Actually pvp gear has really good hit gear. It’s also why it’s really good to get early.
Get the offpieces that require no rating.
Actually pvp gear has really good hit gear. It’s also why it’s really good to get early.
Get the offpieces that require no rating.
Ya, just don’t count the WG gear…freakin PITA getting. x_x
I did that on my rogue and DK, and still had to gem and enchant for hit. It was annoying. Not to mention I basically skipped doing dungeons on them. I don’t want to skip doing dungeons on my pally when I don’t have any real plans to raid on her. I’ve been enjoying H+ and am looking forward to H++.
It’s current-phase boe, you can get it off the AH. You don’t need to enter ulduar
Nimble climber’s belt is 120g on Grobb AH right now. Is it amazing for ret? no, but i’m betting it’ll sim higher than whatever belt you have currently. Iron riveted is 2.6k, 232 crafted boot and belts are both 2k or less. All this could be bought with the payouts of a single modest naxx10 gdkp, so 2 hours of play time
You refuse to do pvp for free 232/238 gear, claiming the stats are not great (ironic since isn’t the pvp libram bis for ret pve?). You refuse to spend even 120g on a belt, yet expect red-carpet treatment in the top tier (of three tiers) 5-man content, in a sea of applicants who deal more damage than you
I wouldn’t be rude to you in game, but i’ve replied since you asked on here and seem incredulous
TLDR: group leader makes the rules, annoying as it may seem. Don’t like it, make your own teams
Yah but there are different reasons for people wanting to go into a dungeon. You want to go into an H+ on your 3.6 ret paly for drops. While 4.4k geared people want to go in there for the daily 5 conquest badges which they use to 1) buy runed orbs to craft 232 gear to sell or wear 2) buy filler gear (which a lot of people say sucks for most classes anyways) and 3) to buy 232 head and chest tokens.
It ** is ** possible to do H+ with 3.5k ish geared people. I did a H+ DTK skip as a resto shaman where we were all 3.5 (some a bit higher). The run took us 28 minutes to complete with no deaths. On my prot war that is 4.6k with same geared people i can do a H+ DTK skip in about 15 minutes.
If i’m trying to get into an H+ on a 3.5k toon i want people to know that. Which is why i went out of my way to get the authenticator installed so i can fill out my comments section for the GF tool. I put down that i’m up for H or H+ and i put down my GS. I know that i can do H+ on a 3.5-3.7 toon but if i’m getting invited to a group or asking to join a group thats not my call to make. I let the people in the group decide if they want to take a chance on me.
You mean youre just using your “community” to achieve something and you dont actually care about them.
I know I have a magnetic personality but unlike what you may think not everything is about me so we don’t need to make this topic about me.
Generally people prefer to go fast if given the choice. Now, what you selfishly want is different from what the group would want as the group has different needs. What you personally want isn’t always what is best for the group.
I’m glad that you’re concerned for community gameplay, even if you have denied most of it. People can play with each others for fun, I know it can sound weird. Having fun? weird.
I’m all for community but not all things in the game need to be about forming a community.
You out here standing by hogger trying to meet your next best friend.
You’re extremely fake.
It’s hard to get into H+ groups if you started out slow and don’t have guild/friends helping you. Prepare to spend alot of resources and time to build up your raid ready gear. With H++ coming, it would be even harder for those who started out late
Demanding people buy 232ilvl BOEs off the AH in order to do content that drops 200ilvl gear is
Sometimes they’re doing you a favor. If they don’t think they can complete the dungeon without overgearing it by that much, then you’d want to join a better group anyways. They are just saying they’re too bad at the game to be able to carry a 200-400 gs deficit, through trivially easy content.
But most of the time it’s only about clear speed, in which case that group is probably gonna skip everything anyways, so you won’t get many shots at upgrades as most dungeons will be reduced to 1 final boss worth of drops.
On the other hand it’s so easy to gear up to at least 3900 I feel like you gotta go outta your way to sandbag your gear to be 3600 iunno maybe I’m out of touch. I don’t remember anyone being 3600 even back in early weeks beyond their first day at 80. Especially now with all the accessible 232 stuff not to mention pvp gear.
And part of the problem is H+ isn’t fun, it’s not even faceroll yolo like normal heroics are when you outgear them so who cares about what gear other people have. H+ is actively annoying which is what leads to the want to inflated gear.
3.6k is awful gear. Do you realize how many more geared dps exist to choose from? You cannot fault anyone for not taking you when you are like, bottom 5% of gear for level 80s that aren’t bots.
It would be awful if I was trying to do Ulduar. I’m not. 3.6k is heroic dungeon geared, which is good enough for H+.
How are you only 3.6k if you’ve ran loads of H+? Something doesn’t check out there.
angry others want a faster and smoother run since they are probably on thee for badges? It’s a you issue.
Not many plate DPS drops.
Something that may be noteworthy here is that anyone can require any gs if they form their own group.
The way I see it, the idea that H+ is gearing up content is a misconception. So is the idea that anyone has the right into someone else’s group simply because they want in.
Anyone can form their own group and make their own requirements. Of course nobody has to join, either.
Anyway, if I was a fresh level 80 and wanting to gear up for pve, I would first:
Roughly in that order.
People making there groups decide what is appropriately geared. H+ is currently more difficult than naxx, neither is difficult, but of the two Naxx is actually easier and drops better gear.
You can always put together an entire group of people in the same boat as you, but I have a hunch you, too, would prefer to run with 4.2K+.