Warband Currency Transfer Temporarily Disabled -- August 14

A few moments ago, we disabled the currency transfer function in order to address an issue with the system.

As soon as we’ve got a fix for it, we’ll re-enable currency transfers.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


Well since I can’t put refundable War Bound items in the Warband tab to easily give to alts. It has now become a lot more difficult or slower to gear my alts. Looking forward to a speedy fix.


you can mail warbound to them


If they are using it immediately you can mail it directly to whatever character you want, regardless of server. It may bind to them though so make sure you only send it to a character you plan on using it on. I had to do this yesterday.

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I’m so glad I found this post, I was going insane! Thought I’d done something with an addon or something to make the option disappear :sob:


Watch it take a week to fix


same lol, I was like what in the world, I know I transferred memories earlier in the day.


hu, I did not know this. Nice.

Ya, it basically works how heirlooms worked because you could send those across servers that weren’t connected too. I think that was before they were in a book and you could conjure them.

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It doesn’t bind them, it just makes them non-refundable.

Yes I know the nonrefundable part but I would still recommend being careful on who you mail them to. I made a post about this yesterday suggesting the nonrefundable popup box be implemented for the warband bank and it sounded like someone was saying it binds the items when mailed. Or at the very least, they said you could not put them in the warband bank anymore. So it might not say bound, but it’s messing with where you can put them.

Thank you for the info.

Thanks, I was coming here to report this.


I think you can put them in there after the refund time period has elapsed.

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I bet one of the problems is that if you transfer from one character to another that transfer doesn’t always reflect on the character you transfered from, allowing you to make the transfer again. I noticed this on one of my characters. Transfered 10K from my Mage to an alt and my alt got the 10K but my Mage still had 10K as well. Seems it was replicating the amount, not actually transfering it. I thought I was seeing things until I tried the transfer a second time and my alt had 20K and finally it showed my Mage had lost the 10K that second time.

I wish they also do this for the warband bank, give the options to make it non-refundable once its placed to warband bank.

In my opinion it will be so much better than waiting for 2 hours.


I hope they rush in a fix to appease impatient people and break it even more.

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same xD I was like I was on a few hours ago…

Augh. It has totally halted my progress. Please hurry!

Dang it.
I literally got out of bed to transfer Honor to my Warlock because I have gone to do it then forget like 5 times today. :joy:

Better luck tomorrow I guess.