Was scammed 650k gold from a fake boost community

Create a help ticket and explain what happened.
What’s the worst they can tell you? Too bad?


Might as well :man_shrugging:

If Blizz has no issue with it then why not?

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The phone number 800-592-5499, was for customer service for account issues and not for getting in contact with GM’s for in game issues.

In-game issues were dealt with by putting in a ticket and back in the day you’d get a GM to respond to you in game in a chat window with the Blizzard logo. They still do that now on occasion.

Yes there were rare times they did help with in-game issues but that is not what the number was for.
Many people were calling the number for in-game issues and clogged it up and why they got rid of the number and have the system they do now.

Edit: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/blizzard/t/does-blizzard-have-a-customer-service-phone-number/12214


Don’t buy boosts. This is one of many reasons the game is horsesh!t


well blizzard is supposed to deal with scams but once you start making deals on discord there is no proof so you can try the police. if he admitted he scammed you on blizzard chat channels you might have a chance

carries was always an unsupported function that is why buying carries from people you don’t know or don’t belong to your server is a bad idea


are you seriously comparing an illegal activity to a game activity that isn’t illegal in the slightest even in the game?


Legally, no. You bought tokens, not gold. It seems pedantic, but that’s probably why the token exists in the first place. Make a ticket, include as much detail as possible, and hope you get a sympathetic CS rep.


Nice…you got what you deserved for trying to pay to win. Love it.


What a noob.


Yup, because if people like the OP weren’t buying, boosters and scammers wouldn’t be in business.


the kind of people who want to get that extra item level up so that they can join a mythic + or raid and not be shat on for being 1 item level too low, which would be current cap for them.

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That’ll learn ya to not buy stuff outside the AH when you didn’t research enough.

Never trust anyone with your gold. Ever.


I take screenshots of all whispers and transactions that are high risk/expensive…I have had gold returned from gms…but I also had screenshots of what was said and the actualy transaction.
dunno if this helps


sounds like a respectable member of the community punished you for buying tokens.

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An old proverb. A fool and their money are soon parted. Please learn from this OP and don’t buy carries. Most aren’t vetted, and besides, why play the game if you don’t play it?

stretches feet in the air and wiggles toes


dont worry OP, blizzard recommends you just pay them another 100 bucks and get scammed again. Maybe try working for your stuff next time :smiley:


Comparing it? No. Giving an analogy between the two? Sure.


To actually think thats how it is shows what a trash player you are and obvs have no idea what you are talking about.


Dear people, please stop purchasing tokens and carries. The more tokens and carries you purchase, the worse the game becomes. Activision-Blizzard is going to rely on that as a source of income and it won’t stop until World of Warcraft is dead. No one wants to play World of Tokencraft or World of Carrycraft, it is killing the game. Stop it.


there is no respect or honor amongst theives. the alleged “respectable member” has no idea where that gold came from, it could have been hard farmed over the course of 5 or 7 years. so punshing people by stealing gold is what respectable members of the community do? Cant wait for this to all go up in flames.