bail instantly lol

Clearly they don’t want to carry lazy players, They won’t say “Oh the automated system put me with leeches who won’t spend 120g on a belt. Guess i’ll carry them!” Tank/heal can just afk, start the laundry or something, and get another instant-queue once the debuff is gone

Anyway for OP, i checked your main logs and I see you may actually be new at the game, which is fine and i apologize if my comments sounded harsh. most people on this game are ancient sweatlords. The learning cliff is real and I’m not out here to scare people off the game, just trying to be honest about what goes through peoples’ mind when they are declining based on your 3.6k gs.

This link has the strongest BOEs available currently, maybe something on there could be good for your paladin. Everything will be on your AH

(remove space before COM)

wowhead. com/wotlk/items?filter=3:16;1:4273;0:0#items;0-2+19

Good luck to you

Well, you get a debuff that prevents you from re-queuing; at least back when I played Retail. And I believe if you do it enough your account is subject to penalties.

((I know they came down pretty hard on the vote kick harassment. Because the forums were full of people complaining they got hit with the ‘low tier’ suspensions.))

It’s been nonstop tank and holy pally drops. Not much ret gear has dropped. I have bought a few pieces of badge gear from the vendors. I also just bought the Darkmoon trinket.

We already giving flares to off specs.

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