Warband Bank and Event 480 Gear

Me too. I had over 520K memories (possibly more) worth of gear in my warband bank. I hope it reappears. One of my accounts is DF only so this gear will make a huge difference.

Same happened to me, sadly. But seeing I wasn’t the only one gives me hope the resolution will be fast. I’d hoped it would’ve been with the maintenance earlier today, but a bit too optimist, I’m afraid.

There’s a blue post on the EU forums saying they’re going to do scheduled maintenance this week that will bring these items back.

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True! They just cheaped out.

Gosh, I hope that they do!! A lot can be forgiven if they work to resolve a mistake in a timely manner.

The event stuff was back 10 mins ago, but now the AH and the ability to use the menu to log out broke.

I had my event gear in my Warband bank on August 25th.

When I went to go grab it on August 27th, it was gone.

It is now August 28th. I haven’t been able to connect to the servers to see my character list. Not sure if my items are back, but @Jadevine’s post gives me hope.

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One warband bank issue fixed but it seems another one appears?

I was finally able to login.  The missing event gear in my Warband bank was returned.  :+1:t2:


My items are now restored, the ones in the warbank are back, the BoPs are back to warbound until equip. I can now transfer residual memories to characters with 0, I had to go do an item restore for vendored BoP items and when they arrived in the mail they were also reset to warbound on equip. Thank goodness. I just wish tracking bug status was easier and included in the ticket system and in-game so I didn’t have to keep manually checking. Good job developers to get this fixed. I very much appreciate it I loved the event and Panda remix and it would have been very sad to feel like I lost that progress.

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My items are now restored in my Warband Bank. Yay! Much appreciated!

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Chiming in to say my 480 event gear is also back since yesterday’s maintenance. Hopefully next the people patiently waiting on their guild banks will see some solution.


My gear was back after the maintenance. Thank you to everyone who posted here about this.

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Wanted to comment and update that the missing stuff is back in my Warband Bank now after the maintenance. :purple_heart:

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Just got back from a week and a half trip(So missed the launch of WWI) and found my warbound bank missing all of its defender gear, so the bug still hits, and since I had around a full tab of the stuff I’m kinda miffed as well)

Wow i’m so glad I lost 500 marks of honor for another poorly implemented blizzard idea, Yay.