Was scammed 650k gold from a fake boost community

Never understood the obsession with fake money for services to get fake titles and fake gear that can all be gone with the wave of a strong magnet.

And if you actually bought tokens for it? Well, that is probably something you should reflect on before making any major life decisions.


This, unfortunately. You only ask for trouble when you take the easy way out.


I used to call the number all the time and get ingame stuff changed

You reap what you sow TC. Let this be a lesson for the future.

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why would you need an analogy for that - it is straight forward to begin with.

and he was an innocent victim because there is nothing in this game about carries being against the rules.


that is ridiculous, tokens have nothing to do with a group of people who canā€™t figure out what fun is


thanks. appreciate the imput.

Okay, have your internet fight elsewhere. Thanks.

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not in most people eyes no, he encouraged bad business practices by giving blizzard 100 dollars to take a shortcut he is doing his part in making the game worse.


Youā€™re not very bright, are you?


I will admit that I just donā€™t understand how people can find the end result of boosting to be satisfying.

How do people not look at all the fancy gear and titles and achievements and mounts on their characters that they got by boosting and think ā€œIā€™m a total fraud, I didnā€™t earn any of thisā€

Hold yourselves to a higher standard people, you can do it.


I donā€™t care about other peopleā€™s opinions. According to the rules of the game what he was doing was legitimate. Stupid maybe buying from someone he didnā€™t know but legitimate.

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Not a problem my brave and noble wq hero.


Really? Because buying and paying monthly for a game to pay further to have others play it for you seems to be even dumber to me but hey, you do you.


As I said, on rare occasions they could help with in-game things.

The point is the number was never meant to be for people to call about in-game issues, feedback, etc etc.

The link I gave literally says what it was for and why they got rid of it. :man_shrugging:

Apparently rare means every time I called lmao

Way too late for that, in 9.0 I used to sell torghast carries and I was doing 20-30 sales a day.

Have done a couple of heroic raid boosts and they usually have 5 buyers in 30 players and run 5 last bosses per hour.

Its probably different in 9.1 (with kel weapons being sellable now, stone legion didnā€™t really have any decent sellable loot) but will be multiple last 2 or last 1 boss runs per hour most days.

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You can try and report itā€¦ But Blizzardā€™s stance has pretty much always been caveat emptor

Thatā€™s cool for you I guess, give yourself a pat on the back for helping to destroy World of Warcraft, I hope it was worth it.


Unfortunately this is what the game has boiled down too. So many people are leaving, and pretty much all you got left are bots and scams. Best to write off your $100 because Activision doesnā€™t care. The only thing they care about is your money. Stop giving it to them.