Warband Bank and Event 480 Gear

same here, lost all pre patch gear in that bank



Well then I guess there’s no point in me saying my Warbanked 480 Dal Defender gear is all gone too. Hopefully they restore the warbank gear in a Bind to Warband state so I can withdraw it on the alts I intended it for. Glad I tossed all the gear in there before this mess though since it seems all the gear in the bags went soulbound on log in for some people, and hasn’t reverted even though they reverted the vendor.

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That’s turning into the oldest excuse in the book. We didn’t lose it! It’s just invisible! The guild bank has been invisible for weeks. Just set the flag to visible then.


Just checked this morning and my warband bank is missing all the item level 480 gear from the Radiant Echoes event.  They were there last night prior to maintenance.

Still worse that I’m missing so many collectibles from my alt guild banks, but c’mon…  :worried:


I’ll believe it when I see it where “invisible items” are concerned. There’s a very real possibility that the items that have disappeared are truly gone despite what they claim.

Like the event items probably did get deleted due to being made Soulbound for some reason.

Same issue here. Also (not sure if unrelated) the Equipment Upgrade Vendors are no longer working. Nothing can be selected for upgrade, even though it still has levels of upgrade silly available.

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Same for me!

From Blizz:
Your ticket has received the following response:

Hello there,

I understand that you had an issue with prepatch event gear in the warbank becoming soulbound and disappearing.

Thank you for letting us know there was an issue here. The developers are aware of the issue and looking into it.

If you run into any issues like this, please submit a bug report either in game or on the bug reporting forums with any information you have.

This helps alert the developers to the scope of the issue as they look into solutions.

We do not currently have any workarounds to share, so thank you for your patience.

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“If we drag this process out long enough, we can say that it’s an old issue and not worth fixing because we’ve moved past it.”


Same thing happen to me, was waiting the two hours until I could put the 40 Items in the Warband bank. It is all soul bound now!

I didn’t know that this was happening until I saw this post so I checked my bank, and sure enough, all of mine are gone as well…

Add me to the list. Saw all the gear yesterday in my warband bank was soulbound and greyed out. Now it’s all gone. And I’m really rather pissed off about it.

same thing with me. I filed a ticket. they said disable all addons. and reset my UI. recheck my warbank. as they say the items are still there. I did all that. and still same problem. all my Dalaran Defender items all said Bound To Warband till equipped. now they just missing. still can’t find them. in Warbank or Bags across 4 alts I ran the event on.

As if this afternoon, the 480 gear in my wife’s warbank returned to normal.

The stuff in mine is still not visble.

Add me (belatedly) to the list of ‘empty warbound bank slots missing items’. As of today I’m not using the warbound bank at all as I don’t trust it.

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Here’s an update.


Looks good… let us hope this works.

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All my gear in the Warbound Bank is still missing as of 6PM Pacific time.

All gear in character inventories is still soulbound, none of the warbound stuff reverted back to being warbound that became soulbound including the stuff that the characters cannot use.

Hopefully it gets fixed later this week in another fix.