Warband Bank is honestly really bad

And as I already said, you need an incentive for those who should buy the gold sink. With mounts you always have the collectors like me (I’d buy all those multi million mounts if I could xD), but for bank slots, which you could easily replace with bankchars? There is no incentive at all.

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I had to scrape gold from a few different characters to afford tab 3… Tabs 4 and above are goanna take some serious gold making on my part.
Not sure its worth it just yet, 3 tabs seems fine so far, but when the expansion starts those might not be enough.

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I could have bought the AH mount but I have a second monitor/account here open all day long running auctions while Im playing…a 5 million gold mount for me would be entirely pointless/useless.

If nothing else, I have ENG on every character so I can easily stop at the MANY AH bots around the game to drop stuff off …or back in my garrison AH’s.
Literally NO reason to buy the AH mount UNLESS Im just buying it for collector purposes as you say.

With the warbank, the ONLY reason its even useful is all my characters can use the mats therein like they do their own personal bank accounts. To me, THAT is very useful, so i got three tabs…but I doubt many players will find that useful so they have little or no incentive to even buy one tab, let alone any others.

yeah, three is more than enough.
I have two tabs for mats to share…and one is left for gear, etc to move between characters.

Our own Personal banks need to be made larger …seeing soulbound stuff can’t go into private guild bank or a lot of soulbound can’t be put in void storage either…there are few Tabards that can’t go in Void and they can’t be replaced either…add in the damn fact all those bloody legendary pieces are stuck in our personal banks cause we can’t destroy them or DE them or even sell to a vendor there is like what 5 or 6 from the Start of MoP and onward…we need a way to get rid of those for real.


You can’t evaluate it’s worth if you don’t use it. Then again, it is kind of less exciting if you don’t have an army of alts. Other than the extra storage.

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I haven’t used the Warband bank yet. Is there not access in the bank areas? Is it only remote access with a CD?

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No, you can use it from a bank npc. It’ll be a tab at the bottom that says War Bank or something.


yeah…just use the bank teller…tab on the bottom right

Anyone who has enough reagents to fully max out all the tabs is already gold capped

Literallly NOT true in the least, lol.
I have two FULL guild tabs full of mats for REPAIR BOTS ALONE…lmao.
I buy them when they are cheap and I use the bots all the time…ive used a dozen of them just in the short time I played today.

Stop assuming crap that makes no logical sense.

very few people are using multiple accounts at the same time

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This thing needs an option to deposit the Warband currencies to be able to transfer readily between characters

the way they have it now - directly connected to the characters is better since you don’t have to go to the bank.

Normally, but they disabled that currently

oh, I was transferring my event currency and wasn’t having a problem. I need that back when we get our remix characters out of jail.

I can open my guild bank with the guild perk without going to the bank.

there is a tab at the bank just like the reagent tab, you can open as often as you like


that’s nice but we were talking about the warband bank not the guild bank

and I said I could also access my guild bank anywhere…

I read what you said. I was hoping that remark was a glitch and not a feature but alas a feature it appears to be.