If you want all the tabs you’re expected to spend an extreme amount of gold, which is fine, but you can’t even access it when you have multiple accounts open to move stuff around. This limitation is so outdated and the Warband Bank should honestly function like the Guild Bank system where you can access it on multiple toons at the same time.
Currently it’s not worth using the Warband bank and not worth buying the 2.5m gold tab imho. You can just use a guild bank and spend significantly less on tabs.
How many people actually do this for them to spend the time to recode the entire backend of the game, though? Is it honestly enough that it takes precedence over just logging out and logging in to another?
The difference is the Guild bank isn’t tied to an entire account.
To me, it is. But I don’t run multiple accounts.
I like it. I call it the warbank but same thing. I have 2 tabs because that’s all I need.
It’ll be great to get gear my main gets and be able to put it in the warbank for one of my alts to use that’s on another server.
To me, it’s an account bound win/win. If it’s not for you then I hope you’ve found an option that’s just as good a fit for you.
The point is it should have never went out like this.
It is if you make a guild specifically for all your alts and only your alts.
Would have been cool if we could unlock the tabs through content completion. Not 1 way, but multiple options per tab.
Idk, I have 2 for now. Mailing things back and forth vs adding to the the warband bank–same difference on my end. The cross-realm gold/item transfer is nice though.
Which can also be done in the guild bank, minus very specific gear
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But again… if the amount of people who want to do this is small, is it really worth wasting the time to completely revamp the coding for it?
You don’t seem to understand the difference in coding.
Look, I get your point. I just don’t think Blizz was willing to do it if there weren’t enough people that would benefit from it.
That’s a very niche concern. Not exactly a big problem for most.
As someone who really doesn’t feel like dealing with the few annoyances of starting a guild for alts, the system is great. I don’t even think starting an alt guild is even necessary with warbands. I get you don’t like it, your prerogative. I’m probably not ever going to be in a situation where I would need to buy all the warbank tabs, so this is almost perfect for me.
I would love it if I could access it when I’m doing things on 2 accounts. Especially when they’re expecting you to drop 2.5m on the last tab.
This is mean and rude, i know, but…
I really dont care, nor do i think Blizzard should care about the experience of someone trying to play more than one copy of the game at a time.
If it takes them any extra work to make the bank work for this, its time wasted.
They made the right decision not bothering.
Ok, hold on, sure the other tabs are very expensive…
…But to say the feature is really bad? no, buzz off, warband bank is great, one of the best things modern wow ever made
but again why did it come out this way in the first place. It’s an outdated concept that players have already expressed distaste with via the Battle Pet system.
Read the post, I didn’t say it was really bad, I said it came out in a bad and incomplete state.
You can actually access it on multiple accounts, right? You just can’t access it on two different accounts at the same time? Got to log off one first?
This is, as someone said, a very niche issue. That’s a type of play style that’s outside the intended way to play the game, so I don’t think Blizz should plan the game around it. The majority of the player base plays one account at a time
I’m not sure how many more times I can say “not worth the time to revamp the coding if it’s a small group that this would benefit.”
You do know they look at their own data and metrics to decide how to go about these things, yes?
No, but you’re telling people not to get it, because of a very specific situation that not everyone is in.
As someone that loves playing the auction house, I disagree wholeheartedly with you.
LOVE my Warbank.
Warband bank is going to be really useful to me as a crafter. Definitely looking forward to using it in War Within.
I don’t think its revolutionary but I fail to see all the negative sentiments towards it. Its just a quicker way to transfer items you would normally mail.
it was in an incomplete state for everyone.
we weren’t even able to access it initially.
your complaint, is that it wasn’t tailored to suit your playstyle.
i guess they don’t want people pet battling against their own characters.